Hong Li frowned and said: "At first, I thought we could try to dig out the house from the roots up, and then fix it with a formation.

Let the small fire grow bigger, put the house on her, and let her fly back with us carrying the house..."

"Hey, is Xiao Huo a turtle or a snail?"


Hong Li spread her hands helplessly: "That girl refuses to work. If she doesn't work, I will have to dismantle the house piece by piece and transport it back.

Damn it, how come they suddenly took advantage of me? The damn girl rebelled after just a few days with Hei Yang, right? "

"Ah this..."

Xingyun wanted to say something else, but suddenly a thunder sounded from outside, followed closely by Elder Huole's laughter.

"Haha, that's it, that's it. Old man, I thought you were going to be so cruel. Come on, chop as hard as you can, right here?"

Hongli: "..."

Xingyun: "..."

Hong Li: "Well, Elder Huo speaks well..."

Xingyun: "You really deserve a beating?"

Hongli: "You said it yourself, it has nothing to do with me!"

Xingyun: "!!!"

Chapter 214 I have been taught to be polite when facing my elders since childhood, but the unfamiliarity and generation gap always make people smile awkwardly.

[November 20th, 577th year of the Shuili era.

Weather: From sunny to thundery, elders may rain down from the sky. Remember to bring an umbrella when you go out...

The day I came here seems to be January 18th. After ten months, I am about to leave this place where I have left many memories. If you think about it carefully... the food in the canteen here tastes really good!

I always feel that it would be a pity if I could never eat it again.

Well, when I have the opportunity to come over for a few more meals with Hei Yang, I am still a disciple of the Five Elements Sect anyway, so I will treat it as a graduate returning to school to visit the teacher or something...

However, it would be great if the cafeteria could be moved home!

Ahem, in short, it lasted ten months, not to mention what was lost, but what was gained...

First, friendship turned into love. This was something I didn’t expect. I accidentally revealed my entire life, which was harmful.

I don’t know how long I will be with that guy in the future. If I were to set a time limit, it would be forever... Well, that’s it!

Secondly, although the friendship with a certain guy has deteriorated, I have gained a new friendship. I hope we won’t become estranged because of distance!

Third, family companionship, aunt and Xiaohuo, hey, it seems that I have been surrounded by these beautiful feelings all these years...

That said, I'm not too unlucky. Well, I am a girl who occasionally has accidents, but is generally very lucky!

Oh, by the way, there is also the care of the elders. Although they are not related by blood, the care of the elders is still deep.

Other than that, it’s about improving your realm. There’s not much to say about this.

Then, the last very strange feeling, I don’t want to say more about what it is, I just feel...]

"What the hell is this!"

Hongli looked behind her, her pupils shaking.

I saw a famous elder and his fellow disciples standing there smiling, holding a banner in their hands.

[Congratulations to Senior Sister Hongli for returning home and getting married, may your life last forever and give birth to your precious son soon! 】

"Who did it! Who did it! Who did it!"

Hong Li pointed at the banner, and her whole brain was roaring: "What the hell, what the hell are you, who spread the word?"

"Xiaoli, aren't you surprised?"

Elder Huo stood at the front of the team with a smile, and next to him was his aunt Hongling: "Everyone comes to see you off from the bottom of their hearts!"

Hongli: "..."

"Ha, hu..."

Hongli took a deep breath, showed a lifeless smile, and disappeared on the spot.

Magical power, divine concealment.

Before everyone had time to react, Hongli suddenly disappeared, and they suddenly exclaimed again and again.

"Where are the people? Let me ask you where are the people!"

"Senior Sister Hongli suddenly disappeared!"

"See if you stepped on it accidentally!"

"Where are my teammates, where are my teammates, help me!"

Hongli: "..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hong Li laughed twice without any fluctuation, glanced at the banner again, her blood pressure soared!


Taking another deep breath, Hongli took out the small notebook she had just written from her arms.

"Hongli Memoirs: My Sect"

[...Family love...Friendship...Elders...fellow feelings...]


The paper shredded and the flames burst into flames.


Hongli blew away the ashes in her hands and walked towards the sect's exit expressionlessly.

“Sure enough, it would be better for me to leave secretly.

Having said that, it doesn’t make much sense to think about this world carefully. Should I immigrate to another world with Hei Yang? It would be best to immigrate to a world where no one knows me...

Well, the world in Heiyang's previous life was pretty good. If it doesn't work, just go to the underworld and build a straw shed..."

"Oh, Xiaoli, stop making trouble!"

Aunt Hongling said to the air with a mixture of laughter and tears: "Some disciples are convinced after fighting with you in the ring, some were rescued by you personally, and some admired and worshiped you...

Well, when everyone heard that you were leaving, they all wanted to see you off out of good intentions, but I don’t know why it ended up like this..."

Hongli stopped and glanced at her aunt Hongling, then looked at the sincere expressions of her classmates, and was startled.

"So who made this banner?"

Hong Ling turned her head and said fiercely: "Why do you want to have a son so early? Can you speak? Can you speak?"

"Ah this..."

A hand reached out from the crowd and crossed out "Have a baby early" on the banner and revised it.

[… I wish you eternal life and may you have a son soon (crossed out), seven in one child! 】

Hongli: "..."

Oh, I almost believed my aunt’s evil deeds.

Hong Li turned around and continued towards the exit.

"Hey hey hey, cross it out!"

Aunt Hongling's face turned black and she bared her teeth and claws. Elder Huole, who had become the Nascent Soul stage, sighed and held a token in both hands and dangled it.

"Oh, why is Xiaoli missing? I remember she said she wanted a big airship...

Well, since I can't find anyone, I still need the token to activate the airship..."

Before Elder Huo finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned. He looked at his empty fingers and a bright smile appeared in front of him: "Thank you, elder! Elder is so kind!"

"Ah this..."

After being stunned for a moment, Elder Huo Le shook his head and laughed.

"This is what you deserve."

Next to Elder Shuiran was a beautiful woman she had never seen before. She was wearing a Taoist robe and had a graceful figure. Her temperament was slightly cold, but she was also smiling.

First of all, rule out that the other party is the partner of Elder Shuiran. As far as Hongli knows, or what all the disciples of the sect know, the five elders are all single, and they can be said to be doing their best for the development of the sect.

Thinking about how hard they were working, the legendary former sect leader had fallen in love with someone else, Hong Li just wanted to say...

Ahem, she's not a good person, so I won't comment...

It’s just that in recent years, I heard people say that Elder Mu and Elder Tu have become somewhat close, but it’s not yet certain whether they are together...

However, from Hong Li's point of view, if no elder has refuted the rumors for so long, is there any need to think about it? !

Name: Kong Yuqing

Realm: Seventh level of Nascent Soul

Taoist ID: Gu Jianzhenren

Identity: Head of Wujing Sword Sect

Hmm, got it.

Hong Li understands the king well. Immortal sects such as Wujing Sword Sect and Five Elements Sect, Juanlang Sect and Yaowang Sect are somewhat different. They belong to one of the three holy places.

Regardless of what the situation was many years ago, in recent years, the three major holy places are the only three sects in the spiritual world that have Nascent Soul stage monks.

The three holy places have been mentioned many times before.

The Borderless Sword Gate is located in the west of the Traveling World. It is responsible for resisting alien invasion and maintaining the stability of the human race.

The Puxingchen Sect is located in the southeast of the Traveling World. It is responsible for solving man-made disasters, such as evil cultivators offering sacrifices, killing innocent people indiscriminately, illegal gatherings of people, etc. They are in charge of this.

Finally, there is the Qiuxian Sect located in the northeast of the Traveling World, which is responsible for solving natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, etc. They are responsible for maintaining the stability of the disaster-stricken areas.

It doesn't mean that wherever the sect is located, it is only responsible there.

Among the disciples of the three major holy places, except for the Immortal Seeking Sect, which is generally relatively idle, the remaining two sect disciples are all running around, but the degree of radiation in the area is different.

Just like the Heavenly Calculation Sect, logically speaking, Puxingchen Sect should be in charge.

However, Tianmen’s situation is quite special. Their magical power is against the Puxingchen Sect, so they can only ask the entire spiritual community to pay attention...

The next level down are the Five Elements Sect and the Juanlang Sect. Although they are not in the Nascent Soul realm, they can still fight against the Nascent Soul monks with all their cards, and their strength is close to that of the Holy Land.

They are generally responsible for the stability of their respective areas and do not run around.

As for the next level down, it is an illegal sect that is not recognized by the spiritual world.

After all, you can't just occupy a hilltop and start a sect. You are usually worshiped by the local people, but when it comes time to use you, you run away or are incapable of solving it?

If those illegal sects were stable, no one would bother to care about their own entertainment. After all, not everyone can join the big sects of the immortal sects. Those small sects can also give poor people a chance to practice.

But if you use the name of the sect to make money, bully men and women, bring trouble to the village, practice evil methods, harm the world, etc., the people of Puxingchen Sect will come over in the blink of an eye and destroy the situation for you...

Knowing this, it is easy to analyze why Master Gu Jian came here.

The Five Elements Sect has its own Nascent Soul stage, and this person is probably here to discuss the redistribution of tasks for maintaining the practice world. It is estimated that people from the other two holy places will also come later...

But these have nothing to do with Hongli. She is just an ordinary new disciple who was lucky enough to be promoted to Jindan!

Well, don’t worry too much!

"This is Master Gu Jian of Wujing Sword Sect, a major cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage."

Shui Ran introduced both parties as he walked: "Here are the elders of my Five Elements Sect. Well, this is Hong Li whom I mentioned to you before..."


Master Gu Jian nodded and looked at the elders with a smile. In fact, she knew most of them and they had all been in the practice world for so long. After bowing to each other one by one, they came to Hongli.


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