How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 865 Simple Task

What does it feel like to look up at the stars?

How does it feel to touch the universe when you reach out your hand?

"Actually, nothing special"

Lu Ping'an stretched out his hand, trying to hold the star that was so huge that it could be seen with the naked eye, but it just blocked the too bright visible light.

Everything seems to be no different from when it was on the surface.

It's just that the stars are right in front of you, and the universe is on your left and right sides

"Meow, it's delicious! It's a bit like shrimp meow! But it's more tender!"

Not far away, the cat that was being devoured by the evil cat broke the silence and poetry that belonged to the starry sky, and made Lu Pingan return to the peaceful daily life.

This is the space platform of the Brilliance, and it is also the spaceship of the Hammerman.

The upper part of the space platform has been opened. Although the air can still be felt, it has a subtle fishy smell.

And to keep Lu Pingan in the same state on the ground, it is just a watch on the wrist. It is an "environmental adaptation device" that every civilization has. It is not only cheap but also has mature technology.

The opening of the Seventh District is an opportunity, an opportunity, ushering in a large number of alien races who are interested in the new star civilization of the earth, and at the same time, it also gives its participants the comfort zone to leave the human "territory" and borrow the channels of foreign races, A chance to step into the universe alone.

There may be more risks, but clearly there are also more opportunities.

"The basic characteristics of your ethnic group are good, the initial screening rate is actually more than 50%, and the upper limit of high-level strategic combat power is quite high, which has attracted a lot of attention."

These are the exact words of the honest hammer man. Lu Pingan is no longer face-blind, but it is still difficult for him to distinguish these racial individuals with almost identical faces (in the human field of vision).

He tried to use life perception to capture the physical signs of the other party, but he only caught loneliness. Even now, he still hasn't figured out what kind of physical structure the other party is.

The words of these hammer men seem simple, but they are actually divided into two layers of meaning.

One is literal. They believe that the human race has a high lower limit and sufficient potential. The basic screening rate of up to 50% means that once there is a large-scale mandatory screening, there will be a large number of potential soldiers.

For the ethnic group in the outer domain, this kind of "talent" also means that human beings are a high-potential ethnic group.

Naturally high pollution resistance, after several eras of screening, will naturally increase. Even if professionals and their descendants cannot become natural superpowers, they can still have more pollution resistance than other people.

Pollution resistance is the prerequisite for controlling pollution to obtain supernatural abilities. You must first become a container before you can control its contents.

"Your ethnic group is now somewhat famous in a small area"

Obviously, this has nothing to do with small fights like Lu Pingan's. It is a good thing done by those real high-level combat forces on the main battlefield including the Silent Mountain Range.

If the law level is the shooting star in the mouth of the residents of the outer domain, those who are above the rule level are the "stars", the stars who can illuminate the whole audience alone, or the little suns that can destroy a small world by themselves ( nuclear bomb).

In a sense, overdeveloped high-level professionals are also the root cause of civilizations like the earth not focusing on "technology". Under the premise that the original materialistic science is trapped outside the microcosm, their future in the short term He is a lone traveler who is not comparable to the extraordinary world.

Those strong people from the earth have made a great reputation in the multiverse, and naturally, their hometowns and ethnic groups have gained more attention.

Up and down, on paper and in actual combat, the Nirvana plan that just opened the star gate has attracted a wave of attention with its strength.

And these reputations are also the reason why Lu Ping'an and his party were able to receive this entrusted task.

"Going back and forth to a nearby world within a month, heh, faster than the boat of God."

In the material world, boats are always faster than arks, but in Lu Ping'an's eyes, the principles of subspace soaring of these two vehicles seem to be different.

Lu Pingan's constant staring at the sky is actually analyzing the rules of this subspace traversal.

The analysis of Hammerman's spaceship has not been able to get an accurate and complete report for a long time.

It seems that they are not forcibly distorting their own "vibration frequency" to achieve resonance, but through more subtle means, taking the conventional "channel".

"See something?"

"I can see it. I can't understand it at all."

But after the initial efforts, he, who lacked basic knowledge in this area, really turned into looking at the stars.

By the way, Lu Pingan now wears a blindfold made of cloth on his face. For the mental health of the foreign race and less trouble, Lu Pingan thinks it is better to wrong himself.

"If you have something to do, you should take more responsibility. Anyway, I'm blind."

The "blind man" was enjoying life in this foreign land very peacefully, and often took the initiative to chat with his temporary employers, or set up techniques, or set up information.

Others feel subtle.

This time, it was only a one-month short-range mission. There were about a dozen days on the ship back and forth, and it took less than two weeks to actually work. It was the simplest mercenary mission.

The task content is even more simple to go to a certain place, kill something, and bring something back, and the employer is also responsible for the fare to and from.

The reward is relatively simple, that is, some Hammerman's strengthening potion. But this thing is a common item in their clan, but its sale is restricted to the outside world. What can be bought and sold are low-quality products of low-quality products.

When an outsider accepts this task, it can be regarded as establishing a connection with their group. In this way, the "consumables" in their group will naturally be open to you. This is a hard rule similar to "contribution", which cannot be bypassed by the merchant's personal thoughts. .

From the employer's point of view, it is quite a bargain to hire several "walker"-level fighters with just these consumables.

For travelers from outside the domain like Lu Pingan, the so-called reward itself is not important, what is important is to integrate into the circulation of this star domain and gain more "common sense" of the so-called star domain civilization.

The journey to the target location of the mission will naturally be able to meet more foreign residents, and even get rid of the channel restrictions of the original employer.

This, in a sense, is another function of the Seventh District. While exporting cheap labor, it also brings back foreign exchange, new technology, and more information.

Although it is a bit helpless in general, if you only look at the progress of development, it cannot be regarded as a simple loss.

Even during the few days on the boat, Lu Pingan and his party were able to receive the baptism of the three views every day.

Before, I always played with my own people in the human territory and low-risk territory. Now that I have opened the star gate, I can be regarded as "going to the world" at my own risk.

Hammer people are very friendly, perhaps because in their eyes, although the ethnic group's reputation is not obvious, these average walker-level strength people are worthy of guest-level treatment.

Therefore, those "common sense among the stars" did not hide from Lu Ping'an and his party, and were even willing to explain to curious people.

"Combat? We are just traveling merchants and not good at combat. At this time, we can just spend some money to recruit mercenaries."

"This time, there is something wrong with one of our resource areas. There are reports of sightings from our old enemy group. I hope it is in time. If it is too late, it can be regarded as revenge."

It was a simple and straightforward task, but for Lu Pingan and his party, they were more interested in the necessities of life provided by the other party.

For example, all kinds of basic equipment to adapt to the environment, such as cheap and reliable airborne warehouses. Lu Pingan vaguely noticed that the goods in the seventh district looked scary, but in fact they were a bit unsuitable for real star field travelers. It probably feels like some glass beads are exchanged for gold.

When it seemed all right, Lu Ping'an and his party also practiced with these hammer men. Of course, it was on the premise that both parties made an agreement and did not use their supernatural abilities.

As soon as this was really done, Lu Ping'an was sure that they were not as harmless and powerless as they said.

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