On the other side,

Xiaolan and Uncle Maori have been staying at the Izu Hotel for the third day, and it seems that the end is coming.

Originally, Uncle Maori thought that this"Izu Mysterious Tour" tour group was completely free, but he didn't expect that he only paid half of the money, and he had to find the host"Dark Night Baron" hidden among the tour group members.

Fortunately, he was smart and clever, and solved the murder case in this tour group again while sleeping. While catching the murderer, he also caught the organizer.

Otherwise, his wallet would be in danger this time!

"Xiaolan, where is Conan? The trip is about to end, why hasn't he come back yet?"

Xiaolan paused while packing her things.

"I'm not sure. Conan and Igarashi seem to be acting mysterious these days... Oh, and Kazama-san too. I don't know where he went.……"

"Igarashi? How did these two little brats get together?!"

Uncle Maori now gets a headache when he hears the word"Igarashi"

"Dad! You can’t say that to Igarashi-san, it’s very rude! And you’ve only been looking at pretty girls on the beach these past few days, and you haven’t paid any attention to Conan at all. You only remembered it now!! Mom will be angry if she knows about this!"


Uncle Maori curled his lips and wanted to say something, but when he looked at Xiaolan who was already furious, he closed his mouth.

Xiaolan put her hands on her hips in anger, but when she saw Uncle Maori like this, her anger finally subsided a little and she answered his question

"At that time, Conan was watching Kazama-kun taking medicine. Later, Igarashi-kun came over and said he wanted to borrow Conan for a while, saying that it would be fun to take him with him.……"

"Then Conan came back the next day, but disappeared again today. I don’t know where Igarashi took him.……"

"Humph! That kid doesn't look reliable at first glance, maybe he kidnapped Conan!"


""Okay, okay, if you don't want to tell me, what are you going to do? Oh, we don't have enough money to stay in Izu for another day, so we have to go back to Tokyo today."

Xiaolan was also in a dilemma.

The living conditions at home were not as bad as Uncle Maori said. If we had to stay for another day, it would be okay, but it would be very expensive.

"That's true... Let's wait a little longer. It's not time to check out yet. If Conan doesn't come back by then, I'll call Igarashi and Kazama."


After Xiao Ai hung up Conan's call, she couldn't help shaking her head as she looked at the phone in her hand.

Edogawa called twice to ask for cooperation in the plan, and the content of what he said was completely different.

The first time, he briefly introduced his and Igarashi's plan to her, and agreed with her that Kazama must not know the truth.

At that time, she felt that this plan was unreliable.

Not only did she not believe that Conan and Igarashi's plan could be hidden from Kazama Tsuru, but... even if Kazama Tsuru really believed what they said, his physical condition was very bad and he had to cooperate with taking medicine.

So what?

Huiyuan Ai recalled the different looks of Kazama Tsuru when he was sick at home again and again.

The symptoms were almost different every time.

But Kazama Tsuru resisted taking medicine, resisted going to the hospital, and had a kind of indifference to his own body from the bottom of his heart...

This was the same.

Even if Kazama really thought that his physical condition was very bad and he had to take medicine, he would not take the medicine obediently.

Perhaps, he would say this with a smile while drinking tea:

Now it has been conservative treatment, even if I take medicine, it won't last long, so I might as well live the rest of my life well.


Life is not easy, Xiao Ai sighed.

The last time Kazama Tsuru and Conan teamed up to trick her and she was sent to the hospital, she and Conan implicitly reached a consensus: let Kazama take medicine and take good care of himself.

Unexpectedly, Conan actually did this...

Ai pouted her lips, disdainfully, and raised the magazine again to continue reading.

This great detective has put all his brain into solving cases and has no emotional intelligence at all.

She was looking at the magazine, but her mind was quietly divided on the mobile phone on the table.

She had no interest in Conan and Igarashi's plan to trick Kazama Tsuru, but she was very interested in Kazama Tsuru and Conan's plan to trick Igarashi Yang.

Cointreau was tricked!


Let's not talk about the changes that happened to other people because of these three guys' mutual betrayal.

Kazama Tsuru and Igarashi Yang were talking about the last words.

Igarashi Yang interrupted Kazama Tsuru's description of the wish list and wanted him to complete it himself.

Maybe it's really because the two of them are so good at acting that they are a little immersed in it.

"Well, there's still one year left.……"

After Feng Jianhe finished speaking, he also fell silent, but after a pause, he continued to speak with a smile.

"One year is not a long time. I have many things I want to do, and I cannot do them without your help."

Igarashi Yang came back to his senses after hearing this.

You can't take this drama seriously!

How could Kazama really die so easily...

Not to mention that he traveled everywhere when his health was so poor before, and he also practiced such good skills.

Even during the period when his condition deteriorated rapidly and he was admitted to the emergency room several times, Kazama was fine...

He didn't notice that he was comforting himself not to take it seriously, which showed that he was almost taking it seriously in his subconscious mind.

"Then... you tell me."

After saying this, Igarashi seemed to have let go of something and looked much more relaxed.

Feng Jianhe once again praised Igarashi Yang's acting skills.

Sure enough, the people in the organization cannot be underestimated...

Igarashi is probably still thinking about how to find a handle in his words.

Tsk tsk... It's a pity that people have fallen into the pit and don't know it.

So the two of them, one lying and the other sitting, both looked relaxed, and began to talk about the last wish.

"It's a lot, but it's not much, just a little troublesome."

Feng Jianhe said this with a smile, and then his eyes began to look far away.

"I haven’t been to the whole of Neon in all these years, and there are many famous places I haven’t been to.

For example, I read a book about Neon attractions, which listed more than a hundred places, but I haven’t been to even half of them.

By the way, last time after you sent me your information as Kaito Kid, the real Kaito Kid sent me a letter inviting me to meet at Tokyo Tower. I haven’t taken a detailed look at Tokyo Tower and recorded it.

The same goes for this trip to Izu, with such beautiful beaches and big hotels...

Haha, I’ve gone off topic. My first wish is to travel most of Neon and write it down."

Igarashi looked at Kazama Tsuru’s yearning expression, glanced at several different body monitoring devices next to him, wanted to say something, but nodded.

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