Kazama Tsuru woke up vaguely in the ambulance, his head was still a little dizzy, and he felt stuffy and short of breath.

When he didn't touch the blood bag before, his heart skipped a beat, but his part was not over yet! He died directly without blood... Conan probably wouldn't believe it... right.

Before, he had always acted out amnesia, resulting in slow thinking + weakness and vomiting blood.

If he died directly without vomiting blood, it would be a bit inconsistent with the previous symptoms. After all

, Conan still knows some medical skills.

So now... besides sleeping to resist boredom, the second use of the system has come out.

Kazama Tsuru kept hypnotizing himself in his mind, and then crazily imagined how he felt when he was in Sanni Temple.

Then he succeeded. He successfully sent himself to the ambulance.

"Doctor, the patient is awake!"


Kudo Yusaku, who followed the ambulance, looked down and called out worriedly after hearing the nurse's words.

Although Dr. Agasa's letter mentioned Kazama Tsuru's physical condition, and it seemed that he had been hospitalized more than once or twice, it still made people worry when they saw him like this.

"Is the patient's surname Fengjian? Let me ask about the situation first."

The doctor who was staring at the heart rate monitor immediately turned around and interrupted what Kudo Yusaku was going to say, looking at Fengjian Tsuru on the bed.

Kudo Yusaku also knew that the situation was urgent and did not say anything.

"Can you speak? How do you feel?"

Feng Jianhe opened his mouth and whispered a few scattered words.

The nurse bent down to listen carefully and heard something clearly.

"Doctor, he can't breathe."

""I'll give you oxygen."

After wearing the breathing mask for a while, Feng Jianhe finally felt that his chest was not so uncomfortable.

The result may be that the contrast between before and after was too obvious. Feng Jianhe suddenly felt comfortable. He just felt sleepy and fell asleep.

"Steady heart rate"

"Doctor, the patient has fainted again!"


"Do you want to fight?……"

"Wait, I guess I just fell asleep."

"Sleep, fell asleep?"

"Well, it may be the effect of oxygen. Driver, please go slower and steady."


The excited nurse:...

Kudo Yusaku was shocked again:……


I don't know how long it has been, but when Feng Jianhe woke up again, it was the familiar ceiling again.

There was also a Kudo Yusaku who was watching over him.

""Is Kazama-kun awake?"

Kudo Yusaku raised his head from the book and saw Kazama Tsuru open his eyes. He reached out and pressed the pager beside the bed, raised his glasses, and closed the book in his hand.

""Do you feel okay?"

Feng Jianhe blinked and woke up from his sleepy state. The oxygen had been stopped, but he felt more comfortable than ever before.

Every part of his body was normal, no pain, not even dull pain, and no daily weakness debuff.

It felt healthy... so comfortable... too lazy to move.

"I feel pretty good, much better than before."

Feng Jianhe smiled.

Without feeling weak, his smile was less ethereal and more calm.

Kudo Yusaku could see it and laughed too.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and Nagai Miishi and a nurse entered the ward.

The nurse came forward to change the needle water for Feng Jianhe.

""Kazama-kun, how do you feel?"

Dr. Nagai found that Kazama Tsuru's condition had suddenly improved after all the examinations, but he still asked

"I feel much better, I don't know why"

"Kazama-kun, your physical condition is indeed very complicated.……"

Dr. Nagai couldn't give an answer either.

"But now the situation is indeed getting better in all aspects, and it seems that vomiting blood and falling into a coma this time is not a bad thing."

Feng Jianhe nodded slightly.

At this time, the nurse also changed the needle and water.

"Then, Kazama-kun, you should rest first and observe for another day. If there is no other problem, you can be discharged from the hospital."

"Thank you very much."

After seeing off Dr. Nagai and the other two, Kudo Yusaku turned his gaze back to Kazama Tsuru.

"It seems that Kazama-kun is in good condition indeed."


Feng Jianhe smiled, enjoying the peace at this moment.

The sunlight outside the window poured into the ward, staining the quilt with a touch of gold. Feng Jianhe's smile was light, but it seemed to add a little white cloud to the blue sky, suddenly brightening it.

His hair seemed to stand up, and it was black and shiny against the white pillow.

"By the way, Kudo-kun, how long have I slept? How is Shinichi-kun doing?"

"You slept all day, and now it's the afternoon of the next day."

Kudo Yusaku answered Kazama Tsuru's question, looking very serious, but he started to laugh as he spoke.

"As for Shinichi?……"

Conan woke up almost this morning, and was sent away at about the same time as Kazama Tsuru.

He stared blankly at himself, and after escaping from the house, he followed the clues all the way to the Rice Flower Hotel, and then found the room from the parking lot, and then found the two people from the Black Organization.

"You, you guys……"

"Ding ding! Isn't Shinichi surprised! These are all fake! Hahaha!"

A certain unscrupulous mother laughed out loud when she saw Conan with a head full of latte art sprayed out from a fake gun.

"Ah, this……"

Dr. Agasa still has a conscience after all. Looking at Conan's dull eyes, his conscience hurts for a second.

"Actually, there is a real part. Mr. Kazama was admitted to the hospital and seems to be still in emergency treatment. I didn't want to participate in it at first, but……"

"Well, no need to say more."

Conan's mouth twitched wildly. He didn't know how much effort he had to make not to rush up and tear his mother apart.

So he was angry all day, trying to solve the puzzle and catch these black-clad people.���What is the point of revenge for Kazama Tsuru?

Conan is in a gloomy mood and has lost his luster.

"Shinichi, don't be angry. We are doing this for you. This time it's fake, but what if we really meet that organization? What if all this really happened?"

Conan recovered some of his energy and felt that what Yukiko said made sense.

"You are right. I was too careless this time and relied too much on Kazama."

"It's okay to rely on him a little, we just want to remind you that he is not in good health after all, you have to pay attention to his condition at all times."

Conan nodded.

Yukiko squatted down

"So, Shinichi, are you sure you don't want to go back with us?"

Yukiko knew her son well. He was very obsessed with detective work and decryption.

Maybe she wanted to take him out of Japan regardless of his thoughts at first, after all, Japan was too dangerous.

But Kudo Yusaku's words stopped her and made her make the decision today.

"Shinichi is too reckless. It would be good if he could practice in Japan. With Kazama-kun helping him, he is not that dangerous.……"

At that time, Kudo Yusaku looked up at Yukiko, his eyes shining with wisdom behind his glasses.

"No matter what, there is me."

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