Igarashi and Conan looked at each other. Igarashi looked Conan up and down, trying to see something from him, but he failed.

How come I didn't realize that Conan's acting was so good when I lied to Kazama before?

Conan tried hard to hold back his laughter. Kazama acted so realistically that Igarashi definitely couldn't tell it was real. This time, he couldn't reveal any flaws in himself!

So Igarashi, who couldn't see anything, thought about it and walked forward little by little.

""Kazama? Kazama, how are you? Do you want to call a doctor?"

No response.

Kazama Tsuru was in severe pain, but strangely, it was just stuck at the critical point between severe pain and agony.

He could barely speak a few words, but when he thought about it, there was no need to call a doctor.

The doctor couldn't save him anyway...


Igarashi didn't hear a response, and his worry increased a bit.

But he had just been tricked by Kazama Tsuru and Conan, so he was alert this time.

Igarashi walked closer and sat down beside the bed.



Kazama Tsuru finally felt like he had breathed a sigh of relief, and he managed to respond with the pain subsiding a little.

To be honest, if he didn't want to see Igarashi being tricked, he would be too lazy to talk now.

Igarashi relaxed a little when he heard Kazama's response.

Now there is no need to be so anxious.

If Kazama is pretending, then there is no need to call a doctor; if Kazama is really ill, it won't be too serious, and it won't matter if he calls a doctor a little later.

Conan thought about what Kazama Tsuru said before, and didn't show his worry or indifference too deliberately.

He also walked forward with a little doubt and looked Kazama Tsuru carefully up and down.

Igarashi Yang noticed the extra person next to him and turned to look.

Conan doesn't seem to know about this either?

Could it be... this is really not Kazama's plan? Is

Kazama's plan really just those few words just now?

Conan put on his signature thinking expression.

"His face was pale, and he was obviously sweating a lot. His clothes were wrinkled. He must have a heartache, and it had lasted for quite some time."

Conan said, turning his attention to the heart rate monitor that had been working next to him.

He didn't know much about medicine, but as a qualified detective, he knew a lot.

At least, he could understand the obviously increased fluctuations and the abnormal heart rate data next to it.

"The time between me leaving the ward and us reentering it must have been no more than ten minutes. If someone wanted to tamper with the heart rate monitor, it would not have been possible to do it so quickly."


"So it's obvious that Kazama's illness is real."

Igarashi Yang covered his forehead and helplessly took over Conan's unfinished conclusion.

In fact, he discovered these things as soon as he entered the ward, but he just didn't believe it.

Is it really such a coincidence?

Kazama just talked about the plan with Conan, and then he got sick?

"Okay, okay, I'll go ask Nagai-kun to come over and take a look."

"wait wait wait……"

Igarashi paused as he was about to leave.

He quietly raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough.

He absolutely did not believe that there would be such a coincidence.

See, the fox's tail was exposed.

He turned around, and the expression on his face changed instantly. He looked at the person on the bed with a little hesitation.


I can only say, who can't pretend?

He can also pretend that he didn't see the plan.

Fengjian He held his heart and relaxed for a while, and finally felt that the pain was not so bad.

Roughly... I suddenly discovered the benefits of losing the pain before.

This pain recovery is not at the right time... Woo woo……

"Igarashi, wait a minute, I, I have something to say……"

Igarashi was stunned for a moment, pretending to know nothing, and slowly walked over and sat down beside the bed again.

Conan hesitated slightly.

"Then... I'll go out first."

Feng Jianzhe did not object.

Conan looked at the two again, hesitant to speak, and finally said nothing and walked out of the ward.

This strange behavior made Igarashi feel strange.

What did Conan want to say?

But at this time, he did not have time to carefully analyze Conan's behavior. The first sentence Feng Jianzhe said made him stunned.

"Igarashi, I still have one year left to live."

Kazama Tsuru said there was nothing wrong with this statement.

Igarashi was stunned, not knowing why Kazama Tsuru said this.

Conan also mentioned this matter, but later said that this was false.

Could it be...

Igarashi thought about the scene when Conan said these words.

At that time, he was about to open the door of the ward, and then suddenly found the loophole in Conan's words, so Conan told Kazama's plan after hesitating for a while.

Could it be... Kazama's plan was for him to say these words himself instead of letting Conan relay them?

Kazama's original plan should be like this: let Conan tell him with a sad expression that Kazama only had one year left to live, he saw his and Conan's plan, but hoped that the plan would go on.

Then after hearing these words, he rushed into the ward and happened to find Kazama who was ill.

Just when he was about to go out to call Nagai, Kazama stopped him and told him that he only had one year left to live.

He learned about this in advance from Conan, Therefore, in order to make Kazama not so sad, he pretended not to believe it and acted as if he didn't care.

Kazama pretended to smile reluctantly, then emphasized that this was true, and began to narrate his last words.

After he was completely in grief, he told himself that this was only part of the plan, in order to let himself know that"making up physical conditions at random will make people sad."

So what Conan wanted to say when he walked out of the ward before was to remind Kazama.

Remind Kazama that he had told Igarashi everything and could no longer proceed according to the original plan.

By the way, Conan's acting skills are really good. If he hadn't figured it all out, he would really think that Kazama was sick.

Igarashi felt that he had figured it all out.

He looked at Kazama and saw that this guy was waiting for his response, and smiled evilly in his heart.

His and Conan's plan was seen through by Kazama, so Kazama and Conan launched a counterattack plan.

He also saw through Kazama's counterattack plan, so it was time for him to fight back!!

"Kazama, you……"

Kazama Kazama looked at Igarashi Yang opposite him with an unbelievable look, and smiled in his heart.

Igarashi thought he saw through Kazama Kazama's counter-plan, and thought he was on the third floor.

In fact, Kazama Kazama knew that Igarashi saw through his counter-plan, and added a plan to his counter-plan.

He is on the fifth floor!

The situation is probably like this:

First floor: Conan and Igarashi's plan to trick Kazama Kazama.

Second floor: Kazama Kazama deliberately let Igarashi know the"counter-plan".

Third floor: Igarashi saw through Kazama Kazama's counter-plan.

Fourth floor: Kazama knew that Igarashi saw through the counter-plan.

Fifth floor: The real counter-plan formulated by Kazama.

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