How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 889: Business?

"Working in the Secret Service? Well, it's not necessary. If there's any real trouble, they'll come to me."

Lu Pingan still wears the title of an ordinary member of the third special service team and the captain of the first team of the New Development Zone on his body.

But in reality, no one really expected him to go to work.

On the contrary, if he suddenly appeared, it would give the honest workers a sense of uneasiness, feeling "what happened, why did this guy come here".

"Go to the school to report? You can think about it. Anyway, I have completed their commission to lead the team before, so I should give some rewards. At least think about the credits. Wait a minute, the number of attendance seems to be seriously insufficient, I You can't get your diploma."

In this regard, it feels subtle.

Not to mention, it is really possible to come true, even in the relatively calm supernatural campus, Lu Ping'an's attendance rate is quite exaggerated.

Others are "I haven't been there for a few days", "Skipped a few classes in a semester", but he is "A few times this semester", "Teacher, is there a student named Lu Ping'an in our class", "No Darling, there will be no kiss soon."

I'm afraid that some teachers have long remembered this "top student" who has never been to a class, and can't wait to give him a pleasant score in the final exam.

"... Calculate the time, it's almost the end of the term. Uh, it seems that I haven't been there in the next semester."

Lu Pingan sighed helplessly. He didn't really care if he was expelled, but his parents might not. Became the vice president of the student union.

Uh, why the vice chairman? It’s probably the same as every year during the employment season, there are a lot of deputy ministers and vice presidents in the resumes of job seekers.

"Call Director Qian? Why don't you just talk to the Director of the Bureau of Different Affairs?"

As a student, the method Lu Pingan intends to use to deal with the attendance problem is a bit against the sky, but let alone, the possibility of being rejected by the dean is very high, but if you go to the Department of Abnormalities, the success rate is terribly high.

But if he really went to the Bureau of Foreign Affairs, it wouldn't be for such a simple thing as his own attendance.

"...Let's make a proposal and consider the treatment of long-term explorers in terms of studies and local business."

Just a few days ago, Lu Pingan acquired a new identity, a member of the ancient city city council.

Elected through the Secret Service (possibly internally elected), he theoretically has the authority to submit bills and challenge regulations directly to the government.

Of course, whether the other party listens or simply treats it as waste paper depends on your own ability.

Although this aspect has not been mentioned, since the administrative system of Dongguo is a state assembly authorized system formed by each state, local governments at all levels have lower-level assemblies corresponding to the joint assembly.

It's just that if every level of parliament is really launched, it's just election-related matters, and while the administrative costs have risen sharply, the local administrative efficiency is not much left.

Therefore, the council at the local level is actually a virtual and part-time job. It is usually a "nursing home" set up by some famous social figures, leaders of major institutions, and bosses of famous enterprises. In name, it is an internal election and a regional election, but in fact I understand everything.

The nature of the city council itself is also subtle. In theory, they are the highest authority, a subsidiary of the state council, and a direct management agency under the joint councils of the states. Up and down TV shows that parliament still exists.

Lu Pingan did not participate in the election. To be precise, he may not have basic election experience as a young adult, but somehow he became a prestigious person in the industry, and directly entered the parliament in an emergency by-election.

So, although he has no extra allowances and benefits, he can go to the government to visit, and even occasionally write some proposals to give the media a sense of presence and add to the city government.

Obviously, this is Gu Cheng's behavior because he was afraid that he would run away. They just found a reason to drag him into the decision-making level. Although it is only a false title, sincerity is enough.

After all, if something urgent happened, he also had the title of finding someone to solve the problem, not ordinary citizen Lu XX.

Under the current delicate situation, he really came up with this proposal, and the problems involved in this proposal do exist. There are quite a few explorers like Lu Pingan who have encountered difficulties. is adopted and then becomes an official document of the municipality (after internal review).

It can be seen from this that if the official deliberation fails, the city council's bill is useless paper, but if the proposer has the ability to get the city government to nod, then this councilor may not really be a bigwig like Kunba with a purely false title, as if They all have honorary titles in the local city council, and they really put forward a motion, at least they still have to go to the conference table for a round.

Lu Pingan has no interest in politics, but it is a common practice for new councilors to hand in "homework".

After thinking about it for a while, he still tried to write the bill. It happened that it was almost the time of the mid-year meeting, so he should consider it as his newcomer homework.

It was rare for him to start writing honestly, and finished writing in a few strokes. He thought about it, and drafted some other new proposals by the way.

"With regard to the market access of professional items, whether overly effective potions such as the 'gaokao set' can be passed by the food safety supervision department, we must not only consider its efficacy, but also its social impact. "

Knowing that the two potions entered the market through the channel of "health food", Lu Ping'an was a little confused.

In order to avoid seeing all kinds of low-level potions in the snack bar downstairs, he felt that it was necessary for him to write something as a professional explorer.

"With regard to the employment of people from outside the region, one-third or even one-fourth of the labor force has recently appeared. Personally, I feel that this has exceeded the scope of normal benefits and will cause a lot of social hidden dangers."

At the time of half salary before, many people could turn a blind eye and close their eyes, but now there are a lot of cases of people hurting people in foreign lands in the hands of the special service team. After analysis, some people are really not worth a quarter of their salary. It’s safe to keep it safe, and in some places it’s almost like wearing a dog leash and using it like a beast.

Needless to say, Lu Ping'an has a wide-ranging vision now. After searching the local news and comparing the situation in some foreign domains, he saw a lot of "problems in development".

As he wrote and wrote, he unknowingly wrote a bit too much, and looked a little unprofessional when he looked back. He hesitated for a while, and when he was about to throw it away with less trouble, the big cat stopped him.

"Don't lose it."

"Why? No one can do it to find a problem. Others have already seen it. The bill won't have much effect, and they won't take it seriously. Why should I find trouble for myself."

"...These things show that you still attach importance to this city. At least, it is on the side of peaceful and stable order. It is a good thing for your psychological evaluation report."

Well, Big Cat really understands everything, but she is too lazy to say it.

Hearing this, Lu Ping'an was taken aback for a moment, let alone, this is really the truth.

"Probably true"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it. It is very likely that after you submit it, the official will find a reason to reward you and encourage you."

"Really? I really don't believe it, how can it be so realistic"

So, he just smiled, and then he really handed in his "homework".

However, the next day, he received an award from the Bureau of Abnormalities and an official verbal commendation.

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