How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 878 Royal Family?

"How long can you last?"

"At most, a month."

When the news came back, Cazorla, who was at the core of the warehouse, was a little dazed.

He, or she, could be it, or even they, had been cornered.

Originally, he was just an ordinary middle-level backbone here, but one day after a self-split inexplicably, the energy fluctuation in his body strangely rose to a higher level.

"Ah, epic! The golden legend cough, the royal family is alienated."

Among the ethnic groups, some people immediately recognized this variation.

At that time, the entire ethnic group fell into a carnival that lasted for three days and four nights. The reason why the carnival only ended in these few days was not that they calmed down, but that on the third day, the disaster that fell from the beginning swept across the entire country. pieces of the world.

It was the most desperate natural disaster, and it was the natural enemy of the Luca people. To the other party, the Luca people on the entire planet were just delicious canned rations, a delicacy that even crossed the star field.

But, it came by such a coincidence.

"As expected, did I attract it?"

At this moment, Cazorla was shaken.

Even though relying on his natural ability to avoid the tracking of natural enemies and leading some of his tribe to escape to this theoretically safe area, those who still follow him are less than 3% of the total population of the planet.

How are most of the people? I'm afraid there is no need to think too much about it. The energy-eating magic sunflowers, which are several times or dozens of times more than before, may be the answer.

"Your Highness, please eat more."

"Your Highness, what else do you want?"

"His Royal Highness, maybe we can try to lead you to break out of the siege."

But they have reached a desperate situation, and the other clansmen not only did not resent themselves, but served themselves with joy and expectation.

They have no anxiety, no pain, only joy, as if they are not troubled at this moment, as if they are still in the sky of carnival.

Cazorla realized.

"As long as they have a chance to survive, I'm afraid they will sacrifice everything."

At this moment, Cazorla felt some inexplicable fear and uneasiness.

He knows that this is the culture of his own ethnic group, even the underlying logic engraved into the genetic module, and he still feels uncomfortable. What makes him feel even more uncomfortable is that he realizes that he feels "discomfort" through logical thinking The thing itself!

"...Sure enough, am I no longer a Luca?"

In normal life, survival is often the first priority, and the continuation of future generations is no longer considered.

The reason why sacrificing one's life for righteousness is admired is that it actually violates the survival nature and normal logic of life, and it is a symbol of intelligent creatures rebelling against nature for the sake of human nature

"There is always something that makes you feel more valuable than your own life, but this kind of behavior that everyone thinks I am more important than their life, and is even willing to help me fight for one more second of life and sacrifice in vain, is too abnormal. "

After Cazorla completed the mutation and broke through the restriction of the Lucca's genetic module, he discovered the abnormality of his own ethnic group.

They are not sacrificing one's life for righteousness after thinking about it, but the basic instinct of "normal life needs to maintain breathing", which is the highest order that does not speak logic or reason.

"It's not right, it's not right"

Cazorla seemed to be the only sober person caught in a collective nightmare, and was defended by others desperately. He didn't feel excitement and happiness, he only felt fear.

He knew that even if he asked them to die in vain, they would execute it without hesitation.

"...I didn't think there was something wrong there before, but isn't our life form now really a puppet and a toy designed by the superior?"

However, after the initial fear and doubts, he could only helplessly accept the reality. He had to take his own people to avoid the natural disaster that fell from the beginning.

".Is it only enough for one month?"

This reality made him even more shaken.

Luca people, even if they are energy-state creatures, they are still creatures, and they also have consumption. They can absorb "metal energy" indirectly through the attached metal shell, but at the same time, they can also directly absorb the same kind of energy state.

Yes, they are a kind of life that can cannibalize the same kind when necessary. In other words, the weak continue to survive in the body of the strong of the same kind in another form.

This one-month countdown is the time for them to start the "last resort" after consuming all the supplies.

And before that, would the reinforcements come in time?

"Impossible, even if the information gets out, the nearest frontline base will take three months away. If you are lucky, some traveling merchants and solo travelers may receive the information, but when they come, they will just give Mokui another meal. "

Cazorla has already made up his mind, if he still can't change after a month, I'm afraid he will end his life early.

As an intelligent life with "knowledge" and "morality", he feels that some bottom lines are probably harder to accept than death. Judging from the current situation, as long as he is still alive, his clansmen will force him to "eat".


At this moment, a sudden earthquake shook the entire underground palace.

"We have been discovered!"

"It's the Energy Devouring Demon Sunflower!"

"Area D, it broke through the passage of D area! It came in!"

Suddenly, desperate screams filled the air.

All the Lucans knew that when this last bastion was also discovered, there was no possibility of their life.

However, at this moment, everyone is still standing in front of Cazorla. Even though they rationally know that this is meaningless, they still want Cazorla to live to the end.

They waited for their doomsday with calm faces. The grumbling words that they really wanted to die in the past are gone, and the recognition of dignity and technology by the engineer race is gone. They only feel that they can die for their "royal family" here. It is the highest glory.

The original desire to survive as intelligent creatures is gone, only the joy and glory of going to death calmly, this moment is their most glorious moment.

This scene did not make Cazorla feel warm, but made him feel chilled.

"...What kind of creatures are we? Why do we have this logic of mechanical rules written into the bottom of biological instincts? What deprives them of their ego. Then, what am I, the royal family? Compare special mice"


When the wall suddenly shattered, it also meant that he had no time to continue thinking.

An ultra-small energy-eating magic sunflower came out of the wall. Even just this one, all the people together are powerless to resist, and what is even more frightening is that if this kind of creature is discovered by one, it means It means that the army is not far away.

"Meow! I finally found Meow!"

But at this moment, a strange voice suddenly sounded.

The terrifying Energy-Eating Demon Sunflower opened its mouth, and an ordinary humanoid creature stepped out. What's his expression? Are you smiling? Still laughing?

Inexplicably, Cazorla thinks it should be the latter, he seems to have seen through everything and noticed the sadness of our life.

"Mercenary. Lu Pingan, a mercenary from the Earth Civilization Eastern Kingdom Rebirth Chamber of Commerce, salutes you. It is the greatest wisdom for you and your people to choose our company to carry out the assistance plan."

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