How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 872 Biological Weapons

It rained on the nameless planet, starting its own natural cycle.

It's just that when the light blue viscous liquid with a strong smell fell from the sky, it made people feel uncomfortable no matter what.

The rain hit the ground and mixed with the muddy ground, making the ground more difficult to walk on, and walking in the field became a kind of torture.

"PH is about three"

Although this is already in the category of acid rain, but after trying it, it is not obviously corrosive.

But coupled with the inexplicable blue mist that appeared after the rain, I always felt that there was a feeling that I would immediately ascend to the sky after a stroll outside. The mouse hung up instantly, which also showed that this was not an illusion.

".Many worlds are like this. Mortal creatures basically can't survive. Only a very small number of strong survivors who have experienced natural elimination can survive. Poor mountains and rivers don't necessarily produce troublesome people, but monsters often appear."

Big cats candidly pass on their past experience. The cruel natural environment is bad for most professions, but it is not good for the life system.

". But for us life systems, it may not be a bad thing. After you have really reached the rule level, going to various worlds to 'sample' is a shortcut to growth. Being able to find biological mods that are particularly extreme in some way."

Is the life department a nanny or a support?

When first contacting, Lu Pingan had similar illusions like most laymen, but now, he has completely understood.

The life system is neither sacred nor benevolent at all. On the contrary, it is a profession that plays with, uses, and desecrates life.

The curse of "unprecedented" is justified. If this group of people really wants to do it in this industry, they have already crossed the ethical bottom line and moral values ​​of normal life.

Searching for life, analyzing life, utilizing life, and reorganizing life. Purposeful life professionals often have healing and nurturing abilities, but in the final analysis, they are more like "slave merchants" and "arms dealers."

Fight for your life? Heh, a mature life system is to let life fight for me

".Uh, isn't this really what your family said? It always feels a little bit wrong."

Listening to the big cat's generous speech, Lu Pingan always felt that this understanding was a bit wrong, it seemed a little too extreme?

"There is everything in the multiverse, and the God of Life is full of strange things. There are also benevolent Lords of Life in your fantasy stories, and there are also various life teachings that tend to be gentle. I can give you a dozen of such materials , but the problem is."

The big cat also made no secret that she was just an "extremist". She looked at Lu Pingan with a smile, pointed out that there were other ways, and then made up for it

".The question is, do you believe in other ways?"

"Do not believe."

The boy's words blurted out, they were the product of intuition and the result of his thinking.

The memory of his two lives, the experience of dying and reliving, and living and dying, there is no salvation and no salvation, which makes him lack "respect" for "life" from the beginning.

He can see it from the Garden of Life, and he regards it as a kind of "currency". He can inherit Chris's legacy, which shows that the two are similar in nature.

".Believe is the premise of practice. How can I go on the road that I don't even believe in?"

After finishing speaking, the big cat also fell into silence.

Lu Ping'an was not her disciple, and they even had fundamental differences in many aspects, but at this point, she had to admit that he had inherited her core "Tao".

He did start at the end of the big cat, but maybe that is because the big cat has no way, maybe this is the only way for the big cat's "road" to continue.

"...Then, how should I design a new magic pet?"

Feeling quite different from Big Cat, Lu Pingan thought about it for a while, and then got back to business.

Borrowing and researching local biological structures and creating new species and new soldiers are the basic capabilities of the big cat family.

"...first, it should be a melee unit."

Through the experience and learning along the way, Lu Pingan decided that the creation of creatures with the mentality of "creator" and "parent" was not suitable for him.

Little Flame is a random creation, it has no direct direction, and has fallen into the confusion of evolution.

Zhixi and Ajiu both have clear evolutionary directions and goals. In a sense, they are man-made biochemical weapons. However, judging from the results, they are strengthening every day, and designing their own move forward on the road.

Creating creatures with the mentality of parents naturally expects them to have a bright future and free and happy development.

It has nothing to do with me to create with the mentality of the creator. It is just a product of fate. What is the difference between good and bad?

Created in the form of an arms dealer with clear requirements, it provides powerful materials and design concepts, and finally allows creatures to evolve straight on that road.

"We humans, with such a strong purpose, can't be the product of 'needs', can't we be the casual creation of some evil god?"

Distracting thoughts flashed through Lu Ping'an's mind, but then he smiled.

Whether it is or not is meaningless in itself.

".Since it is a melee unit, what kind of template is more suitable?"

Obviously, what Lu Pingan is most interested in about the Energy Devouring Demon Sunflower is naturally its Devouring Power Field, but obviously its characteristic of being able to consume even externally released supernatural abilities also rules out the possibility of newborns using other supernatural abilities Sexuality. Instead of designing features that may conflict with it, it is better to exclude them from the beginning and fully strengthen the advantages.

"The result of the energy-devouring field is that slashing and blunt strikes in hand-to-hand combat are not very effective. Obviously, this is the kingly way of melee combat units. In this way, the earthworm-like physical structure of the energy-devouring magic sunflower is very suitable. Entangling and squeezing are really well suited for this type of attack.”

As a professional, the more you study, the more you will understand the exquisite design of that "ugly monster".

The road is simple because it is convenient for mass production!

This simple and easy-to-reproduce structure, as long as it eats enough, it can be reproduced or enlarged without limit, and its threat can be maximized.

Judging from the results, both quantity and quality are guaranteed, and in most cases, it becomes an irresistible natural disaster. Hard power crushing is the most unsolvable type of life weapon.

"Pretty exquisite design, the beast of pure love is a playable one."

Lu Pingan was thinking while flipping through the warehouse list in his hand.

As my own fourth beast, it is not advisable to cherish materials at this time. With the accumulation of the worlds of Silent Mountain, Earth, and Green Planet, and the list of fully loaded botanical gardens, zoos, and warehouses, Lu Ping'an's choice is richer than before. Not a lot.

However, materials are always serving the design goals, and a complete design idea is required first

".It's better to have the characteristics of the magic sunflower that grows infinitely, the bigger the stronger."

This first requirement is a bit embarrassing for Lu Pingan.

But after thinking about it, is it really impossible? How did the Beast of Pure Love do it?

"Plants. Yes, the big cat is not talking nonsense. The biological modules of the energy-eating magic sunflower plants are the core issue."

Compared with animals, the growth of plants is actually more terrifying. No matter how big the difference between small animals and adult animals is, it is within the scope of understanding. The size difference between the World Tree and the seedlings is really incomparable.

As long as the nutrients and environment are sufficient, plants seem to be able to grow infinitely

"Plants, melee units. Hey, isn't it a very mature design?"

Lu Pingan looked at his "card", the former main force group.

"Tree people."

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