[There are not enough pages in the diary, so I tried to sew a new one on. My diary is twice as thick, and I can continue to write in it! ]


Hongli didn't comment too much, just held her cheek and turned the next page with her tender white hands. Sure enough, I could see the traces of stitching. No wonder Heiyang's diary is so thick!

[In order to let me integrate into everyone and the surrounding environment, my parents began to take me to visit and play everywhere, my cousin Heihui, my cousin Heixiaoqi...]

"Hey, what's going on, little brother!"

Hongli dragged out the tone and said with an unhappy face: "Why haven't you come to my door yet?

If you continue like this, I will feel like I am absent from your life!"

[My parents' plan to visit was not as smooth as expected. In my opinion, they are just a group of children. We can't play together.

Innocent cousin Heihui, to be honest, when I am with her, I feel like I am her uncle, and I have to worry about her all day long.

Hei Xiaoqi, who pretended to be a little adult, was unable to speak a few words when facing me, and then she cried and went to her uncle to complain, saying that this brother was not obedient, and she wanted another obedient brother. 】

【This is the fifteen-year-old Hei Yang. Later, after having a younger brother, Hei Xiaolong, Hei Xiaoqi knew what it meant to be obedient. I laughed to death. Is it really necessary to rely on comparison?

However, Xiaolong seemed to be only keen on bullying his sister. In addition to being as close and dependent as Hei Hui, his attitude towards me, his cousin, was actually a bit admiring. This surprised me a little, but I didn't take it too seriously.

In my opinion, they are all relatives and are equally cute. 】

【My parents took me to visit the Five Colors Family, which further confirmed my thoughts: I really have no common topics with this group of crying and making trouble, with unpredictable personalities all day long, no severity of their actions, and completely unpredictable real thoughts. Some of them even played with mud with their butts naked and peed! 】

【However, there is an exception. The Hong family has a little sister who is three days younger than me. Her personality is much quieter than other ordinary children.

When facing many people, she always likes to hide secretly and doesn't want to participate in the arguments of those children.

In her eyes, I always feel a sense of déjà vu. Thinking carefully, that girl seems to be me in the past.

She doesn't like socializing and likes quietness. She always shows laziness and fatigue in every move.

But her big and lively eyes that are constantly exploring are shining. That is the child's instinctive curiosity and exploration of the world.

Those eyes are so inconsistent on this girl. I really want to extinguish the light in her eyes! (crossed out, wrong!)

I think I should help that child in the dark, so that her future life will not be full of pain and sorrow! (Yes, correct!)

Oh, by the way, her name is Hongli, which is a very nice name. 】

"What the hell did you cross out? How can I still see it after you crossed it out, you bastard! So you're already a black-hearted bastard at such a young age? I'm so unlucky to meet you!"

Hongli couldn't help but complain loudly, but suddenly she let out a long sigh and smiled with relief: "Hehe, it's finally time for the hero to appear.

Sure enough, I knew that it would be up to little Hongli to save your pathetic life, Heiyang! Oh ho ho ho!"

Chapter 131 It's already, can't go back to the past (sad)... Hey, I lied to you, Le!

【The little girl ran away as soon as she went out, and I was too lazy to look for her, and I didn't know her very well.

My parents were talking to Uncle Hong and the others, so I said hello to them and got up to leave.

I walked through the street and gradually went to a remote place. The road became more and more difficult to walk. I simply found a large stone that was relatively clean, sat on it and started to write my diary for today.

Ah... I was in a daze...

The weather has been getting colder recently, and winter is coming soon. When it gets cold, I can't get out of bed.

How could this happen? I remember that I used to get up early to study in the classroom, and I was almost the first one every time. I didn't care about the temperature at all. Why am I so lazy now?

Ah, my mother is right. Her doting is going to spoil me.

However, I was so crazy in my previous life, and I am really tired. Just like the food I like, I will get tired of it if I eat too much, and I will get bored with the music I like if I set it as a wake-up call. Did I get hurt in my previous life?

In just a few years, I will walk the road for the next few decades, and in the next few decades, I will repeat the days that I can see the end at a glance. The word "progress" has almost nothing to do with me. I just don't want to disappoint my parents.

Forget it, this world of cultivation is not as terrible as I imagined. Maybe the cultivators here are really immortals.

I haven't seen immortals, so I won't comment rashly. Being content with the status quo is my current label, and no accidents are the greatest happiness.

Look at the red maple leaves in the distance. The colder it gets, the redder they turn. They are like burning flames, trying to resist the tyrant called severe cold.

But in winter, they can only fall slowly.

They have been green, mature, burned, and finally died. The maple leaves are like this person's life, and also like my short past life.

However, I have been reborn now, but what about those maple leaves?

Can they turn into elves and continue to burn after falling to the ground?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up maple leaves all over the place, and the sky was filled with fiery red color. In a daze, I seemed to see a little man jumping out of the maple leaves. Did he really turn into an elf? 】


The petite figure seemed a little scared, but in the end the curiosity in her heart overcame her fear. The girl mustered up the courage to speak: "Brother, what are you doing?"

He seemed to be of the same age, but this boy seemed a little different from the other children. Xiao Hongli seemed to have seen him at home just now, which made her fear slightly lessened.

"Ah? It's from Uncle Hong's family..."

Little Heiyang was stunned for a moment, and against the light, he saw clearly the appearance of the little man in front of him: "Yes, is his name Xiaoli?"


Xiao Hongli didn't know when she climbed onto the boulder and raised her little head curiously: "Does my brother know me? Well, actually, it may be my younger brother, but I always feel that it is more likely that I am my older brother."

"You should call me brother. I remember they said that my birthday is three days earlier than yours."

"Huh? There's only three days left. That means if I was born earlier, I could be a sister!"

Hongli sighed: "What a pity..."

"Ah, it's actually nothing..."

Hei Yang subconsciously turned away the diary in his hand, looked at the girl's cute little porcelain doll-like face with doubts, and explained awkwardly.

"Brother is writing a diary. The diary cannot be read by just anyone."

"What is a diary?"

"That is, write down what happens every day. Actually, you don't need to write it down every day."

Hei Yang closed the diary, propped up his body with both hands, looked up at the late autumn sky, and said with a bit of sadness: "If you record it, you will avoid one day forgetting who you are."

"Well, I seem to be a bit confused..."

"Everything you do must go through the process of understanding and understanding..."

"There are many things that are not true, such as crying right after birth..."

"You little girl are quite good at bullying."

"What is "bar"?"

"it means……"


"That's it, my brother knows so much."

"Ha, this is nothing to boast about, but why are you here?"

"Well, it's so embarrassing to say..."

"Haha, it's okay if you don't say anything. Don't show such an embarrassed expression."

"Oh, it's nothing actually. It's just, that old lady selling juice in the city. Well, the one with the best taste. Brother, do you know?"

"Whether it's winter or summer, do you like the one holding a small fan?"

"Well, that's the old lady. I wanted to buy juice, but I forgot the money. I wanted to go home to get it, but I was too embarrassed to tell my parents..."

"That old lady is indeed quite old.

I don’t know… well… don’t talk about this…”


"It's okay. Just pretend I didn't say anything. Xiaoli, don't be embarrassed to tell your parents. They will definitely not mind this kind of thing."


"Uh, I'm just talking nonsense. After all, those are not my parents."


[I seem to have made my first friend. My parents, uncles and aunts looked a little surprised when we came back holding hands.

I clearly felt that there seemed to be a fire burning in my uncle's eyes, and he probably wanted to burn this brat who got close to his girl to death!

But my uncle really misunderstood. How could a five-year-old child know so much about the differences between men and women? I just regarded Xiaoli as a friend. We talked, laughed, and respected each other. This feeling is quite good. 】



[I’m going to play with Xiaoli today, so that’s all I can write down in my diary. 】



[Xiao Li came to play at my house for the first time today. She was dressed beautifully in a little white dress, but she looked a little unhappy. Did I fail to do something well? 】

[Oh, it turns out Xiaoli doesn’t like wearing skirts. She is such a special girl. 】


[It’s Chinese New Year. Fortunately, I was on guard this time and evacuated quickly when my seventh aunt and eighth aunt arrived at the scene.

As expected, Xiaoli is wandering in a familiar place, so I can abduct her directly! 】



[Time seems to be getting shorter and shorter, the days are passing faster and faster, and it’s the Chinese New Year again. 】



[Today I discussed with Xiaoli my views on life, interpersonal relationships, and the world. We found that we actually have a lot in common. Some of our views are almost exactly the same. Is this the so-called other me in the world? 】

[Xiao Li showed a lot of interest in my concept of lazy people. We didn’t wander around today and lay on the boulder we met for the whole day. 】


[Sin, sin, sin, the light in Xiaoli’s eyes has dimmed a bit, I always feel guilty for leading the little girl into evil...]

[Oh, that doesn’t exist. This is obviously a healthy lifestyle. Well...that’s what I told Xiaoli! 】

[The season has changed, and Xiaoli’s favorite juice has been hard to buy recently. I took her to drink hot milk, and she seemed to like it very much. 】


[We found that the inn next to us is a good place. Not only can we sit still all day, but we can also drink juice and milk. 】

[We have been talking less recently, not because we have conflicts, but because we can guess what the other person is going to say next without them saying anything. We just rely on eye contact. ]


[I’m going to play with Xiaoli, so I won’t write about it for now. ]


[We are talking more and more, but we have changed from discussing opinions to complaining about things. We talk about trivial things all day long. I really like this kind of leisurely life. ]


[I’m twelve now. I’ve known Xiaoli for seven years. I thought that making friends with Xiaoli would be the starting point for me to integrate into this world, but after so many years, it seems that Hongli is the only one who can be considered a friend.

Am I integrating into this world, or am I drawing a line between this world and Hongli?

At the two ends of the line are us and them. 】



【This is my first time trying to drink alcohol. I have never tasted this kind of feeling in my previous life. Because I was busy studying at that time, my parents forbade me to participate in those activities, saying that I would be led by bad kids to become a scoundrel...】

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