How Can My Hyakki Yagyo Be So Cute

Chapter 214: The retirement life of the brave (16)

The battle soon ended.

Without the splendid magic colliding with each other, there is no blood splashing close hand-to-hand combat, only one blow, Alina wiped out Boyant, who had bowed her head under her hands, but now intends to rule the world.

"I thought it would be more troublesome."

Finn sighed: "This guy was much smarter than he is now."

Fifteen years ago, in the war between the Demon King Army and the human coalition forces, the Demon King Army not only had a hard power far superior to the human side, but also almost all the tactics and strategies of the human side were seen by the opponent at a glance, and the counterattack methods were formulated accordingly. , Humankind was defeated and defeated, and the entire world fell under the rule of the Demon King Army-and it is precisely because of this that this world will be made into a grid world that has both the functions of art and energy. Treasures are displayed in the exhibition hall of the Great Demon World.

If it hadn't been for Xu Shenxing's group to suddenly come into this world, I am afraid that even today, humans would still have to live in the shadow of the Demon King's army.

"Although the magic power given to him by the monsters has actually increased his strength, even if they are descendants, the ancestors of those monsters are creatures from the Great Demon Realm," Alina has her own opinion on this: "Almost all creatures in the Great Demon Realm. All of them have a mad and arrogant nature. If it is only one or two, it is okay, but he has accumulated the magic power of a million monsters. The magic power of these creatures will naturally affect him and make him gradually become crazy."

The former Demon King looked a bit regretful: "If he didn’t have such crazy ideas, and just used his extraordinary wisdom and some tricks that the Demon Clan could not recognize by humans, he might be able to unite the continent that has been fighting since ancient times. It might be possible to rule the world as a human being."

"It's passed."

Finn patted his beloved wife on the shoulder, and comforted him softly: "Next, just look at that lord' will definitely get better afterwards."

Millions of monsters, although neither of them is the opponent of the two of them, but if so many monsters really appear at once, it will take a long time for even the demon kings and couples to clean up. During this period, I am afraid that the civilians on the human side will be affected. A lot of damage.

But if Xu Shenxing is here, then don't worry.

Although the two didn't know what method Xu Shenxing planned to use to deal with the monsters that could kill a soft number of people even if they lined up to kill them, it did not hinder their trust in Xu Shenxing, the former savior.

"I hope so... Besides, I always feel that we have forgotten something..." Alina didn't worry about this anymore, but she thought about it with her cheek in her hand.

"When you say that, I seem to have a similar feeling..."

Finn was taken aback, then frowned.

"I'm glad you can remember," a dull voice came from under their feet: "But can you get down from me before continuing to show affection?"

"So you are still here, Falsiliz!"


"So, do you plan to continue fighting humans?"

Finn put away the joking expression and asked seriously.

"I will let go of my hatred and live anew among humans... Although I want to say that, I'm sorry, even if I know that all of this is Boyant's conspiracy, I can't let it go. After all, I killed my wife and The daughter is indeed human."

Falsiliz stood up, patted the dust on the Armor Mountain, and answered in a muffled voice.

It seems that the truth of the matter makes him feel uncomfortable. After all, his wife and daughter are regarded as abandoned sons, and even he himself has been fooled. He is still working for the culprit who caused all this...

"I can promise that I will try my best not to attack humans without being irritated by humans, but if I want to live in humans again, I really can't do it... After this, I should find a mountain and forest to hide, and beasts. Let's join the team."

"Thanks, I've been a great help."

Finn also knew that it was impossible for a person to let go of hatred so easily, so he didn't force it, but was a little regretful: "If you have any needs in the future, you can come to the place where Alina and I live in seclusion."

"That's it, take care."

Falsiliz finally hesitated, but still did not say hello to Alina, just spread the wings of the devil, flapped it, and knocked out a very happy human-shaped hole from the ceiling of the palace, and it flew all at once. go out……

In this way, as long as the battle on the emerald field can severely damage or capture Soraya, the Demon King's army will once again fall into a state of no leader, and the victory of the human coalition is also a nail in the list.

"Is this really good?"

Alina asked softly, she didn’t know if she was asking Finn or talking to herself: “I abandoned all the demons so easily and kept them living in pain. Only I live a happy life. ...And this time, do you still have to repeat the situation back then..."

"You have done your best," Finn didn't know how to persuade her, but could only try to comfort her: "At best, it will restore to the previous situation."

In fact, the Demon Race may have a harder life in the future. After this war, even the humans who believed in the Demon Race in the past will definitely be shaken by this. I am afraid that after this, the Demon Race will really become a human being. People shouting and beating on the street rats-the higher demon races that can incarnate humans are good, those lower demon races that have some inhuman characteristics and cannot be covered by magic are estimated to be more miserable.

These Finns are clear, but they will not say it, because they are of no use other than making his wife uncomfortable.


"Emergency military situation!"

In the emerald green field, in the tent of the human coalition temporarily serving as the command headquarters, a messenger couldn't even wait to connect to the newspaper. He rushed in from the outside and was finally stopped there by the guard.

Although after the arrival of the current trio of brave men, the battle of the human coalition was a lot easier, and the disadvantages were slightly restored, but the Demon King Army is still not to be underestimated, so there are battle meetings to be held almost every day.

In such meetings, although Yi Qing, a brave man, would also attend, it was basically out of two states of "daze" and "drowsiness". After all, he can only say that he doesn't know anything about military affairs.

But this time the military sentiment shocked him.

According to the information brought by the messenger, at the southern edge of the battlefield, a large swarm of monsters was pouring toward the human position, and the man’s outpost in that direction was almost wiped out.

If they are allowed to enter the battlefield, then the defeat of the human side and the fall of the empire are only a matter of time.

"Mr. Yi Qing..."

The long princess looked at Yi Qing hesitantly.

It seems that I want him to help, but this task is too dangerous, and it is even tantamount to death. I am really embarrassed to say it.


Yi Qing did not hesitate about this: "I will try to block them for a period of time. During this time, please let Her Royal Highness lead the team to retreat."

After speaking, he took up his own weapon and headed towards the southern part of the battlefield with two sisters who were also traversers who said they would go together.

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