Xiaolan burst into tears, looking at the scene in the room, her whole body seemed to have lost strength, and she dared not approach at all.

Conan and Uncle Maori also arrived at the room later, and they were also stunned when they saw the scene in the room.

"Kazama boy,……"

Uncle Maori and Kazama Tsuru had not met many times. He had learned about this person more from Xiaolan and Conan, or from newspapers and books.

But after reading the book written by Kazama Tsuru under Xiaolan's crazy recommendation, he had to admire him and accepted the fact that his reputation was not as good as his.

Today, when he went up the mountain to enjoy the cherry blossoms, he disliked Kazama Tsuru at first.

Not only because he was in poor health and might get into trouble at any time, but also because he had always heard about this person from Xiaolan recently, which made him have an instinctive vigilance from an old father.

But now...

Uncle Maori looked at the young man lying motionless in the room, and the sun shone on the pillow, making the dark red dried blood bright and dazzling again. He was not happy at all.

Even for someone like him who had seen many lives and deaths, he couldn't help but feel heavy when he saw the person who was still alive fall down like this.

Conan also stood at the door in a daze, his brain solidified for the first time in a long time.

He and Xiaolan had visited Kazama Tsuru in the hospital many times, and had seen his sick appearance many times, but had never seen him bleed so much, and had never seen him so pale.

Mr. Kazama...

Mr. Kazama...

Brother Kazama... The changes in the names represent the shortening of distance, the increase of affection, and the increase of mutual understanding.

"、"A writer"、"A famous writer".

Later:"A mysterious person"、"Someone who knows my deepest secrets"、"A person who is always sick"、"Someone with the same hobbies"、"A learned man".

But now, perhaps the last word should be added,"a dead person".

Endless complexity and sadness suddenly surged into his heart, but not even a trace of anger could rise.

If someone else died, he could investigate the cause of death and avenge him, but what about Feng Jianhe?

His death made the living people so powerless...

Feng Jianhe is still in a strange state like sleep paralysis.

He can hear everything and smell the strong smell of blood coming from around him, but he seems to be floating in nothingness and can't feel the existence of his body at all.

No matter how hard he tries, he can't open his eyes.

He feels that he is vomiting blood, and his consciousness sinks little by little until he becomes a ghost. state, and then expected someone to save him... but he heard the sound of shouting for a corpse.

It should be that Abbot Tianyong died, and Xiunian finally went to kill for revenge...

Yes, he knew who the dead person was, and even knew the murderer, because he was the one who told Xiunian the truth.

Two years ago, a monk was killed by Abbot Tianyong pretending to be Mist Tengu. The police failed to find the real murderer and closed the case as suicide.

The monk's younger brother Xiunian did not believe that his brother would commit suicide, so he entered the temple to find the truth.

Fengjianhe recalled all the plots last night and told him the truth directly.

At the same time, Fengjianhe gave him two choices-he... Revenge, or try to find evidence for the police to handle.

Obviously, he chose to do it himself.

But as someone said, the knight who killed the devil is also stained with the devil's blood. After the successful revenge, Xiunian also became a new murderer and is about to face jail time.

However, Fengjianhe secretly rejoiced that he did not misjudge the person. The footsteps coming and going at the door of the room last night belonged to Xiunian.

He could definitely guess that it was Xiunian who killed the murderer. If he didn't die, Xiunian would definitely face jail time. Silence the witness? Or accept it calmly?

Fengjianhe was glad that Xiunian chose the latter.

Fortunately, he has not been blinded by revenge, and is still the kind monk.

No Otherwise, he would have to drag this poor body to fight.

When Xiunian was walking back and forth at the door, struggling repeatedly, Fengjianhe's physical condition was not as bad as it is now.

With the advanced body skills rewarded by the system, plus the little sword skills he understood after improving his swordsmanship aptitude, it was not difficult to deal with Xiunian who had just killed someone tiredly.

But now...

Fengjianhe was getting more and more desperate.

He just waited quietly for dawn, and then heard the sound of the police finding the body and the police hurriedly passing by.


Fengjianhe kept looking forward to being discovered.

But just when hope reached its peak, several heavy footsteps hurriedly approached, and then shouted

"Another body was found!"

"Go and inform Inspector Megure!"

"There is one more dead person!"

At that time, Kazama Tsuru really felt that he was going to die, not from illness, but from anger.

He tried to calm himself down, telling himself: It's normal for the police in Conan's world to be a little stupid. Conan will definitely find something wrong when he comes...

Then he heard Xiaolan's shouting and crying, and the light footsteps he was most looking forward to stopped at the door.

Thank you so much!!!

Come in quickly!!

Look at me!!

I'm not dead yet!!!

I think I can still be saved...

Woo woo woo...

The dead person turned out to be me...

Actually, Conan can't be blamed. Kazama Tsuru is always sickly. He seemed really... He is very sick.

There was so much noise outside this morning, but he didn't wake up. He really looked like he was dead.

The point is, because it was his lungs that were sick, Kazama Tsuru had difficulty breathing.

The slight rise and fall of his chest was even harder to detect under the thick quilt. Conan was misled by the police and preconceived that Kazama Tsuru was dead...

It was normal that he couldn't detect this slight rise and fall under the mental shock.

Well... So the world where only the police officer was slandered and only Kazama Tsuru was injured was achieved.

Kazama Tsuru was so miserable.

But after all, everyone still had brains.

After being shocked, Conan ran in and planned to carefully check the cause of Kazama Tsuru's death.

"Hello, what are you doing?"


Uncle Maori and Xiaolan, who were still in shock, suddenly noticed a small figure rushing over. They came to their senses and tried to stop him.

But Conan's speed to the"crime scene" was not something that a mortal could do.

He quickly scanned Feng Jianhe's body before anyone could react, and then he was shocked to find——

"Wait, Kazama, Kazama is not dead yet!"

Conan was so shocked that he even forgot his disguise and called out a mature name.

But no one would care about this now.

Xiaolan was shocked when she heard this, and the action of stopping Conan from moving the"corpse" turned into reaching out to feel the breath.

When she felt the weak but firm breath hitting her fingers, Xiaolan almost cried again.

Uncle Maori also quickly stepped forward to carefully observe the condition of Kazama Tsuru, and he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the slight rise and fall of his chest.

"He's not dead, that's good, I knew that Kazama wouldn't die so easily."

Inspector Megure, who came late to the door, saw this scene, and the three people announced that the dead were alive.

Inspector Megure didn't know what was going on, but the trust of Uncle Mori and others, as well as his understanding of his subordinates, told him that this was another misunderstanding.

He glared at the bewildered officer.

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