Feng Jianhe had been unconscious for several days without knowing why. When he woke up again, judging from the light, it should have been evening one day.

Feng Jianhe opened his eyes, adjusted for a while, and then tried to move his head to look around.

This ward was empty and he was the only one there. It seemed that his fellow patient had been replaced and a new one had not been moved in.

This ward was a high-level ward. Everyone had a special nurse to take care of them, and their conditions were relatively unstable. This was one of the reasons why Feng Jianhe thought that something had happened to his fellow patient.

However... it seemed that he was not the only one in the ward.

Feng Jianhe finally saw a head with his peripheral vision.

It was Igarashi Yang. He must have been tired and fell asleep by his bed.

This coma was indeed too sudden. Not only did Feng Jianhe eat the melon and it fell on himself, but Igarashi was the most unexpected.

He was talking, but he didn't get a response for a long time. He turned around and saw that the person had fainted. His eyes were closed and his face was pale. His breathing was also unstable, and he looked like he would die at any time.

Igarashi Yang tried to shout a few times but got no response, so he immediately ran out to call the doctor.

He didn't press the bell beside the bed. If he pressed the bell, he would have to wait for the nurse to come, and then the nurse would go to call the doctor, and the doctor would come again. It was too time-consuming.

He rushed all the way to Dr. Nagai's office and quickly explained the situation.

That's why Kazama Kazama heard the operating cart and hurried footsteps outside. Kazama Kazama thought about it and understood the situation at that time. It was probably the same as the situation in Sanni Temple. There was a big problem with his body, but his consciousness was still clear.

Then he thought nothing happened to him and thought he was resting his eyes, but he scared Igarashi enough.

This matter is really...

Kazama Kazama didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He looked at Igarashi next to him and tried to raise his hand to pull his quilt a little closer.

He covered his hands, but he didn't know if it would work.

Time passed little by little. Kazama Kazama might have rested enough when he was unconscious, and now he couldn't feel sleepy at all.

He just looked at the ceiling quietly, listening to the long breathing of Igarashi Yang next to him

""Hmm... Kazama?"

Igarashi finally woke up. He was still a little confused and slowly straightened up. He rubbed his eyes and spoke in a low voice. He was probably talking to himself.

But in this empty ward, Kazama Tsuru heard it clearly.


Feng Jianhe was wearing a breathing mask, so he couldn't see his smile, so he tried to make his voice more relaxed.

Unexpectedly, when he heard him speak, Igarashi Yang reacted so strongly that he jumped up directly.

"Fengjian, you're awake!"

Igarashi Yang looked excited, glanced at Fengjian He, and confirmed that he was not hallucinating, and then ran out again.

"I'll go call Dr. Nagai!"

"Igarashi!"Dr. Nagai is probably off work...

Fengjianzuru didn't finish the second half of the sentence, and the guy had already run out of the ward.

But to Fengjianzuru's surprise, Dr. Nagai was actually called by him.

"Fengjian finally woke up. You have been in a coma for nearly three days, and your body functions are... cough, but your physical condition is not bad. You should be able to return to normal after a while. However, there is a small problem. It seems that there is something wrong with your lungs. Ah, it just takes a long time for self-repair. It's not a big problem.……"

Fengjianzuru secretly laughed when he heard the awkward way Dr. Nagai spoke.

He was a serious person, and often forgot other things while talking, and immersed himself in the research of the disease. However, after Fengjianzuru suffered heart pain several times because of the disease he described, he finally forced himself to change this habit and tried to speak more gently.

But now he is feeling awkward.

He wanted to tell the truth but thought of Fengjianzuru's physical condition. He wanted to speak more gently but had to tell the truth.

Unfortunately, Fengjianzuru didn't have any family, so he could only inform the patient of the disease.

Doctor Nagai has a hard time.

"You mean, Fengjian can only recuperate recently, right?"

Igarashi stood by and listened with a serious face. Seeing that Dr. Nagai was really having a hard time talking, and not knowing why, he simply asked directly.

"Yes, you have to stay in bed during this period. Depending on how your body recovers, you should be able to walk normally in a few days. But because of some minor problems with your lungs, you may not be completely healthy."

"OK, I understand. Thanks, doctor."

"This is my duty."

After saying this, Dr. Nagai briefly asked Kazama Tsuru how he felt, and then walked out of the ward.


Feng Jianhe listened to the conversation between the two and felt that his life might not be so good recently.

""Fazama, for your health, you have to stay in this room for the next few days. I will bring more books, but you must take medicine on time."

Igarashi Yang looked into Fengjian He's eyes, very seriously.

Fengjian He looked at Igarashi Yang like this, and couldn't say anything willful, so he could only nod gently.

Then, his miserable life began from this moment.

Lying in the same dusty room every day, smelling the bad smell of disinfectant, taking strange pills of unknown origin, hanging a bottle of injection water after a while, and wearing an oxygen mask all the time and unable to take it off.

The only two things that can be regarded as not bad are that Igarashi Yang finally has nothing to do recently and can be free to accompany and take care of him, and the second is that detective novels are quite interesting.


As time went by, Kazama Tsuru was finally able to walk, and he immediately went through the discharge procedures, even resorting to self-torture against Igarashi.

Igarashi couldn't do anything with him after all, and could only helplessly walk beside him and support him slightly to prevent this guy from fainting suddenly again.

Kazama Tsuru also gradually understood what Dr. Nagai meant by"there is a little problem with the lungs."

He always felt stuffy in his chest, and there were always bursts of dull pain, which became more uncomfortable with breathing. Sometimes, a slight irritation to the lungs might cause a mouthful of blood to spurt out.

It was terrible.

But he really couldn't stay in that hospital anymore.

It was too depressing.

"Igarashi, tomorrow is Ms. Matsumoto's wedding, I want to go"

"You... okay, okay, just go ahead, ah……" victory!

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