"Dad, what's wrong?"

"The car is not broken down, I'll go down and take a look."

Uncle Maori got out of the car directly and checked the front and back of the car. Conan in the car followed him out early, and Xiaolan also got out to look after Conan, leaving Kazama Kazama alone in the car with a pale face.

In fact, he originally wanted to get out of the car, but Xiaolan saw that it was windy outside, so she held down Kazama Kazama and asked him to stay in the car to rest.

Kazama Kazama did not refuse, he was really afraid that he would cough up blood, and then he might not have any serious problems, but he would scare others.

Most people think like this: coughing up blood = tuberculosis = contagious = stay away.

To sum up: it's all because of this damn system.

Anyway, for now, this system has brought more trouble to Kazama Kazama than benefits to him.

Uncle Maori and the other two walked around the car, and after less than half a minute, they found the problem.

"The tire is flat. It's this rock. I just ran over it and the tire is flat."

Uncle Maori touched his chin with his hand, staring at the obviously deflated tire and thinking.

"Ah, if there is a flat tire, Dad, do you have a spare tire?"

"How can a rental car have a spare tire?"

Anyway, Uncle Maori will not admit that he forgot to bring the spare tire because he was drunk.

"What should I do? We are already on the mountain and there are very few people. If I go back the same way and hail a car on the highway, I don't know if Fengjian can hold on.……"

Xiaolan said, lowering her head in worry.

"I told you, why did you bring this sick kid with you when you go out to play in the mountains?"

"I know I was wrong, but what should I do now? Dad, you should think of a way!"

Feng Jianhe got out of the car when he heard the sound. A gust of cold wind from the mountains blew past, and he couldn't help but cover his mouth and cough.

"Ahem...Actually, I, I can still……"

"Brother Fengjian, why did you come out! You are already like this, so don't try to be brave."

Xiaolan walked forward worriedly, watching Fengjian He coughing and almost unable to speak. After thinking for a while, she ran back to the car to find cough medicine. Conan ignored the chatter of the crowd. He looked into the woods for a long time from a distance, and suddenly turned to Uncle Maori and said

"Uncle Maori, look over there!"

Seeing Kazama Tsuru coughing, Uncle Maori, who looked solemnly as if thinking about what to do, looked in the direction Conan pointed.

In the woods in the distance, a temple was faintly visible in a corner.

At this time, Kazama Tsuru also recovered a little, looked over there, and also found the temple, vaguely remembering some of the plot.

A person hanging high in the temple... cherry blossoms... waterfall...

So it seems that according to the original plot, several people also lived in the temple?

"Ahem...Mr. Maori, let's just go to that temple. It's getting late now. I think it's going to rain soon, so it's not convenient to go down the mountain."

""Brother Fengjian, medicine."

Fengjian He took a breath, stretched out his hand to take the medicine handed by Xiaolan and drank a sip. It was refreshing and cool, and his throat felt much better.

"Thank you, Xiaolan"

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go. It does look like it's going to rain, if we hurry up, maybe we can get to the temple before it rains."

The four of them set off towards the temple.

The speed of the few people climbing the mountain was not actually very fast. After all, the speed of a group is determined by the slowest person.

However, what no one expected was that the slowest person who dragged everyone down was not Kazama Tsuru, but Uncle Maori who had not exercised for many years.

Kazama Tsuru was only a little slower than Xiaolan because of his body skills.

"Huhu...you guys...wait for me……"

Uncle Maori is behind Erkang

"Dad, hurry up, even Kazama-san is faster than you, you are really bad."

Xiaolan turned around and looked at Uncle Maori holding onto a tree and breathing, and couldn't help but retort.

Uncle Maori's body management is actually quite good, he doesn't have the fat body of a normal middle-aged uncle, but because of his daily alcoholism, almost all his exercise comes from chasing cats and dogs, so he looks like this when climbing mountains.

Conan looked back at Uncle Maori's appearance and pretended to remember it by accident.

"Well, I seem to have seen an introduction to that temple when I was watching TV before. There seemed to be a very beautiful female host in the temple.……"!!!

Feng Jianhe saw a gleam of light in Uncle Maori's eyes, and then he instantly rode ahead as if he had taken stimulants.

"Hurry up, you guys!"

Fengjian He, who had been coughing for a long time, fanned the dust and said:...

Xiaolan, whose horns on her head were messed up for a moment:...

Conan with half-moon eyes:...

Then everyone sped up their pace and finally arrived at the temple when the rain gradually got heavier.

The plaque above the temple read: Shanni Temple

Shanni Temple... Mist Tengu!!

Fengjian He remembered the key.

This temple has the legend of Mist Tengu!!

Who is he, a writer who writes travel notes and local folk customs. When he saw Shanni Temple, did he think about how to solve the case as soon as possible?

He is not Conan, the detective dog.

As for preventing cases from happening, he clearly remembered the cases that were worth preventing, and the rest were not worth preventing.

Let them die.

He is not like Conan, who has complete respect and protection for life.

To talk about a person, he is more like Detective Poirot in Murder on the Orient Express. When the murderer is determined to bear the consequences, and when the deceased should really pay the price of death for his actions... If he dies, then he dies.

"It's raining heavily"

"There is no choice now. It is impossible to go up or down the mountain tonight."

"We can only stay here for the night." The crowd walked up the temple stairs.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

"Is there anyone there?"

As he was shouting, a gloomy and hoarse voice came from behind.

"What can I do for you, benefactors?"

Everyone turned around and saw an old abbot.

He was bald, wearing a long straw raincoat, with long eyebrows and beard, a hooked nose, and wrinkles all over his face. In this dark rainy day, he looked a bit like a monster.

Xiaolan screamed in fright, and her face turned pale.

Fengjian He was the first to notice the old abbot, but when he turned around and saw his face, he was also stunned.

Uncle Maori looked surprised, and then his mood visibly sank, and suddenly he looked at the old abbot with expectation as if he had a last burst of light.

"Excuse me, does your temple have another abbot?"

Old abbot:???

""No." The old host looked confused. After answering Uncle Maori's strange question, he turned his head and looked at Feng Jianzuru, who seemed to be more reliable. He ignored Uncle Maori, who was in a low mood.

"I'm asking what are you doing here? Are you reporters from a newspaper or TV station?"

Uh uh uh... several people looked at each other with small eyes, wondering what the old host was doing.

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