"Director Jinchuan, are you going to the children's area again?"

Feng Jianhe noticed Director Jinchuan walking back and forth looking at the bookshelves not far away, and then was about to turn around.

"Oh, it's Mr. Kazama, haha~ Those children reading books are really cute. I am a very lonely person, so I can only look at those children."

Director Jinchuan smiled, kindly, really like an old man who likes children and his library.

Kazama Tsuru chuckled.

"Among all kinds of loneliness, people are most afraid of spiritual loneliness. You are not that lonely."

"It's a famous quote from Balzac, and it's true."

Director Jinchuan smiled, and after the two of them nodded, they didn't say anything more.

After all, this is a library.

Fengjian He looked at Director Jinchuan's back and took out a book.

He really just came to read books, but gradually he remembered some of the contents of the original work because of the director's frequent visits to the children's area.

This director is a drug dealer, and the white powder is hidden in the thick English books in the children's area.

He observed for a few days to see the changes in those books and the frequency of the director's visits to the children's area. The transaction should be tonight.

Maybe the director didn't know that Balzac has another famous saying.

Complacency, arrogance and credulity are the three major reefs in life.

……The rest of the story was very simple. When the museum was about to close at night, Kazama Tsuru called.

So the police officers who had been lying in ambush caught Director Jinchuan, who was packing books, in the middle of the night when there were few people around.

"Ah...the library is closed.……"

Mitsuhiko was very disappointed when he saw the closed library.

"It was open yesterday.……"

Yuan Tai also became sad

"What about Conan's reading notes? Winter vacation is about to end.……"

Ayumi was even sadder.

Conan, on the other hand, didn't feel sad at all, he just felt confused.

The library was closed without any prior notice, and it was just a temporary closure? And there was just a piece of paper posted on the door explaining the closure.

As for the reason for the closure, it only said"temporary renovation".

How could renovation be done without prior notice? How could there be no renovation materials and construction team?

And the books in the library were not shipped out in advance.

There is definitely something wrong with this library.

"Conan, I'm really sorry. I originally wanted to bring you here to read a book and give you some ideas for writing notes, but I didn't expect this to happen.……"

Conan came back to his senses, looked at the depressed Ayumi next to him, and smiled to comfort her.

"It’s nothing. The library is closed, so let’s go somewhere else to read!"

Ayumi was curious:"Somewhere else? Where?"

Mitsuhiko suddenly thought of something.

"Are we going to a bookstore? No, it's not good to just randomly browse through books in a bookstore."

"No, I mean to go to Brother Fengjian's house! Brother Fengjian's house has a big study room, and there are many books!"

"Going to Brother Kazama's house...will it bother him?……"

Mitsuhiko thought of the scene when Kazama Tsuru was lying on the hospital bed.

"Yes, Brother Fengjian is not in good health, so let's not disturb him.

Yuan Tai also agreed.

"Yes! But Conan's reading notes must be completed, what should we do?……"


The children thought about it.

Conan's mouth twitched secretly. He didn't expect that the first step of the plan would fail...

These children are surprisingly sensible.

So it seems that if he wants to trick Kazama, he can only find another opportunity.

Just thinking about it, Conan suddenly saw a man standing next to the library door.


The man heard the voice and turned around in confusion. He saw Conan and the other three little ones and squatted down with a smile.

"Are you calling me, kid? What's up?"

It's rare for a man to not dislike children.

Ayumi immediately developed a liking for this uncle.

Conan went up to ask

"Uncle, you are the librarian, right? Do you know why the library is suddenly closed?"

Conan said in a cute tone, obviously a typical elementary school student.

"Eh? How do you know I'm a librarian?"

If there's no denial, then it's correct.

Conan smiled,"My uncle told me!"

"I told you?"

Yutian Kazuo tried to think whether he had seen this child in the library before.

"Hmm! Everyone else left after reading the notice, only the uncle has been standing nearby, and he has a phone in his hand. He must have just called to ask, right? And that briefcase has a library logo on it!"

Yutian Kazuo looked at the phone and briefcase in his hand and smiled.

"You are really smart. Oh, you just asked me about the situation in the library, right? Actually, just like you said, I don’t know what the situation is. I was just calling to ask."

Conan asked again,"What's the result? Did the director answer?"

Tamada Kazuo didn't ask Conan how he deduced it. He called the director.

"No, the curator's phone is turned off, and I don't know what's going on.……"

"So that's it……"

Conan pondered.

Ayumi said,"Could it be that something happened to the director at home, so the library is temporarily closed?"

Genta denied,"But the administrator also has the key to the library. He just didn't open the door because of the notice. It's definitely not because of something that prevented him from opening the door."

Mitsuhiko guessed,"Could it be that something happened? We can't get in touch with him. Should we call the police?"

"No need to call the police."

As he was speaking, a police officer in uniform came over.

"Officer Takagi!!"×4

"Officer Takagi, why are you here?"

Apparently after the various cases before, the little ones have become familiar with Officer Takagi.

Takagi Shi smiled and said,"It's about the library. I have something to ask this gentleman."

"That's it.……"

Mitsuhiko seemed to be thinking about something.

Conan immediately got the point,"Officer Takagi, what exactly is going on here?"


Gao Mushi seemed a little hesitant, obviously still remembering the police regulations, but looking at the familiar and curious children in front of him, he thought about it and revealed some

"Actually, someone reported that the library director Jinchuan was involved in some incidents, so an investigation was conducted."

Conan thought of a lot of things instantly.

What incidents required the closure of the library?

Obviously, there was evidence of a crime hidden in the library, and Director Jinchuan was arrested yesterday, but he was only questioned by Tamada Kazuo today, and he was not arrested, which means that the administrator was not involved in this matter.

So... the incidents with a strong smell of blood are ruled out first, and there are not many left.

Could it be... white powder?

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