In the empty secret passage, two people walked one after the other.

The whole secret passage was not long. Igarashi led Kazama Tsuru to choose the road accurately, and the two quickly reached the end.

In fact, there was nothing in this tunnel. After going down the last step, all you could see was a pillar and a huge coffin.

Kazama Tsuru stopped and watched the scene in his memory reflected in reality.

But speaking of it... where are Conan and the others?


Conan, who Kazama Kazuru was thinking about, was still wandering outside the secret passage.

There was more than one entrance to the secret passage. Obviously, Conan and Kazama Kazuru did not take the same path.

"This password disk……"

Yuanzi stared at the cipher disk and hesitated, but decryption was obviously not something she was good at. She thought about it and couldn't come up with any ideas.

"This seems to be Russian.……"

Xiaolan walked forward and stared at the code disk, and she figured out something.

"Eh? In Russian, Mr. Clerk, can you tell anything?"

"This... I do know, but if I don't know the code and I can only read the text, it's useless."

The secretary of the Russian consulate touched his forehead, embarrassed.

So everyone looked at Natsumi Kosaka, who had been silent.

After all, this is your home, don't you know anything?

Natsumi Kosaka received the gaze and came back to her senses.

"I did think of something. My grandmother always kept repeating a sentence, but I didn't know what it meant.……"

"What did you say?

Uncle Maori asked immediately.


""Wait! I know!"

Conan jumped up, his face full of excitement, not caring about the strange looks people were giving him.

"Try it now, magician of the end of the century!"

"Hey, what are you doing, little devil?……"

Uncle Maori was about to continue speaking when he was interrupted by Xiaolan.

"It's okay, Dad, just give it a try."

After saying that, Xiaolan looked at Conan deeply, and then looked at the clerk.

The clerk understood, looked at Conan who was obviously a primary school student, and thought it was useless, but thought it was not a big deal to try it once, so he went up and entered the password. balushe bunik kantsa beka

The magician at the end of the century

"This pronunciation seems to be what my grandmother often said!"

Natsumi Kosaka looked at the button pressed by the clerk, read it out loud, and then shouted.

The moment everyone heard her words, they had endless confidence in Conan and looked at the entrance of the secret passage expectantly.


The secret passage opened.

"It’s really open!!"

"What is happening here?"

"Oh my God!"

""Conan, how did you know that?"

Everyone was stopped by this question and all looked at Conan.

Conan touched the back of his head and looked at Xiaolan who asked this question, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Actually, Kidd once sent a letter to Brother Kazama, and this was mentioned in the letter... I just suddenly thought of it for some reason~"

That's right, this time Kidd did not sign"The Magician of the End of the Century" on the card that was going to steal the Egg of Memories like in the original work.

Conan started to wonder about the reason for this signature a long time ago, and he also looked up a lot of information, but there was no result.

He just suddenly remembered this word, and suddenly realized that this should be the correct password.

Because the strange monk Rasputin, who has been running through the entire story of the Egg of Memories, was born in 1869 and died in 1916, which was almost exactly the end of the 19th century. The three words"end of the century" just happened to match, which gave Conan some inspiration.

"Kaito Kid sent a letter to Kazama-kun?"

Xiaolan repeated in confusion.

"Yeah, it's not a big deal.……"

Conan smiled, but he was sweating like crazy in his heart. Oops, I said too much!

I should learn from that uncle and make up a reason!

I saw the introduction of Rasputin on TV, and I remembered it because it was mentioned all the time, so it was"the end of the century". I thought this matter was related to Kidd, so it should be"magician".

Although it's far-fetched, no one can say it's wrong!

……Of course, Conan couldn't come up with such a lame excuse. He would just think about how to lie, but he ended up exposing everything because he couldn't lie at all, and then tried to change the subject.

Conan is a jerk when it comes to making up a reason.

"Kidd has appeared before?" Officer Shiratori touched his chin, frowned, and then leaned over to look at Conan.

"Conan, if Kaito Kid appears again in the future, you must notify the police first, okay?"

"Okay, Officer White Bird.~"

"Ahem, alright, alright, let's go in and take a look."

The art dealer couldn't help himself and urged everyone to go.

He didn't care whether the Kaito Kidd could be caught or not. He only cared whether he could get the Egg of Memory.

"Well, let's go down."

A group of people entered the secret passage one after another.


On the other side, Kazama Tsuru and Igarashi Yang looked at the coffin in front of them, both stunned for a while.

Igarashi Yang thought about it, looked around, and walked towards the stone wall next to him with a flashlight.

Kazama Tsuru knew what he meant.

He probably only explored here at that time, and didn't go deeper later. Now when he saw the coffin, his first reaction was not to open it, but to see if there were any mechanisms around.

He only knew that the Egg of Memory was related to this castle, so this secret passage was the most likely place, but it was not necessarily here.

It might be hidden somewhere else.

Igarashi seemed to subconsciously regard this place as a place to store corpses.

Kazama Tsuru smiled and once again felt the joy of having a cheat.

He ignored Igarashi who was staring at the stone wall and looked at the coffin with the residual light of the flashlight.

He knocked on the coffin to attract Igarashi's attention, and then opened the coffin lid.

Igarashi heard the sound and looked over, and then he was shocked when he saw his action.

Let's walk ahead of a bunch of people to take a look at the treasures in advance, or even take them away, but we can't open the lid of the coffin!

Igarashi Yang was anxious, walked over quickly, patted Fengjianhe's shoulder and wanted to gesture something.

As a result, he saw out of the corner of his eye...

In the palm of the skeleton's hand, there was a small egg of memories.

How did Fengjian know...


As he was thinking, he felt the person next to him fall down. He hurriedly caught it to check, and it turned out that he was asleep?

Igarashi Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to take Fengjianhe outside, but it was inconvenient after all, and he didn't drive here.

After thinking about it, he simply put Fengjianhe next to the coffin.

With the silver bullet, those people will find this place sooner or later, so it's better to let them settle Fengjian.

Igarashi did all this and turned away. After thinking about it, he put an open flashlight next to Fengjianhe.

It would be bad if he was accidentally stepped on.

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