How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 905 Trait Evolution

The task is done, but not completely finished.

After all, the task came too suddenly, and many people were not prepared at all.

They also need time to adjust and digest, they need to integrate themselves into the new background, and they need to find a reason for their new identity to go to another world.

Of course, these are all excuses. The most important thing is to always eat up the resources in front of you.

"It's really good, it's really good."

If it is only to increase the basic attributes, then this evolutionary system belonging to the race under the Firebird is really not worthy of the identity of the Twelve Pillars.


Lu Ping'an slammed the ground, and the large rock shattered into slag.

But his hand was just touching the ground. This kind of destruction was not brute force, but a "privilege" in a certain sense.

".A 'concept' similar to supernatural powers can be obtained so easily."

This is the harvest of the so-called Violent Ape Boxing practice to a certain extent, someone Lu has obtained the characteristic of "shattering".

[Smash: Smash the obstacles (everything) you come into contact with. 】

This is a passive feature of a kind of ability, without levels, but Lu Pingan estimates that its strength is about the middle level of black iron. Because Lu Pingan used it to smash the lower "items" of black iron, but could not smash the middle level .

And even more outrageous.

".This characteristic can be continuously strengthened through continuous exercise? The upper limit may not be capped yet."

This ability-like characteristic can be continuously improved by practicing the so-called Violent Ape Boxing.

Constantly cultivating this ability is tantamount to moving closer to a certain high-ranking "orangutan" on the evolutionary path.

But unlike the "deformation" of professionals, it directly retains most of the normal body shape while stripping off the core abilities of high-level existence and giving them to users.

Although the effect will be weaker if the "complete hardware" is lost, the use cost and flexibility are much higher.

"Smashing, berserk, and multiple arms are all useful features."

And this Violent Ape Boxing has three characteristics, that is to say, with practice, it will naturally become a hand-to-hand fighter with three characteristics.

What attracts Lu Ping'an and his party more is still.

"If there is no essential replacement of the physical body, and there is no need to completely evolve into some kind of 'monster', then naturally there will be no conflict with each other. After practicing the violent monkey boxing technique, you can also practice the violent lion claw technique."

This ability to obtain "characteristics" without conflict can be called cheating, making professionals with side effects drool with envy. The difficulty for them to obtain a professional ability is not at the same level at all.

Moreover, on the level of advancement, professionals who want to upgrade their professional abilities, from black iron to silver, etc., need hard training and talent, as well as the accumulation and support of other abilities. Lu Ping'an has grown too fast, and many professions The abilities are too late to polish, and they are still at a relatively low level, which has always been his shortcoming.

In this world, these "martial skills" characteristics can grow steadily as long as they continue to practice.

The "knights" here are often part-time. They choose a few "martial skills" they need, obtain the corresponding characteristics, gain the main attributes they need, and build their own fighting style.

For example, the "sister" of the Yu clan that Lu Ping'an is very familiar with is the assaulter in the team.

She is good at charge-oriented martial arts such as "triangle sprint", "thunderbolt strike", and "rabbit boxing", and has refined characteristics such as "triple acceleration", "anti-lightning/lightning control", and "bipedal explosion". The last steam soldier can be called a living siege engine.

During the demonstration, kicked up with both feet, hit with a gun gun, easily knocked down a big tree, and rushed all the way, it can be called a small electric motor and a small train.

Their system is quite complete, and judging from the feedback, other numbered worlds also have this system, which naturally allows Lu Pingan and his party to speed up their practice with more peace of mind.

"It's a pity, it's not a short-term thing to upgrade the characteristics to the strength of the law level, if you can stay here for half a year"

In fact, let alone half a year, some people even want to stay here forever.

However, all this is destined not to happen, and it's not because everyone is so "loyal".

"Here, the career system seems to be very difficult to improve"

Inertized pollution is not suitable for the occupation system of "taming pollution". If this can be overcome, it will be fatal if there is no way provided by the upper gods.

It's not that you can't make progress, but that if you lose the constraints of the "road", your stability will be greatly reduced.

Most of the high-level professionals are a small number of majors who follow their own paths, and minors who follow the conventional path to provide various additional blessings and basic abilities. After losing the blessing of the "Kingdom of Gods", the paths of professionals may not necessarily follow Pass.

What's more deadly is that the "natural abilities" of the professionals are still growing steadily. That means that the possibility of losing control will increase significantly.

"... the same, leaving here, this system can be used, but it will be difficult to strengthen it."

This is probably the welfare of each world, but at the same time, it is also the way each world restrains its own "warriors".

Of course you can choose to betray, but after you leave your homeland, you also cut off your roots and the possibility of going further.

"It's okay to specialize in it. This kind of ability should be able to control the loss of control when it reaches a high level of cultivation."

This is also the power of "Order". Considering its extraordinary stability, I am afraid that if the specialization is successful, it can also control the alienation of talents and obtain longevity in the true sense.

But to open a lock with a key, I am afraid that they have already embarked on the professional route, and there is no possibility of turning back.

"...It can still be 'linked'. The upper limit of this system may be quite exaggerated."

Seeing that Lu Ping'an was making rapid progress and mastered the "shattering" feature in just a few days, the knight also kindly told her a lot of "knowledge" that only senior knights can master.

For example, for certain characteristics, hatching and evolution can be accelerated by taking "specified monster materials".

For example, you can practice several specified characteristics and link them to form more powerful characteristics.

"The most common ones are 'Earth Transformation' and 'Petrification', which can form a 'Wall', which is very suitable for the defensive characteristics of actual combat. There is also 'Double Strength' combined with 'Blood Boiling'."

After a few words, Lu Pingan felt a lot.

This kind of growth curve is really much smoother than that of normal professionals, not counting the courtyard.

After all, the cultivators in the courtyard are probably growing faster than these foreigners.

Make up for the shortcomings of basic abilities, pick some useful features, and get some new fighting styles. For real fighters, everyone knows how difficult it will be on the earth, but here you only need to work hard and "eat more" "That's it.

Judging from the result, everyone practiced crazy.

In a sense, this is actually the greatest benefit for explorers.

In the Silent Mountains, Lu Pingan and his party harvested the holy fire and sealing technique (the time was too short to fully digest), and on the green planet Lu Pingan and his party harvested the sacred bone and "pseudo perpetual motion machine (kinetic energy transformation)".

". Continuously absorbing nutrition and knowledge from foreign civilizations is the root cause of explorers' advancement far beyond their peers."

Lu Ping'an's actual combat power far exceeds his rank, and it's simply because his accumulated things are too outrageous.

After realizing the current opportunity, everyone worked hard like their lives, fearing that if they missed this opportunity, there would be no next time.

But at this time, the big cat proposed something that made people care.

".Lu Pingan, with courtyards and regular buildings, maybe we can take away and solidify several 'practice methods'."

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