How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 852 Shadow

"...Sure enough, is it another terrorist attack?"

The development of the times will bring changes, and changes are not all good things. Especially for some vested interests, most of the changes can easily affect their foundations and vested interests.

"Is it another evil god? They don't know what they are thinking. Wouldn't it be good to develop together?"

Xia Qin leaned over, and sure enough, the newspaper reported another attack from the Church of the Evil God.

After the initial period of turmoil, those cultists and churches that had fallen silent began to become active again.

Some of them made large-scale sacrifices, some became active to attract traffic and recruit newcomers, and some even began to openly challenge the official authority. Some areas have already shown signs of getting out of control.

Is this a period of forced peace backlash? not that simple.

"Evil god group? Hehe, it's hard to say."

Lu Pingan smiled and didn't say much.

But Xia Qin was silent instead. She was not a recruit either. The weapons, medicines, and resources held by some cult members always felt inexplicably familiar.

It is the most frustrating thing to investigate the case and investigate the things that cannot be investigated. This period of time is better, but obviously, the "old opponents" will not disappear just like that.

"Is the Orthodox Church secretly doing something again? Is such a big world not enough for them to torment?"

"more than."

After all, Xia Qin is a policeman. She always acts from the standpoint of maintaining law and order and protecting ordinary people. Even if she has to face the darkness, she cannot soak in the darkness.

As for Lu Ping'an's source of information, Chris, as the head of the Evil God Church, she is not a dark race, but the source of darkness itself.

She really knows the shit, the shit

"Evil gods and cultists are actually a mud pit, and all bad things are thrown into it. It doesn't mean that they are not bastards themselves, but that more bastards are wearing their skins, especially some bastards from the Orthodox Church."

Didn't Lu Ping'an and his team track down special (arms-like) potions before they found a medical company affiliated with the Orthodox Church? This sort of thing isn't unique, or even news.

In the days before, those large and medium-sized churches had their own companies, real estate, manors, and lifelong employees. It can be said to be a country within a country in a sense.

In fact, in some remote towns, when most of the townspeople and citizens are devout believers, everyone’s job is to serve the church, and their children believe in religion from the moment they are born, that town or city has long been a church. private property.

".I thought that most of the righteous gods have cooperated with the government, and joint development is also a good thing for them."

"Oh, God is God, man is man, what's wrong with the big plate, the factions and conflicts within those super churches can't be explained clearly in a few words."

The official can indeed use the big plate of outland exploration to buy "Zhengshen" and even its main fighters who are eager to go further, and then?

Many large churches have long been "national China". Their branch churches and branch companies have their own spheres of influence, their own industries and even their own backup human resources (schools, birth bases).

The roots of many factions are in their old territory. Let them let them out and let them integrate into the development environment of the entire plane. Don't be ridiculous, who will make up for the loss of their own wallets.

Now, even if the Righteous God wants to retire, those people under His command, in the church, in the branch church, in various branches, and countless lower-level families all have their own interests, needs, and fundamentals. , give up completely.

"You want capitalists, landlords, and slave owners to give up their property and privileges just by a word from the emperor, and be obedient citizens with you. It is very difficult. Even if you are the god he believes in, he can completely switch to Other gods or evil gods."

In fact, the biggest problem for many churches of righteous gods and evil gods during this period was not external development, but how to deal with the internal strife and internal struggle that continued to arise under the premise of their own attempts to turn.

If everyone and every force has their own needs, it would be strange if those organizations are not paralyzed and civil strife.

Some churches were cleaned up internally, some simply split into several new ones, and some even directly surrendered most of their subordinate organizational structure to another evil god, which caused a momentary focus of public opinion.

Where Lu Pingan didn't notice, the change of times came quickly and tragically. Many people were crushed by the wheel of history, and then vented their emotions and dissatisfaction on others.

".This wanted criminal seems to be the bishop of Lin Nu Church before?"

Lu Pingan rubbed his brows, he had a hunch that this period of peace and stability should be numbered.

It was a shocking period of the great era before, and all parties are still in the wait-and-see period for the changes of the times. Now, either their existing interests have been damaged, or they want more, they will naturally take action.

Many things that used to be white have become gray, and many things that were black have become white. Some simply ran out, while others ran in.

Lu Pingan took out a pen, drew a few strokes, and handed it to Xia Qin.

In this newspaper alone, there are very serious criminal cases in the double digits, including racial conflicts, evil gods, crimes committed by superpowers, and proclaiming the emperor. Uh, yes, Lu Pingan saw "a group of When the cultists and landlords announced the establishment of the Dayuan Dynasty, which had been wiped out by three policemen, and the sixty-seven-year-old emperor Wang XX was detained", they were also a little confused.

But at the beginning, Lu Pingan thought it was funny, but after reading it carefully, it made people unable to laugh.

"Twenty-seven villagers were sacrificed, and nearly a hundred exotic monsters were rewarded with the gift of evil gods, but they lost their helmets and armor under the charge of the police."

The more Xia Qin read, the angrier she became, and she punched the bed directly.

Any absurd reason and motivation, once there is enough force to support it, may become a nightmare for others, and gun control in this world is meaningless, as long as you are willing to give up some bottom line, there are countless things more powerful than guns and artillery. Lethal things can be obtained.

Of course, the three policemen who took them down were not ordinary policemen. Now they are just one identity, maybe there is a high-ranking strong man passing by behind them.

The point is actually not the "sixty-seven emperor", but to take down the cultist who provided him with power and forbidden knowledge. God knows if it is a former high-ranking righteous god wearing a vest.

The past system of the "Keeper of Secrets" is necessary and effective. In a sense, this is the "gun control" of the new era. Allowing these things to spread everywhere is the destruction of ordinary people's daily peaceful life.

In the past, the churches could still govern directly, but now that the wait-and-see period has passed, ghosts and monsters have jumped out.

Looking at Xia Qin who was so angry, Lu Pingan shrugged his shoulders with some sympathy.

"It seems that the time for overtime is coming again."

Most of the cases are scattered in various parts of Changping Prefecture, but there are so many in this random issue of the newspaper, there must be a lot of scenery under the shadows.

The law and order in the urban area is considered the best, because the special service team can manage enough, but those remote areas and towns... well, some things can't be done, and those "pests" also specifically look for places with weak defenses.

Social instability factors will only increase and will not decrease. While the crime rate in the city decreases, it may mean the transfer of victims.

And once they snowball in remote areas, they want more.

"What will the authorities do next? Should they send more special service teams to the countryside? Or relocate residents from towns and towns to cities, perhaps forcing the churches to step up control"

Lu Pingan thought for a moment, then shook his head one by one.

Chaos is infinite, but official power and authority are always limited. If it continues to be consumed without limit, it will not be worthwhile to win or lose.

Lu Pingan himself did not expect that heavy codes were used in troubled times, and some things came faster than expected.

Within days, an official new regulation hit the headlines.

"Is it a compulsory bounty system? Uh, is this the beginning of the era of bounty hunting?"

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