How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 919: Breach

"It was a rare and wise decision for the Bureau of Foreign Affairs to place you under residential surveillance and then direct you to the special service team."

Xia Qin said so.

"...If you had been with me back then, at least I would have given you a High Priest."

Chris said so.

As for Lu Pingan himself, it doesn't matter, he has always been like this, he has always been like this, it's just that in this "peaceful" world, there is room for him to use his skills. No no.

".The autopsy is over. The fatal injury is the claw attack of the monster. There is nothing wrong with it, but his ankle has been pierced. The wound is small but enough to prevent him from running normally. It seems that he was thrown out as bait."

"This guy also died of a conspiracy. The monster wouldn't have cut the blade clearly."

"...This is a trace of a curse, heh, an old acquaintance."

"The monster struck by lightning actually has burn marks. It can't be done by our own people, and then come to cheat the pension."

Most of the corpses were not brought back, but a few were dragged back. They also expressed their difficulties to the benefactor, hoping to get more compensation.

Lu Pingan had someone do an autopsy, tried to restore the scene, and almost knew what happened.

"Things within expectations"

How to let a group of ferocious beasts fight each other, and only give them a piece of precious food, a beautiful spouse, and a piece of rich territory. When all "places" are limited to "one", all cooperation and transactions are doomed to be superficial .

The strategy of killing three warriors with two peaches is old-fashioned and clichéd, but often the best strategies are "classic old routines" that have gone through the test of time. Whether it works or not depends on how it is used and who else uses it.

Lu Pingan concocted the rumor of "a steward" from the very beginning, and the target was not those "refugees", and even those refugees wanted to compete for it, and there was an obvious inherent disadvantage that they really wanted to appoint an outsider to be their own. Butlers are also a burden to locals.

When Lu Pingan did this, the feeling of being targeted by "them" was naturally greatly reduced. On the contrary, they even had the good thing they found on their own initiative, and it was the "illusion" they won. Lu Pingan's performance, as well as the early indifference and The attitude of refusal undoubtedly increases this illusion and reduces their possibility of "this is a trap".

Since we want to perform, we naturally have to perform a full set.

Lu Pingan won't say anything, won't ask for anything, and will only throw out "trade" offers one by one, let them grab it by themselves, let them realize it by themselves. As for deliberation, do you think of Lu Pingan's hint It's their business.

"Have five more died? Hehe, there are two more law-level interesting, and more dead on the other side."

These people didn't simply die at the hands of monsters, and it wasn't just "people" who died.

"Ant-sense tribe, frost-skin tribe, interesting."

In the interstellar refugee camp, it wasn't just the family of the blood feast lunatics, but other ethnic groups were equally moved by Lu Ping'an's temptation.

They naturally became competitors, and at least half of the casualties were from mutual killings.

The direct killer should not have returned to the city, and even became a missing person. After all, the abilities of the "hounds" are quite difficult to deal with.

If you just add insult to injury, the "non-crime" that steps on the boundary line will only attract their hostility, and if you kill someone with your own hands, those things will chase you and bite you, and the sheriff will follow.

Of course, this ability is limited. Lu Pingan heard that the best quality hounds have a sensing range of no more than three kilometers, and as time goes by, the smell of "sin" will become weaker and weaker, about three days. , even if it is murder, he will only be glared at by him.

Killing and resentment will not disappear, but the cause and effect of killing will become weaker and weaker.

"Many causes of death among foreigners are poisoned arrows"

"Axe, there is a melee master."

"Tsk, the blood has been drained, and I still have to go back to my old job on a different planet."

Some of the victims' bodies were also brought back by their companions and family members, and Lu Pingan also easily obtained the results.

It is not just a part of human beings who have a supernatural system. In fact, the ethnic groups that can set foot in the star field basically have their own supernatural system.

Maybe it's not strong enough, but it can't be without it. It's quite normal for the two sides to fight each other to the death in the wild.

He will guide the target to the outside of the city, in a sense, for this purpose. In order to deal with the timeliness and scope of the "police dogs", the common thinking of the security side is to cast nets wildly and lay many "dog houses".

And as long as a doghouse is activated and a hound determines the "crime" above the cordon, then the network of doghouses is activated, which will be endless troubles.

But if outside the city, outside the law

"...they'll have a good kill."

Lu Ping'an could see clearly that he didn't even care about the current "harvest".

What he cares about is that his strategy has taken effect, and many parties have formed a blood feud. Then, in other "missions", their competition will be very direct. Your people are dead, this mission Naturally it is mine.

All he had to do was throw out "bait" one by one, giving them a reason to kill each other.

And this is just the beginning.

"Thank you for your dedication to my factory here. I need some security personnel and maintenance personnel. I wonder if you are interested?"

After talking a lot of nonsense, Lu Pingan took out some "small cakes".

The taste is very sweet, and the quantity is not much. Just after taking a bite, I feel that it is not enough, and I want to grab someone else's amount.

These less than ten "security" places are considered a long-term and stable job, which is already quite precious in the eyes of these people.

He didn't base it on merit, nor on the average number. He simply and rudely gave half to the "best-performing blood feasters", half to other races, or the lesser half.

Don't worry about scarcity but unevenness. Needless to say, what will happen next. The next mission will be the one with the heaviest casualties.

After an unknown number of lives, in just half a month, Lu Ping'an's exhibition hall had more than a dozen exhibits of fairly good quality.

At the same time, under his guidance, unknowingly, the "thugs who chased Mr. An Nan's dream" also developed a strange habit of fighting to the death outside the city and coexisting peacefully inside the city.

"Oh, what a fake world of peace"

In fact, he also discovered the problems of these extraordinary civilizations.

They rely too much on extraordinary power, on the kind of "magic" that can solve problems simply and crudely.

The technology tree on the earth, accompanied by the rise of Transcendence, is obviously a reality. At the same age, the technological level of the two parallel worlds is actually significantly different.

And this world is the same, "supernatural" power comes too easily, but it leaves many loopholes.

Their police officers even lack basic reasoning and object collection abilities. Simply closing the door and releasing the dogs can solve the problem, so why bother to do things.

So, very easily, Lu Pingan "found" the "security loopholes" in this society for them. Moreover, it wasn't just outside the city.

"Heh, it's interesting that a mummy appeared on the street."

While reading the newspaper and drinking milk tea, Lu Pingan pretended to be frightened and patted his chest.

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