"But if you put aside these flaws, Mr. Kazama's acting is really good. I didn't expect this. When I first entered the room, I really thought……"

Feng Jianhe laughed when he heard this.

"It's not that I'm a good actor, it's just that I've been sick a lot, so I have experience."

"Well, I was scared and called out Mr. Kazama, which is also a flaw. I don’t know if Shinichi will notice it."

Kudo Yusaku smiled bitterly

"He was also frightened at the time, so he probably wouldn't have noticed this."

Kudo Yusaku shook his head, obviously disagreeing with Kazama Tsuru's statement.

He didn't mention this matter again and ended the topic directly.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Mr. Kazama should change his clothes quickly. If he really suspects you, and comes in again, it will be bad if he finds out."

Kazama Tsuru nodded and walked out of the study quickly.

He left Kudo Yusaku alone in the study to decorate the room.

Conan walked out of the room quickly, but his steps were getting slower and slower.

Now he finally had time to think. He connected a series of things together, but he felt that everything was unreasonable.

Igarashi Yang, who was obviously very gentle, did not let Xiaolan see Kazama Tsuru.

It was clearly said that medical staff had been here, but there was no trace. The items were very tidy, and the bloodstains on the floor of the room were also complete and not coagulated, as if they had just appeared not long ago.

Moreover, the distribution of the bloodstains on the ground was not right, and the amount of blood was... should be close to 500cc, right? Kazama was in poor health and often lost blood. How could he remain conscious after vomiting 500cc of blood in a short period of time?

And the phrase"Mr. Kazama" now seems very unreasonable Something is wrong.

Igarashi Yo is obviously a good friend of Kazama, but why does he call him"Mr. Kazama" when it is not work or a formal occasion?

And he asked me to call a taxi first...

There are many taxis on this street, and it is not a holiday with a lot of traffic.

If I just stand on the side of the road and wait, it will only take about half a minute to wait for a taxi, so why let me, a child, go to hail a taxi first?

It's to get me out of the way!

Conan came to this conclusion and stopped.

No, something is wrong, I must go back and take a look!

Conan turned around and walked back into the house, while lowering his footsteps and trying not to make any noise.

Kudo Yusaku, who had been paying attention to the stairs, heard a slight sound, and immediately left the study carefully, closed the door, and walked to the bedroom door where Kazama Tsuru was changing clothes.

""Kazama, Kazama? Are you done changing?"

Conan heard the voice and turned to hide in the corner of the stairs, leaning against the railing to listen to the voice above.

Kazama Tsuru was halfway through changing clothes in the room, and when he heard Kudo Yusaku calling him"Kazama", he knew that Conan was really back, and he also entered the acting mode.

"I'm almost well again."

His voice was weak again, and his response was slower.

"It's okay, take your time, I'm just confirming."

Igarashi Yang didn't finish his words, Conan automatically added the rest of the words.

Confirming whether you fainted when changing clothes.

And Fengjianzhe in the room automatically added another meaning.

Confirming with you that Conan is back and is about to start acting.

Conan stood at the stairs and didn't hear the sound of Igarashi Yang moving. He was secretly anxious in his heart. Finally, it seemed that God was helping him.

Fengjianzhe in the room spoke.

He probably confirmed that this Igarashi Yang was a fake, but he didn't know whether that Fengjianzhe was a fake. He couldn't alert the enemy now.

"Igarashi, please come in. I'm done changing."

The bedroom door was opened, and the fake Igarashi Yang responded and walked in.

Conan also quickly went upstairs and rushed into the study.

The bloodstains in the study had been cleaned up. It should be that"Igarashi Yang" cleaned it up while Kazama Tsuru went to change clothes.

There were still a lot of papers used to wipe the bloodstains in the trash can next to it.

But this doesn't show anything. At most, one thing can be confirmed: the bloodstains are indeed very new, and there are no signs of coagulation.

Conan began to recall the scene at that time. The shape and distribution of the bloodstains... seemed... a little bit wrong?

But he couldn't be sure at all now, because his attention was all on Kazama Tsuru.

Now the bloodstains have been wiped off.

Damn it!

Conan pressed his hands tightly on the table.

Except for the previous"death of Kazama Tsuru", he has never been so powerless!

Now he knows that the whole thing is wrong, and that"Igarashi Yang" is also wrong, but in order to prevent the untrue Kazama Tsuru from being involved, he can't do anything!


Conan suddenly thought of something and smiled confidently.

His glasses snapped and a light flashed across his eyes.


"Kazama, can you walk? Can I push you in a wheelchair?"

""Well... OK."

Conan immediately reacted after hearing these two sentences and climbed out of the window.

Fengjianhe's house was not very tall, and it was not a problem for him to climb directly from the second floor to the first floor.

Conan quickly ran to the street and stopped a taxi. He got in and asked the driver to wait for a while, and then he began to clean up the traces on his body.

The mud on his shoes, a leaf on his body, the slightly messy bow on his chest, and the white wall dust left on the wall.……


"Um! Igarashi brother, this way!"

"Okay, Kazama, you sit first, I'll go put the wheelchair down."

Kazama Tsuru and Conan sat in the back of the taxi together,"Igarashi Yang" went to the trunk alone to put the folding wheelchair.

Conan finally waited for this opportunity and leaned close to Kazama Tsuru's ear.

"Brother Kazama?"


Feng Jianhe turned his head in confusion.

Conan was startled and looked at the driver in front. Fortunately, the driver didn't pay much attention to the actions behind him.

"Keep your voice down!"

Feng Jian was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"This Igarashi brother is fake, he is a bad guy! You must be careful!"

Conan believed that with Kazama Tsuru's skills, even if he has lost his memory and is still sick, as long as he is prepared, he will not be hurt by"Igarashi Yang". Kazama Tsuru didn't seem to react to Conan's words, blinked and stayed where he was.

But Conan was too late to explain,"Igarashi Yang" had already come over.

He looked at the back seat and walked alone to the passenger seat.

"Are we all here yet? Where are we going?"

The taxi driver was a fat lady with a strange voice.


""Igarashi Yang" quickly reported a string of place names.

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