How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 932 Say hello

Use one sentence to describe Lu Ping'an's life recently.

"Through the Shuangwen hero!"

Someone in the team said something casually, but it got everyone's approval.

You can see that what he is doing now is indeed very "traditional cool".

Carry a space with you, dump a large amount of foreign trade, sell simple commodities at sky-high prices, and then buy precious local resources, making a lot of money.

". Ordinary plane merchants can't do it. Just the revision of the plane rules can make most of the goods abolished. You can adjust the goods according to the local situation because you have a 'small Kingdom of God', there is a whole industrial chain and R\u0026D institutions, of course, there are enough human resources.”

In a sense, Lu Pingan is indeed the protagonist of "Take a Factory with You".

But considering that the "rules of physics" of each world are different, the "God's Kingdom" that transcends the rules of the world is the key point. The real gods will not take advantage of this "small profit".

And like those traditional protagonists, after gaining an economic advantage, he began to invest in local politics.

"It's much simpler than on Earth. Bribery in this world is not called bribery, but 'gift' and 'gift'."

The public political donations in certain countries are far inferior to those in this world. The status and privileges of "nobility" and "city lord" make direct money donation a kind of "honor" that can be shown off in public.

In this world, it is really possible to buy aristocratic status with money.

Now, Ms. Martha (Miss Rou) is the baron title (contrast mark), and her Mr. Annan is the so-called "Mr. Martha Baron". Even if everyone knows who is running this family, the title is This truth.

After obtaining the title of nobility, Lu Pingan also expanded the scale of production without hesitation, hired more people, and bought more shops.

Even with such aggressive expansion, he still has a good reputation for throwing money like crazy.

He not only threw money at the upper class, but benefited all levels of the city.

For example, he has also created many welfare institutions, especially those "refugees" and "civilians" who have given the highest level of goodwill.

He didn't directly spend money to buy fame, but set up several fixed food relief stores, so that those people can receive the amount needed to maintain a normal life every day. If there are rich people in any world, there will naturally be poor people and foreigners. There are homeless people who work, and there are bankrupts who have lost everything.

The most outrageous thing about Mr. An Nan is that the welfare standards he gives are extremely high. The "food standards" and "clothing standards" even vaguely exceed the average level of the citizens. The food is a special chef, and the clothes are from his factory. high-end goods.

If it weren't for the welfare marks on those clothes, some citizens might have the cheek to take them.

But for ordinary citizens, he did not forget that he directly established two hospitals and schools, and started his own "charity". The cheap medicines and medical and educational services made the citizens worry about what to do if he went bankrupt.

The factory he opened has started a large number of labor and production, and the welfare benefits have made people overwhelmed.

At the same time, he also spent money to run a "taxi" service, monopolizing the entire city's travel services at extremely low prices.

He is like an octopus, crazily raising his tentacles to every public area of ​​the city

"Mr. An Nan, is buying this city"

A well-known celebrity said this sentence in public as a joke, but the strange thing is that no one else refuted it.

And not long after, another rumor spread on some levels.

"In this city, no one, no one can refuse Mr. An Nan"

Some people take it as a joke, some as a description, but some people know that it is probably true

For example, Sir Caso, who is in charge of the local traffic, vaguely feels something is wrong now. She has noticed that something seems to be getting more and more wrong.

She is the director of the transportation department, and at the same time, the controller of the original "transportation system". God knows how many transportation companies have private relationships with her.

Luping's "taxi" and "calling car" services have shaken up the original transportation system.

Although the public service personnel are not dissatisfied, they are even happy because their work has become easier, but for some people, they are really anxious, God knows how much white and gray income they will lose.

So, Sir Caso found a reason and frantically sought out stabs for Lu Pingan and his company.

Sometimes it is for hygienic reasons, and sometimes it is for employee benefits. Everyone knows that the benefits of Mr. An Nan's company are more than three times that of ordinary companies, which is clearly asking for trouble.

But let alone, as long as you are willing to look for it, there will always be loopholes. Using a "statute" that was outdated thirty years ago, Mr. An Nan's "service" was suspended for two days.

"Sir Cassel, Mr. Annan sends you his greetings."

There is something wrong with such words. If it is an ordinary person, Sir Caso will not take it seriously.

However, the place where she spoke was her office, and the person who spoke was her old sister who had been with her for thirty years!

That's her most trusted deputy, a solid member of a chain of interests

"You, what do you mean?"

"Uh, what did you say, Minister? I'm just helping Mr. An Nan with a sentence."

At this moment, Sir Caso was stunned. She didn't know how much the other party had paid to successfully bribe her deputy.

And if the deputy surrendered to the enemy, then she would spend the rest of her working hours fearful and scheming about those shady things in her hands.

Confused, she floated away from her office building

"Mr. An Nan sends you greetings."

The sudden friendly greeting from the driver on the carriage completely woke her up on the way home.

".You, you.It's okay, it's okay."

Sir Caso, who was trembling with fright, tried to keep calm, and then secretly made up his mind to fire the coachman who had been with him for ten years.

"Mr. An Nan, greetings to you."

The same words were still spoken from passers-by. At this moment, Ka Suo was already numb. His face was pale and his whole body was trembling. He felt that an invisible hand was slowly holding him.

She returned to her mansion in a daze and bewilderment, but this time, the servants did not say that sentence, which made her relieved.

Sure enough, home is the last bastion, where the heart rests.

She smiled, a contented smile.


And her husband stared at her with some displeasure.

Obviously their precious daughter just got a full score in the entrance examination, and now she is happily announcing the good news to her mother, but the other party is out of her mind.

After being stared at by his lover, Ka Suo came back to his senses, looked down and saw the disappointed girl, and quickly squeezed out a big smile.

"Little baby, you did well in the exam. You must have worked hard. What kind of reward do you need?"

But the little girl shook her head, the white teeth exposed in that small mouth were white, and the little angel smiled sweetly.

"No need, mom works so hard and doesn't need a reward."

Seeing that her daughter was so sensible, Ka Suo, who was full of thoughts, was no longer tired. She lifted up the little girl and played her favorite Feifei game with this little angel.


The smiling little girl giggled, then smiled and spoke to the mother below.

"Mom, Mr. An Nan, greetings to you."

Ka Suo froze, cold sweat dripping directly from the vest, at this moment, she stopped suddenly.

She turned her head stiffly and looked at her lover.

He was smiling too, as gentle as ever, as loving as ever.

"Mr. An Nan, greetings to you."

Familiar people, familiar words, and familiar tone made Ka Suo feel cold inside.

"Mr. An Nan, greetings to you."

"Mr. An Nan, greetings to you."

One by one voices came from my mind. At some time, the servant who was delivering the food, and everyone in the servant's mansion who was cleaning, smiled and said the same words.

"Mr. An Nan, greetings to you."

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