"Refugees from afar look so much like hairless monkeys"

"Yes, it seems to be their family. I heard that these people are traitors, and those who were on the news before came here to hunt them. Hehe, they betrayed their own race and came to us as refugees"

Even the local Yu clan people look down on those "interstellar refugees".

Especially after the recent period, from the "hairless monkeys" who were captured in the local area, I learned the reality that those guys betrayed their own group

"Refugees? How is it possible? They said before that they are all high-end people, at least uh, very strong?"

Some things are really encountered, only to find that the situation is completely different from what was expected.

When confirming the information, Lu Pingan really made a mistake because he had read it wrong. He really didn't expect that these guys would be mixed up to the level of living in a refugee camp.

"They? A group of religious people, or extreme religious people, do you think the world needs such talents?"

Don't say it, think about it carefully, it really makes sense.

They were able to get along on Earth before, in the final analysis, because they were extraordinary people, but in this "peaceful world", is their force still meaningful?

As for religion, Lu Pingan found that none of them believed in gods. I am afraid that in this world, gods are tools or stronger mortals, and there is no soil for the development of religion.

Coupled with the long-term peaceful life, the residents here generally have "kindness" and "order", and these bloody bastards are naturally even more out of place.

"Those rule-levels should still have their own livelihoods. No matter in that world, they are rare assets. Since the 'Blood Crow' is a god, he can get along no matter what. Perhaps, in their view, these people , it’s probably all a burden.”

Some words sound ugly, and when a catastrophe comes, it is the norm to fly separately.

Especially this group of guys are a bunch of bastards, and they don't have any solidarity and friendship.

No one really loves the betrayers, especially those who can't bring enough benefits. For the Yuzu, what can these people bring? It might make sense to recruit a deity and rule class, but recruiting these "underdogs"?

For a few rule-levels, as long as they find an organization, they can easily clean up their crimes, and staying with these people is extraordinarily conspicuous.

Naturally, they couldn't get along in the most core worlds, so they went to the "remote world", and then they were distributed along the way, getting worse and worse, and ended up in this "third-tier world", and eventually became homeless " Interstellar Refugees".

"They have hands and feet, why don't they go find a job?" Xia Qin was still a little puzzled. She originally thought there would be a bloody battle, but the development along the way became more and more strange.

"First of all, they must have the ability to work, and secondly, why should the Yu clan use them?"

The Yu tribe has its own power system and military system. What Lu Pingan sees now is obviously not all, and it cannot even be the inner circle. And those traitors are not in the same system as the local ethnic group. Naturally, they cannot integrate into it as pure fighters. , or to be precise, they are not strong enough to cover these additional costs.

As individuals, these professionals have left the pantheon system, and most of their roads have been cut off. Blood Raven is a new god, and the paths and occupations he can provide are destined to be limited. He may be planning a transformation himself. More motivated to get rid of these burdens.

".Leave it alone, they will be finished sooner or later."

Lu Pingan doesn't think that these people who can't integrate into the new society will "transfer" to the local extraordinary system to succeed. Their time is limited, and their talents and abilities have often grown to a very high level. They can cultivate in a short period of time. Finding a new system force that can suppress "talent" is not an ordinary difficulty.

Then, the effect that can be played is limited, may lose control at any time, and has a whole body of bad habits. These negative assets are naturally kicked out by those rule-level.

Fend for itself? Or something similar, in short, abandoned by their masters, they lost their use value and social value step by step, and gradually became interstellar refugees who could not return home.

"Terrible, really miserable"

After figuring out all this, Lu Pingan felt a little sympathetic to these guys. They were actually used as knives. Don't those decision makers know the situation? Don't you know that once the core layer eats meat, these guys can only take the blame?

It's just that they are not innocent at all, even

"Ha, this ending is really satisfying."

At least everyone in the courtyard is very happy.

"A refugee camp?"

Lu Pingan chose to come to this city because it is an "international metropolis". There is an airport leading to the outer domain. Some people saw those traitors here before.

In the end, I didn't expect to meet in the refugee camp.

"When they came out, they didn't bring any resources with them. Even if they had any, they must have been taken away by those big shots."

Lu Pingan glanced at them from a distance, and they were all in poor condition, obviously malnourished and poorly rested, there were about thirty people, and after checking the information, it should not be all of them.

Maybe some people are still doing well, but obviously most of them can't.

According to the information, there are two rule levels and eleven law levels, but in fact the number of traitors is a bit more. After all, it is a new god, and its appeal is sufficient. There may be four or five rule levels before and after. The law level of about twenty.

In terms of combat strength, they are not bad. In the ordinary world, they can at least be a security guard, but now, even the sheriff will not want them.

"Leave? Well, the starship outside is waiting for them"

It might be possible to escape by breaking it up into pieces, but only if they can afford the ticket.

All of them had stiff eyes, like walking dead, and they seemed to have realized that they had lost hope and future.

In fact, they still had a chance before.

"Blood Crow" is a god after all. If He is willing to develop a "Kingdom of God", an organization, and build a new force with these people as the core, they will be the backbone and high-level of the new force, and the treatment will be nothing. Difference.

But obviously, Blood Raven had a brighter future, and he abandoned them without hesitation, letting them fend for themselves.

There are quite a few refugee camps here, and there are many strange-looking outsiders, but their living conditions are not good, and the local ethnic groups do not need these extra labor.

If any factory uses them, or, it will tow the whole truck.

It's just that the "hairless monkeys" seldom receive requests for employment. After all, due to news reports some time ago, I am afraid that the entire Yu tribe in the city knows that these refugees are actually traitors of the tribe, and those lurkers are just trying to catch up with them. Kill their "righteous thief".

A traitor who cannot bring benefits, or a former villain with blood on his hands, naturally no one wants to recruit.

Their situation is getting worse and worse. The welfare treatment in the refugee camp is probably at the level of starvation, and the "bird food" distributed locally is really not suitable for human appetite. Their situation is quite bad.

They also know that as long as they survive and adapt to the local environment, everything will get better, but they are very worried that they will not survive until then.

But today, a factory recruiter ushered in. Just when the "hairless monkeys" thought it was not their turn again, this "kind Mr. An Nan" was unbiased and willing to give them a chance!

". To be a human being, you must always give people a chance. This is doing good deeds and accumulating virtue."

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