After sending Conan and Sonoko away, Kazama Tsuru thought for a while and did not disturb Ai who had closed the door. Instead, he went to the study.

Walking into the study, Kazama Tsuru seemed to still smell a faint smell of blood, which was the trace left by the previous fraud with Kudo Yusaku.

It's been... a long time since I came in.

The sunlight passed through the leaves, through the glass, and finally turned into sporadic spots of light, shining on the table.

The paper under his pen was also illuminated.

From the first time he met Kidd, to harming Conan, going to the World's No. 1 Night Festival, meeting Ai, and going to the Dugong Festival on Mermaid Island.

His experiences during this period are not necessarily rich, but it is destined that not all things can be known to outsiders.

He felt Kidd's confidence and elegance, Kudo Yusaku's wisdom and calmness, Ai's sadness and complexity... but these can only be kept in his heart and cannot be recorded in words.

Regarding the World's No. 1 Night Festival, he finally wrote:

"Perhaps the festival is not really all about praying. It brings people from all over the world together, turning countless wishes into colorful fireworks in the sky, and also brings together the hearts of people from all over the world to witness the grand scene. The night festival is a prayer, a hope, and also the world of mortals."

Thinking of the Dugong Festival on Mermaid Island, he summed it up like this:

"From demon exorcism to longevity, the Dugong Festival has witnessed the changes of the times and the changes of history. This is the last Dugong Festival, but it is not the last wish of people. I believe that as people's wishes change, different festivals will continue to come.

"Every festival is a lively event, a memory, and a world of mortals."

In fact, Feng Jianhe wanted to write more, but many of the beautiful things he liked were poems.

The east wind blows thousands of flowers at night, and blows them down like rain. The road is filled with the fragrance of BMWs and carved carriages. The sound of phoenix flutes moves, the light of jade pots turns, and fish and dragons dance all night.

It's a pity that people here can't feel this beauty.


Time passed silently like a drizzle.

Only a few hours were left until the time on the invitation letter, and Feng Jianhe was finally ready to go out.

"You're not going?"

"There were too many people at this kind of party, and there were cameras everywhere. I absolutely couldn't leave any images of myself."

"I see...Okay, then Ai, you just take care of the house.~"


It's fine without you here, I can add some chili to my lunch.":……

That's right. Now he is not only under Xiao Ai's supervision and has to take medicine every day, but also restricted from eating spicy food, drinking, no, no...

As a brother, it's too difficult for him.

Not long after, he arrived at the scene.

He came relatively early, but there were still many people who arrived early and socialized with wine glasses.

Feng Jianhe looked around and didn't see Suzuki Sonoko. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in a corner.

Feng Jianhe glanced over. These guests have basically been seen in newspapers and news. Representatives of a certain group, presidents of a certain company, and CEOs of a certain company...

This is the Suzuki family... Or the super appeal of the Suzuki Group.


Wait... What is the feeling behind it?!

Feng Jianhe quickly put the wine glass aside and lowered his head quickly.

He instantly felt something passing over his head.

Feng Jianhe reacted immediately, stepped aside to avoid the second attack, turned sideways, raised his hand, and knocked!

A middle-aged uncle staggered and fell down.

Feng Jianhe had never expected this scene. He was just an ordinary writer, at most a little famous. Why was he always attacked?!

There were not many people at the scene at this time, and the place he was in was very remote. For a moment, no one noticed that a person had fallen here.

Maybe this is why this person chose to attack here.

Feng Jianhe endured the pain in his waist and squatted down with difficulty. It was a strange uncle with a mustache.

Who is this person...

Looking at him, he gradually found something unusual and reached out to touch the edge of his face.

Sure enough, it was a human skin mask!

The face below was...

Kudo... No, it was Kuroba Kaito!!

Why would Kaito Kidd target him... I shouldn't have offended him in particular... right?

Feng Jianhe thought about how he had waited for Kaito Kidd on the rooftop before, and then looked at him after he released the flash bomb, and looked at him again after he released the tranquilizer bullet...

But speaking of it, the attack just now was indeed not fatal. At first, he hit him on the back of the neck, probably just to knock him out.

Then Kidd's idea was very obvious.

Want to knock me out and pretend to be me to stay here?!


Feng Jianhe looked down at Kidd who showed no signs of waking up.

He had misjudged his own strength after all.

So now...

Feng Jianhe thought about it, and saw the reward he had just received on the system panel. He smiled lightly and suddenly had an idea.


"Would he really like me like this?"

"He may not like you, but if you don't show your true self, he will definitely not like you, right? If you really want to be with him, you have to be real!"

Sonoko nodded thoughtfully.

Conan breathed a sigh of relief. He finally fooled this gossipy woman. Fortunately, he fooled her. If he really waited for her to put on makeup and choose a dress, he and Xiaolan would have to wait for who knows how long!

What? Uncle Maori?

He didn't care.

"Sonoko, what are you talking about? Come over here quickly! I've seen Kazama-san over there!"

"I'll be there soon!"

Yuanzi finally let go and ran to Xiaolan's side.

"Conan, come here quickly!"

"Okay, Xiaolan-sister!

Conan's expression turned into a smile before he even started to pout.

"Brother Kazama!"

"Xiaolan, you are here too. Come sit over here."


""Kazama first... ahem, hello Kazama brother~"

Kazama Tsuru:...What is Sonoko going crazy about again?

Now it's not"Sonoko" splitting into"Miss Sonoko", but"Miss Sonoko" splitting into"Sonoko"?

""Well, hello, Miss Sonoko."

Several people started chatting. Although it was a bit awkward at the beginning, as Sonoko gradually became normal, the atmosphere was not so strange.

But Xiaolan still felt that something was wrong. Thinking about it, she realized, where is Conan?

"Eh? Conan, why aren't you talking?"

"Um...Sister Xiaolan……"

"Conan, are you feeling unwell?"

Xiaolan squatted down and looked at Conan carefully.

Conan didn't feel anything wrong, but he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the Kazama Tsuru in front of him.……

"Sister Xiaolan, I'm fine, I just haven't seen Brother Kazama for a long time!"

"I's been a while since I took you to see Kazama-nii.……"

Xiaolan thought about it.

Feng Jianhe chuckled and said,"It's true that Xiaolan and I haven't seen each other for a while, but Conan came over once a few days ago."

"Huh? Conan came here alone... He didn't even tell me! I don't know if it caused you any trouble.……"

"No, Conan……"

Conan looked at the two people who were chatting again.

We knew that we had met a few days ago. Is this the real Kazama? Or did Kaito Kid investigate beforehand?

Conan's small body was shrouded in mystery.

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