How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 875 Shipment

In the life department, the gardener and animal trainer paths are incompatible?

In the low-end environment, the truth is common sense, and it is absolutely unsolvable, but the question is, is the big cat, the scale, and the calamity beast Kirdares low-end?

She is the supreme being who can be called "He", a quasi-god who is only one step away from the true god, and even a super boss who could have climbed to the top in other more moderate ways if she hadn't been too persistent and extreme back then.

"...Your craftsmanship is too rough, do as I say."

This time, Chris didn't shirk, and took the initiative to teach Lu Pingan some "how to deal with materials".

On the one hand, it is because the part she is busy with now is indeed her professional field, but more

"Uh, why didn't you teach before?"

"Shut up, forget it if you don't want to learn."

This time, she did not come up with "conflict theory" to prevaricate Lu Pingan.

The gardener and the animal trainer did conflict, but did she really have nothing to teach Lu Pingan? She has seen so many gardeners, and those common high-level life system knowledge are also helpful to Lu Pingan.

A gardener is indeed more suitable for Lu Pingan, but she did not persuade Lu Pingan to take the path of a beast trainer, and she may not have the idea of ​​using "conflict theory" to save herself less trouble.

If Lu Pingan really took the path of a beast trainer, directly inherited her inheritance, continuously obtained knowledge and materials from her, the portable grandfather, and followed the previous route of the big cat, there would be no difficulty in growing up.

Judging from the results, is this trading the upper limit for the smoothness of growth? It's hard to say, but if Lu Pingan really took the path of a beast tamer, his achievements would not be low.

I don't want to mention the past. For Lu Pingan now, at least she is willing to teach now, which is enough.

Especially when the current "creation" link is indeed her best field.

Even if it cannot be operated, her vision is still there, her thinking is still there, and all the techniques are there. She is more useful than any textbook.

After readjusting his thinking, Lu Ping'an also understood more and more the gold content of the "rule level" of the Life Illustrated Book. Originally, because the Life Illustrated Book was upgraded, the Life Illustrated Book was changed to a name, and a tasteless "existence (forbidden item)" material characteristic was added. , But I didn't expect that my thinking was not broad enough.

The ability contract scroll, even if it is not a taboo item, is also a supernatural quasi-pollution item, which allows the user to use the borrowed ability, which itself contains the nature and module of the "provider".

As part of the "stuff", it can naturally be integrated into the newborn as a rule, the only problem is that

"Very expensive."

Plural scrolls were put into it, worrying about the lack of quality, it was natural to make up the quantity.

Lu Ping'an's ability is as easy to use as ever, but at the same time, there is no end to the number of burning points.

But you get what you pay for, and if the characteristic of "keratinocyte metallization" can really be transferred to the treant, it can greatly increase its strength in hand-to-hand combat.

"Uh, do plants have horny cells?"

"If you use the tree-man template, do you really want to be a tree-man? A normal half-tree man cannot survive alone in nature. Your creation this time must be integrated into the animal model from the very beginning. Be more flexible. After reaching a certain level, there is no need to be too entangled in whether it is an animal or a plant, what should be entangled is whether it is spirit or matter, or in other words, the proportion and degree of fusion between the two."

If Big Cat is willing to teach, she has too many things for Lu Pingan to learn.

But this also greatly delayed the progress of the project, which made the employers very anxious. After all, Party A who temporarily increased the demand may be a nightmare for working hours.

"There is no other way, do you have any other way?"

Lu Pingan is very calm, now it is a seller's market, if you can do it, you can do it, if you can't do it, I will leave.

Not to mention, after deciding to add the ability of "Hua Xueyi", a large amount of metal materials was added, and the Hammerman removed many parts and shells of the spaceship.

It seems that they are really in a hurry


Finally, when the big cat behind Lu Pingan finally nodded, the materials for this time had already piled up into a hill.

There are three single energy-devouring magic sunflowers that are just hunting. They also paid a lot of life points. After all, every dozen of this thing is a piece. If there is no reception room, if you can’t beat it, run away. ), the risk of hunting will be unacceptably high.

The panic of the Luka people is meaningful. Two energy-eating magic sunflowers have already passed above the disguised (underground) camp. I don't know if they are looking for outsiders on purpose or by accident.

And once they find them, no matter whether they can leave safely, the rescue mission is definitely over.

Lu Ping'an and his party are very calm. He, they have a courtyard.

If something really happened, hide in the courtyard and transfer, and move the base with confidence.

The more he explored and took risks in foreign lands, the more Lu Pingan became convinced of the preciousness of this "inheritance". Now if it wasn't for the warehouse with a courtyard, it would be impossible for him to take out so many materials with him.

The most important thing is that as long as you are there, the team can be stable and at ease, and always united enough. This kind of sense of security and stability in a foreign land is extremely rare.

The Hammers this time were considered veteran merchants. Seeing how stable the mercenaries were this time, they had more trust and patience while muttering.

"let's start"

The blueprint for reconstruction has been drawn up, expensive materials have been invested, and there is no turning back when the bow is opened. Lu Pingan opened the illustrated book of life.

The first thing to melt was the core of wisdom, the treasure with price but no market, and the relic card group of the silver ranks, which turned into a ball of ooze.

Refining and reorganizing, Lu Pingan needs to be the tree-man template. Those ordinary trees, after its adjustment, not only have the ability to act, but also have the instinct, skills and experience of fighting. It has the most complete Treant template, and can be adjusted according to the "transformation object".

This time, it will become the core blueprint and "cerebellum" of the newborn.

".As the foundation of flesh and blood, it is always the energy-devouring magic sunflower"

This kind of high-threatening creature is full of control at this time.

"Treant whose body grows and evolves infinitely"

Lu Ping'an gave her blessings, which came from "parents' expectations".

".A super matrix that exists in the form of 'fruit' in energy state and split body."

The big cat made up for the second half of Lu Pingan, and also clarified the core logic of the entire design.


A large amount of rare metals, expensive scrolls, and somatic cells (blood) drawn repeatedly by an unlucky guy who has been deferred payment are put into it, and they will become important auxiliary materials.

But the most valuable material is still the precious split of "Sumi Hibiscus wood".

It was wood, but at the same time, it was also the flesh and skin of the Treants.

The precious materials like a hill were fused into a ball under the power of the Life Illustrated Book.

Flesh, blood, brain, and soul (targets) were adjusted one by one, and then kneaded together by invisible hands.

The melody of life began to sing, and in the dark, something seemed to open its eyes.

Lu Pingan could feel that the illustrated book in his hand was trembling, so Lu Pingan increased his investment, and more accessories were smashed in.

In the end, they wrapped into a ball and turned into a huge magic ball of flesh and blood.

Fresh blood drips continuously, impurities are continuously removed, blood cells are continuously rotated, and useless and useless materials or residues of materials that have been extracted from the essence are continuously removed.

Lu Pingan looked at everything in front of him calmly, the illustrated book had returned to calm, and he could no longer interfere.

At this time, it seems that we can only pray for a successful shipment.

But maybe fate favored him again, maybe Chris' help really helped, and the result appeared much faster than expected.


When this little tree man, that little fellow who was not even as high as Lu Ping'an's knees, fell from the blood cell to the ground.

When the little guy who just got up appeared in front of the group in a daze, someone made a sound of surprise.

".This, failed?"

And Lu Pingan opened the illustration book, just glanced at it, and smiled.

"No, it worked."

[Treelike (unnamed), a quasi-regular creature. 】

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