Huo Le put his hands behind his back and looked at the three people who bowed their heads in front of him: "No more hugs? No more hugs?"

"Well, this isn't..."

Hei Yang beeped softly: "I was excited for a moment, but I did it subconsciously..."

"That's right, what's wrong with us hugging..."

Hongli beeped softly: "When you get back and there's nothing else in the way, then continue hugging!"

Hei Yang: "If you want it, you have to get it."

Huo Le: "..."

Who is he, where is he, what is he doing?

Why do I suddenly feel that I have become the villain? Is this wrong?

"its not right!"

Xiao Huo suddenly raised his head and realized: "Xiao Huo is a child. What's wrong with a child wanting to be held by its mother?!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Huo, who was barefoot, jumped into Hong Li's arms again: "Mom, hug me!"

"Ah, good, good!"

Hong Li hugged Xiao Huo, looked at the little Lolita in her arms, and then took a peek at Hei Yang next to her. For a moment, she had the illusion that this child was really her own.

However, although the appearance changed from a crane to a human, Hong Li could tell from the voice, the familiar color, and the red hair on the top of the other person's head that the color of Xiao Huo was indeed Xiao Huo.

Of course, although she is not her biological child, in Hong Li's eyes she already is.

Rubbing Xiao Huo's red hair, Hong Li was thinking about the difference between this hair and Xiao Huo's feathers, and sighed: "I looked like this when I was four or five years old, right?"

"to be honest……"

Hei Yang corrected him in a low voice: "When you were four or five years old, you were much taller than Xiao Huo is now."


Hongli was shocked: "Have I ever grown so tall before?"

"Hmm, he was even taller than me for a while."

"Then how do I explain it now?"

"It seems that one year, you suddenly stopped growing taller. I forgot the specific year. Anyway, it just felt like you suddenly became shorter."

"Ah, it was such a dark year..."

Huo Le: "..."

He's standing here... isn't it a bit redundant?

Of course, Hei Yang would not ignore Elder Huo. He looked at Elder Huo and said sincerely: "You must be Elder Huo. Thank you very much for taking care of Xiaoli during these days in the sect!"

There is one thing to say, but Elder Fanhuo is a little old man with a weird temper. It is probably even more difficult to get him to agree to Hongli's conditions. There is no way he will end up causing something unpleasant for everyone.

Therefore, Hei Yang still respected this elder Fire.

Of course, the premise is that Elder Huo agrees to let Xiaoli go home!

"Harm, I can't talk about caring. After all, although I care about my disciples, there are too many people and it's impossible to care for all my disciples..."

Elder Huo waved his hand, not wanting to say anything more about the things that Zhao did not take care of. Those were false. He squinted his eyes and looked at Hei Yang: "Compared to those... Is it your kid? It's your kid who took care of our genius. Li kidnapped him?"

"What do you mean by your Xiaoli!"

Hei Yang widened his eyes and blocked Hongli behind him: "This is my Xiaoli, okay? She has been here less than twelve months, but we have known each other for more than twelve years!"

"That's right!"

Hong Li stuck her head out and said unhappily: "The reason why my sect treats me well is more than half because of my talent.

Heiyang is good to me just because I am Hongli!

Even if you check my household registration, I am still the eldest daughter of Hongxiaochen of the Hong family of Wusecheng. From now on, I will still be Hongli of the Heiyang family, so I am not a genius disciple of the Five Elements Sect! "

"Well said!"

Hei Yang nodded: "Huh, my household registration is also the eldest son of Hei Muguang of the Hei family in Wuse City. I will be Hei Yang of the Hongli family in the future!"

"Ah this..."

Elder Huo was suddenly shown off.

"not good!"

Xiaohuo suddenly exclaimed: "Xiaohuo is the spirit beast of the Fire Department of Five Elements Sect, Xiaohuo! What should I do? How can I be naturalized in Five Colors City?!"


Elder Huo's eyes suddenly lit up. If I remember correctly, this child was born less than a year ago, but he was able to reach the foundation building stage just now. Even with the inheritance of spirit beast blood, this talent is terrifying!

If this child can be allowed to stay... the leader of the Five Elements Sect does not have to be a human being...

Hei Yang: "!!!"

Hongli: "!!!"

Heiyang and Hongli's radars sounded instantly, and they quickly covered the small fire, showing vigilance.

"Hei Yang, that familiar look just now..."

Hong Li felt like facing a formidable enemy: "Do you feel it?"

"Ah, yes..."

Hei Yang's eyes were sharp: "When I was a kid, I met a trafficker who abducted children, and that's how he looked!"

Huo Le: "???"


Numerous tic-tac-toes popped up on Huo Le's head, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "I'm just thinking about it, and I haven't taken any actual action yet. Do you need to do this?!"

Hei Yang: "???"

Hong Li: "???"

“He still wants to take action!!!”*2

Huo Le: "..."

"Ahem, okay, okay, the alarm has been lifted and the misunderstanding has dissipated."

Hei Yang coughed twice and clapped his hands: "Since Elder Huo has agreed to move our household registration for Xiao Huo, I believe he will keep his word..."


Elder Huo's eyes widened: "When did I agree? Why didn't I know?!"

"Ahem, that's not the key..."

"That's very important. When did I agree?!"

"Listen to me first."

Hei Yang sighed, waved his hands and said, "Actually, speaking of human traffickers, I just broke up a human trafficker group, so I rushed here in a hurry."

"Huh? Do you act bravely and act chivalrously?"

Elder Huo raised his eyebrows and gave a thumbs up: "What a young man! But what does this have to do with what we are talking about? Why, do you still want to dismantle our Five Elements Sect human trafficker group?"

"Do you admit that the Five Elements Sect is a human trafficker group?!"

"Bah, I didn't, who said that? Don't talk nonsense!"

"Ahem, that..."

Hei Yang scratched his head: "That's not the key point. The key point is that there are many disciples of the Five Elements Sect who were kidnapped. Have you never noticed..."

Chapter 190 The real chapter name shouldn’t appear because it’s too long so I can’t think of it!

In the cramped, damp and dark dungeon, a half-dead monk was huddled in the corner, as if he were a trash bag that had been discarded casually, limp and powerless.

The notes posted on the wall recorded the information of these prisoners in detail.

Name, date of birth, identity, cultivation level, maximum luck value, last time to plunder luck, estimated time to restore luck, estimated number of remaining uses...

They are like goods on the shelves in a shopping mall, placed here without dignity, waiting to die and decay.

The air was filled with a vague rotten smell. Although it was not a foul smell, it didn't make people feel much better.

To be honest, after Hei Yang controlled the Suantianmen disciples and took over the dungeon, he paid attention to these prisoners overtly and covertly, so that they were allowed to live until now.

But before Hei Yang discovered this place, who knows how many bones were buried here!

Because of Ding Bu's existence, even if Hei Yang saw the miserable state of these monks, the most he could do was give them a sigh of relief to prevent them from dying. After all, this was still Tianmen's lair and he couldn't let them go directly.

After taking over this lair, it was impossible for Hei Yang to leave them alone, but it would definitely be unrealistic for Hei Yang to take over and take care of them.

And just around the corner from the door was the leader of the Five Elements Sect, so Hei Yang naturally chose to report directly.

As for the disciples of the Tiantian Clan, they had already escaped in advance when Hei Yang and the others brought Elder Huo.

After all, if one or two of them were defeated by Elder Huo, the loss would all be Black Sun.

However, although Elder Huo's face is now as dark as Hongli's secret soup, it is obvious that there are more important things waiting for him to deal with here.

The music of fire stirred up the spiritual power in his body, pinched the spell, and balls of flame floated out from his heart, filling the entire dungeon.

When these flames touched everyone, they did not produce any burning sensation. Instead, they continued to burn the spiritual energy in the air, roasting the people in the dungeon. A little bit of spiritual power was injected into these people's bodies, making their faces no longer so ugly.

This is Huo Le's move based on the unquenchable inner fire technique. It is somewhat similar to the resurrection properties of Nirvana Fire. Although the effect is far inferior to Nirvana, the advantage is that it can be used on others and is relatively gentle.

To put it simply, Huo Le threw a few balls of flames on the remnant people who only had blood skin left, and helped them add some health.

Huo Le, Hei Yang and the others rescued everyone from the dungeon and temporarily placed them in the room where the Tianmen disciples were supposed to be. They fed them some water and let them relax first.

After placing the last surviving monk in place, Elder Huo Le walked out of the room, let out a long sigh, looked at the family of three next to him, and said sincerely: "Thank you for your help and your notification. I will definitely do what I promised. It is not difficult to move Xiaohuo’s household registration..."

"Oh, that doesn't matter for now."

Hong Li touched Xiao Huo's head and shook her head: "So, elder, what are you going to do next?"

"Of course, we should inform the people in the sect and put them together first to recover from their injuries!

After that, send people to hunt down those remnants of the Tianmen..."

Elder Huo spoke without hesitation, but paused mid-sentence, his face became a little ugly again, and he couldn't help but curse.

"Damn it, I almost forgot that the mountain is closed now. Even people from the sect can only send some people. This rule is really annoying!"


Hongli tilted her head: "Can't special circumstances also be treated specially?"

"According to the agreement between the two parties, special circumstances refer to the sudden major disaster in Wuxing City or surrounding cities, and the sect monks can go out to rescue..."

Elder Huo shook his head and explained: "But obviously, this situation is not included in major disasters."

"There are so many rules..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but rejoice: "Fortunately, I didn't join any sect, otherwise I would be annoyed to death!

Besides, Hongli, what’s that look in your eyes? I wasn’t the one who caught you in the sect…”

"whispering sound……"

Hong Li turned her head away, slightly unhappy.

"In order to avoid all possible frictions, we have different perspectives and naturally have different ideas about the problem. There is nothing easy to explain..."

Elder Huo adjusted his mood and sighed: "No one wants to break the hard-earned stability of the practice world over the years."

"That's true."

Hei Yang nodded.

"Long live peace!"

Hongli agreed.

"Although I have already said it once..."

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