Xiaolan and Conan waved a taxi and went to Fengjianhe's house.

When standing at the door, Xiaolan looked at the familiar door, took a deep breath, and rang the doorbell.

I don't know what Fengjian brother is like now...

Soon, the door was opened.

"Igarashi brother!"

Lan looked at Conan who ran up to her and understood the identity of the person.

This was Mr. Igarashi Yang, the best friend of Kazama and his direct editor... Igarashi

Yang was wearing casual clothes and standing in a very casual manner. His hair was flying in the wind, his moist eyes were full of spring colors, and he looked warm and chic.

"Mr. Igarashi, Brother Kazama is now……"

Xiaolan asked worriedly

"Kazama……"Igarashi Yang seemed very hesitant."Kazama has lost his memory now. I wanted to take him to the hospital, but he refused to go. I called a doctor, but even Dr. Nagai couldn't get close to him.……"

"In this case……"Xiaolan hesitated and wanted to say something.

Igarashi understood her idea, but he rejected it directly with a ruthless look.

"Thank you for bringing Conan, Ms. Maori, you should go back first, Kazama can't see anyone else now"

"Well, if there's anything you need, or if Kazama-kun's situation changes, please let me come over!"

""Okay, thank you, Ms. Maori."

So, Igarashi Yang just closed the door, ruthlessly ignoring Xiaolan who was still very worried outside the door.

Conan looked at Igarashi Yang and felt that something was wrong, as if... a little too ruthless?

When they met in the haunted house before, he was obviously still very gentle and sunny...

But Conan didn't think much about it, just thinking that Igarashi Yang was too worried about Fengjian He's condition, so he was a little rude.

"Igarashi brother, how is Kazama brother now? I heard from Xiaolan sister that he only remembers you and me?"

"Well, Kazama's situation is very bad."

After saying that, Igarashi hesitated for a moment, squatted down and looked at Conan seriously.

"Conan, you are a very smart kid. I need your help later."

"Well, Igarashi brother, you say"

"Fengjian now won't let people he can't remember get close to him, and he won't pay attention to anyone else, so only the two of us can come. You have to cooperate with me and get him to go to the hospital, or at least take the medicine properly, okay?"


Conan nodded heavily, thinking of the things he and Kazama Tsuru had done together in the haunted house and the hospital, and the day when he mistakenly thought he was dead at Sanni Temple, he made up his mind.

He must help Kazama Tsuru regain his memory! He must!!

""Okay, come with me."

Conan followed Igarashi Yang and went straight to the second floor.

There were many rooms on the second floor. Conan watched Igarashi Yang walk towards a room in the corner. He didn't knock on the door, but called out a few times in a low voice.

"Kazama, Kazama? I brought Conan with me?"


Conan's heart skipped a beat. Kazama Tsuru's voice was very weak, and... seemed a little dull and slow.

Normally, even if Kazama Tsuru was very ill, it seemed that as long as he was awake, he would speak calmly and indifferently.

But now... squeak~

Without waiting for Conan to think about it, Igarashi Yang directly pushed open the door.

This is a study room, with huge bookshelves on both sides. Conan glanced casually and found that most of the books on them were literary books, and there were books from various countries in different languages. It can be seen that Kazama Tsuru, the famous writer, is also a real talent.

Conan thought of the"Sleeping Kogoro Mori" in the detective agency who relied on himself to get to the top."……

People are indeed different.

But if normally when entering a study, everyone would be interested in the books on the bookshelf and ignore everything else, now, these books are just a foil.

A strong smell of blood filled the room, and Conan's eyes were fixed on the man in front of the desk by the window.

Pools of blood were scattered around the desk, splattered and dripped.……


Igarashi Yang beside him exclaimed, stepped forward quickly, and stepped directly on the bloodstains, disrupting the complete bloodstains and interrupting Conan's analysis.

Kazama Tsuru was lying on the desk, his face was pale, and there was a drop of blood on his lips.

His eyes were hazy and out of focus, like a quiet pond, reflecting all the external objects in a calm background, but there was no fluctuation in himself.

""Kazama, Kazama? Mr. Kazama?"

Seeing Igarashi Yang's anxious call, Conan also stepped forward quickly.

Mr. Kazama?

This title……

"Ah... Igarashi……"

After hearing Feng Jianhe's response, Igarashi Yang seemed to finally feel relieved and lowered his voice again.

"Look who's this next to you?"

Conan didn't have time to think about it, and found that he was mentioned by Igarashi Yang, so he tried to support himself on the table and stand on his tiptoes so that Fengjian He could see him.

"Brother Kazama, I'm Conan, do you remember me?"

Speaking of which, it's not surprising that Kazama can remember his friend Igarashi after losing his memory, but why can he remember himself?

In fact, if you want to talk seriously, it's normal for him to remember Xiaolan, right?

Xiaolan was there every time I visited him, and Xiaolan also visited him alone.

He seemed to get along with Xiaolan more than me... or was it because I had the experience of being in a haunted house with him? Or was it because he knew my secret, so he was more at ease with me?

Conan knew that in psychology, if a person knew another person's unknown secret, he would be more at ease and closer to this person.

This is also human nature, and people are less vigilant about people or things that are under their control.

But people with amnesia will...���Does this person remember a person because he is less threatening to himself?

If this is true, what is Feng Jianhe's normal mental state?


Kazama Kazuru repeated the name blankly, his eyes moved, as if he had an impression of it.

He was thinking carefully about how to act next.

So far, it seems that the first step of his plan with Kudo Yusaku, the ruthless Igarashi Yo in front of him, was successful.

Conan was successfully taken out of the office without alerting Xiaolan.

Under the table, Kudo Yusaku seemed to be very worried and leaned very close to Kazama Kazuru, but in fact, he was tapping something on Kazama Kazuru's arm.

Is this... Morse code?

Kazama Kazuru looked at Conan's face dully, as if he was lost in memories.

Guide, him, to, the place.

Guide Conan to the agreed place!

Kazama Kazuru translated it, and his eyes became focused.

""Conan, I know you."

As he said that, Kazama Tsuru sat up with great effort, and"Igarashi Yang" beside him reached out to support him and let him lean on him.

Conan also took a few steps forward with concern and smelled a stronger smell of blood in Kazama Tsuru's mouth.

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