Conan heard Xiao Ai's question and smiled confidently.

"Of course. Just decipher two words from the chessboard: egg head, which means an intellectual who loves to reason. It refers to the huge portrait of the old master. Then, according to what is written on the chessboard, rotate it ninety degrees, and you should be able to see the answer!"

Dr. Agasa exclaimed:"It really is the new, cough, Conan."

Conan looked over speechlessly. If his identity was exposed, it would definitely not be because of what Huibara said about being reckless, but because these people let the cat out of the bag!

Hattori is the same, always saying"Conan"

"Then let's go and take a look at the treasure. By the way, call the people from the Mamiya family."

Fengjian Kasuru smiled and changed the subject directly.

Ayumi thought about it, and finally turned to Fengjian Kasuru hesitantly and asked,"Brother Fengjian, then, then what about this old woman?"

Fengjian Kasuru looked down at the"old lady" who was still sleeping, and pondered for a while.

He put Ayumi down and carried the old lady on his back.

"Let's go, it's better to take her with us."

Genta nodded:"Yes! This bad guy must not be left here alone, it will be bad if she runs away later!"

Mitsuhiko continued:"Then we will go to find the owner of this castle separately, Brother Kazama and Classmate Haibara are waiting for us at the portrait."

Ayumi nodded:"Yes!"

Several people found one of the directions and walked out. Under the illumination of several watch flashlights, the secret passage was bright, and there was no longer the previous sense of horror.

Ayumi quietly walked to the back and pulled Conan's sleeve.

Conan looked back in confusion

"What's wrong, Ayumi?"

"You, you haven't had dinner yet. I brought these breads in and I kept them well."

Conan looked down at the bread handed over by Ayumi and suddenly fell silent.

These kids...

I don't know when, the idea of wanting to grow up gradually diminished, and he seemed to have really become a member of the Boy Detective Team and a partner of these kids.

When I was lost, they would look for me anxiously and leave food for me. They really regarded me as a friend.

So... what about me?

Should I get along with them as Conan, or should I help these trouble-making kids as Kudo Shinichi?

If I grow up, these friends I made as Conan will no longer have so many intersections... When they meet again, they will only call me"Brother Shinichi", and there will no longer be the friendship we have now, only the sense of distance brought by the age difference.

Conan sighed silently in his heart, but he knew very well that he would never give up growing up, and these children would only accompany him through this journey.

He took the bread with a smile and thanked sincerely,"Ayumi, thank you."

Ayumi saw that Conan was slow to accept the bread and thought that he didn't like it. Tears were brewing in her eyes. Now seeing Conan's sincere face, she suddenly burst into laughter.

Several people walked out of the secret passage.

Kazama Tsuru didn't force himself and waited in front of the photo according to Mitsuhiko's arrangement.

Xiao Ai herself was too lazy to go, so she simply stayed. Conan and Dr. Agasa also stayed and waited.

The other children recovered very quickly. It seemed that they had completely forgotten the shock they had just received in the secret passage. They ran excitedly to find someone.

"As expected of a child, he is full of energy."

Now that everyone present knew about it, Conan no longer had to hide anything.

"Your body is still a child now. If you can control yourself a little, don't always be with your sister Xiaolan.……"


"What's wrong? Are you angry?"

"You! I clearly……"

Conan's face turned red like an apple.

Kazama Tsuru laughed secretly and looked at the two people silently.

Dr. Agasa touched his head and said,"Shinichi, you are indeed……"


Conan was dumbfounded.

How did everyone know about this?

They were not there when Xiaolan and I took a bath together, how did they know?

"Is the treasure here?"

Suddenly, a voice broke in. It was the noble Mamiya.

The Mamiya family came very quickly. They must have been waiting for a long time.

From the generation of the great master to the generation of the young master, more than ten years have passed and no one has been able to solve this mystery.

From the initial excitement of searching to the later indifference with expectation, they have experienced too much.

Until the fire in the tower, this treasure is no longer a simple treasure, but the weight of more than a dozen lives.

Mamiya Mitsuru soon arrived behind Ayumi. He saw the"old lady" on the ground next to him and was shocked. They were so shocked that they wanted to help her up.

Feng Jianzhe immediately stopped them, briefly explained the reasons, and pointed out several flaws he found. The two people from the Mamiya family looked at this"old lady" with complicated expressions. More than a dozen people died for a treasure.

He really regarded her as his mother (grandmother) for four years.

This maid...

I don't know how they felt.

Now everyone is standing in front of the photo.

Conan is still very interested in verifying his own reasoning. He ran up first and rotated the photo ninety degrees.

He did not disappoint everyone's expectations. After a click, The photo moved to the side, revealing a secret passage.

Led by the people of the Mamiya family, everyone walked into the secret passage one after another, leaving the"old lady" lying there. After walking in the secret passage for a while, it suddenly became bright.

It was dawn, and the moon was still hanging far in the sky, but the surroundings had gradually become brighter. The blazing jade hidden under the ground revealed a few rays of light, dyeing a few clouds red.

Several children cheered excitedly and shouted to see the scenery.

The two people from the Mamiya family looked at them blankly, and no one could tell what the two people were thinking at the moment.

Ai and Conan watched quietly. The scenery, although it did not expect the ending of the treasure, it soon accepted it and just enjoyed it quietly.

Feng Jianhe watched the light with a faint smile.

Different worlds, but with the same sun.

Time passed little by little.

The dew on the grass and trees disappeared into the air little by little, and the morning breeze blew, opening a new day of natural music. From the singing of birds and insects, and the rustling of trees, the burning red ball jumped out of the plane and illuminated the whole world. The white clouds were dyed warm colors, and then deepened into bright red, like jumping flames.

The fog in the forest dissipated, revealing a fresh and bright scene. A new day

"I want to give this castle and this view to the first person to arrive……"

A voice muttered behind everyone.

Everyone turned around and looked at the woman who had killed dozens of people, had plastic surgery to look like an old woman, and pretended to be stupid for several years, collapsed on the ground.

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