Conan finished asking questions, and it was Kazama Tsuru's turn to do something.

Kazama Tsuru looked down at a leaf that had fallen on him, and raised his hand to hold it in his palm.

His slender white fingers pinched both sides of the leaf.

The leaf was still half green, but it eventually turned yellow and fell.

Xiaolan wanted to say something, but seeing Kazama Tsuru's appearance at this time, she was inexplicably unable to say it, and her expression was stained with a touch of sadness.

Emotions are contagious.

"Having family... is good."

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, her lips moved, and she fell silent.

She knew without asking that Brother Fengjian's family... either didn't care about him at all, or had gone to another world.

Otherwise, he had been hospitalized so many times, but he had never seen his family come, nor had he heard the nurse talk about his family.

The topic and atmosphere changed so quickly that Conan was a little slow to react.

He was thinking carefully about Fengjian Crane and didn't notice the leaf. He was not as careful as Xiaolan to detect subtle emotional changes.

"Family? What family?"


Xiaolan came back to her senses and suddenly noticed the tiny Conan next to her.

"Oh, Conan, it's been so long, how come you haven't seen your parents? The doctor said you could stay with him for a while, but it's been so long.……"

Xiaolan stopped talking. Influenced by what happened just now, she subconsciously thought of the possibility that"her parents are no longer around."

"Ah, my parents... well, they are both abroad……"

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief

"So, they are so irresponsible! Conan is still so young, how come they haven't come to see him for so long!"

"Ah, they, they are actually fine, but……"

Conan is not very good at lying, and now he is so anxious that he doesn't know what to say.

He suddenly saw Kazama Tsuru next to him with his peripheral vision, and frantically asked for help with his eyes.

Kazama Tsuru successfully achieved his goal, and seeing that Conan was really anxious now, he didn't continue to trick him, and smiled softly.

"Xiaolan, I know Conan's parents. I'll write a letter and send it to them later."

"Eh? That's really too much trouble for you, Kazama-san"

"Nothing, I've been staying in the hospital, I don't have much to do, it's not difficult to write a letter"

"So, thank you so much~"

Conan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the three of them talked about something else, and Xiaolan took Conan back. Fengjian He was left alone under the big tree, looking at the white wall and smelling the smell of disinfectant.

Xiaoyu came over

"Mr. Kazama, do you want me to push you back to rest?"

"Well, thank you for your help. Also, bring me some writing paper. I want to write a letter."

"Write a letter?"

Xiao Yu pushed Feng Jianhe back and chatted casually.

"Mr. Kazama, are you writing to Mr. Igarashi?"

Kazama Tsuru smiled and said,"No, it's to the famous writer Mr. Kudo Yusaku."

Xiaoyu was instantly excited when she heard that.

A famous writer wrote to another famous writer!

She felt like she was witnessing a meeting between the leaders of the two countries.

"Mr. Kudo Yusaku! I like his books very much! The Baron of Darkness in his works is vividly portrayed, as if there really is such an elegant man."

Xiaoyu's tone changed as she spoke, like a little fan girl chasing a star.

She kept talking while pushing the wheelchair, and Fengjianhe just listened indifferently.

The two of them were almost used to this way of getting along, and Xiaoyu also liked to share various things with Fengjianhe.

Helping Fengjianhe to lie down, Xiaoyu brought a small table and paper and pen.

Fengjianhe wrote with difficulty and began.

Thank you


Kazama Tsuru wrote for a long time, and on the surface it seemed that he only expressed his admiration for Kudo Yusaku, a senior in the literary world, and his concerns and inquiries about Kudo Shinichi.

But between the lines, he revealed something, that he knew that Kudo Shinichi was equal to Conan.

Finally, he wrote the reason for writing the letter: to invite Mr. Kudo and Mrs. Kudo to come to Japan to meet.

It is indeed not very polite for a junior to ask a senior to come over to meet him. Even if Kazama Tsuru was in poor health and could not go to meet his senior in person, the tone was too strange, and it was more like an invitation between friends.

But this strange request and tone are not a problem from another perspective.

Please ask the irresponsible parents in the distance to come and see their son who was left behind in the country.

When Kudo Yusaku received the letter, he was silent for a long time.

"What's wrong?"

Yukiko looked at her husband's strange reaction and became curious.

Kudo Yusaku often received letters from readers from all over the world, and Yukiko was used to it, but this letter was obviously different.

"We may have to go back to Japan soon. There is a very perceptive person next to Shinichi."

Kudo Yusaku folded the letter and froze at the address on the envelope.

"Return to China?! Great, great, I haven't seen Shinichi for a long time~ I just received a letter from Dr. Agasa, and I really have to go and take a look

"Oh hehe~ I wonder if Shinichi misses me?"

"Little Shinichi, who is only seven years old, is so great!"

Kudo Yusaku's train of thought was interrupted. Looking at his wife who was laughing strangely beside him, he couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Yukiko's erratic personality...

Kudo Yusaku silently mourned for Conan for a moment.

Here, Kazama Tsuru, who had lived in the hospital for a long time, finally returned home. In fact, in his perception, he spent much more time in the hospital than in this home.

And this"home" was cold and empty, but in the hospital, there were Dr. Nagai and Xiaoyu...

It seemed that the hospital was more like his home.

Kazama Tsuru shook his head and shook off this strange idea.

He probably cleaned the room, then went to the study and sat down. After all, he is a travel writer, and with so many experiences as materials, it is indeed time to start writing.

Follow the editor"Yang" to explore the legendary haunted house, discover statues, solve puzzles, and analyze the structure of the house; go with detective Maori Kogoro to the ancient cherry blossom temple under the waterfall in the mountains to witness the legendary mystery of the mist tengu. Regarding the trip to the haunted house, Kazama Tsuru finally wrote:

"As I originally thought, this house does not have any strange ghost stories. It is just the product of speculation and rumors when people do not know the truth."

As for Shanni Temple and Mist Tengu, he wrote:

"The architectural beauty of temples can be found in many places in this country, but the ancient feeling is something that most places do not have."

"The broken walls and decorations add an ancient charm to the temple, the falling cherry blossoms add a subtle beauty to the temple, and the mysterious mist tengu legend adds brilliance to the temple."

After thinking for a while, he wrote the conclusion at the end.

"From my own experience, most of the gods and ghosts in the world are just the product of misunderstanding. Even though they can make people firm up their faith and avoid disasters, they can also make people forget to seek the truth and only believe in the gods and ghosts."

"I am just an ordinary person, I dare not speak nonsense about gods, but I also think deeply about the reasons for gods and ghosts."

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