Hei Yang couldn't believe it: "How about I go to the coffin shop in the west of the city to become a disciple?

I will try to build you a close-fitting coffin...

Well, what are your measurements? "


Hongli sighed: "This disease is called slow oxidation syndrome, and its specific manifestation is that as long as I continue to breathe, I will slowly die of old age and decay within a hundred years. It's terrible!

But if you go to practice, you can live an extra hundred years in the Qi Refining Realm, and your life span can be as high as three hundred years after building the foundation, and then you can live five hundred years with the golden elixir, and you can live happily for a thousand years with your Nascent Soul...

There are also legendary immortals. After becoming an immortal, this disease can be completely cured, so you don’t have to worry about dying of old age! "


Hei Yang looked shocked: "Humans can still die of old age?!"


A question mark appeared on Hong Li's head: "Are you afraid that you have a serious illness? If you don't die of old age, will you live forever?"

"I always thought that was a rumor."

Hei Yang shook his head and argued: "Think about it, if it is really like what they said, human beings will die of old age.

Then two people give birth to a child, and the two people become one person, plus various natural and man-made disasters, diseases and accidents, and the child dies at an early age...

Shouldn't the number of humans gradually decrease over time, right?

But the reality is not like this, so I guess this is a rumor!

As long as we lie down safely at home, we can live forever! "


Hong Li's head was full of questions: "Um, after giving birth, don't I want to live for two more years?

Why in your algorithm, after the child is born, the parents have to sacrifice to heaven? "


Hei Yang was expressionless for a moment: "Sorry, I was in a hurry today and forgot to bring my brain."


Hongli nodded: "After all, it's normal for something so small to not be seen occasionally."

"Swearing, right?"

"Please don't take your seat."

"Okay, okay, let's go home and take a medicinal bath. I'm bored."

Hongli jumped off the stool and stretched out, revealing her graceful curves. Only then could Hei Yang realize that his good brother was actually a girl!

"Mom, I'm back."

Hei Yang stepped into the door of his home and greeted his mother at the door. The latter was instructing the maids at home what to do, and Hei Yang didn't bother to care.

As for Hei Yang's father, at this point in time, he should be helping with city affairs in the city lord's mansion.

Ignoring the complaining expression on his mother's face, "Why are you back so soon?", Hei Yang knew that she wanted to match him up with Hong Li, but he was not in the mood to think about it now.

Lock the door and skillfully add various herbs and hot water to the wooden barrel in the center of the house.

Seeing that the medicine was almost gone, Hei Yang didn't bother to care about the temperature of the water. He took off his clothes and stuffed himself in. Suddenly, waves of heat rose from the top of his head.

It's not that Hei Yang wants to stew himself. What he's doing is the so-called medicinal bath - in this world of cultivation with abundant spiritual energy, qualified families like his Hei family will start using these medicines from the time their children are young. Herbal medicines invigorate the body.

Although it was very faint, he could definitely feel that these valuable herbs were regulating his body.

"But no matter how conditional you are, you are still a mortal."

Hei Yang sighed. Today's exchange with Hong Li made this 16-year-old boy a little afraid of death.

To be honest, Hei Yang has actually experienced death once. In his last life, he lived in a modern society with advanced technology and information and little extraordinary power.

Coincidentally, he died in an accident at the age of sixteen in that life. Later, when he was crossing Naihe Bridge, he used Meng Po Soup as mouthwash...

Hei Yang is not sure whether he can continue to be reincarnated with his memories after death in this life. Even in this world of cultivation, it is normal even if he is beaten to death!

Moreover, Hei Yang still remembered the way Meng Po was so angry that she yelled: "You brat, when you fall into my hands next time, I will definitely give you a pot of soup!"

At that time, Hei Yang was still secretly laughing at the mother-in-law. After all, how could he not think about it and throw himself into a trap?

However, if I die again in this life...


Hei Yang couldn't help but take a sip of the medicinal bath, and vomited it out quickly: "No, that grandma seems to be quite old, she should have retired...

Moreover, since I have traveled through time, it should not be under her control..."

For a moment, Hei Yang felt that his life was dark!

He wants to eat and drink, but he doesn't want to die!

"So, do I have to open the book too?"

Hei Yang felt like there were two villains yelling at each other next to his head.

One is my lazy state, and the other is my slightly less lazy state!

"No, I want to live a happy life, I don't want to work hard to cultivate!"

"It's true that you don't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings. Do you know how many people are envious of your situation, and how many ambitious people have to give up their dreams because of family conditions?

If you don't cherish your opportunities, you will be lucky even if you are reincarnated as a dog in your next life! "

"Then I'm a lazy dog ​​too!"



After waving his hands to disperse the two villains, Hei Yang sighed: "Then it's decided. From today on, work hard and be diligent...forget it, let's start from tomorrow!"

Just pull the quilt and fall asleep!

"Xiaoyang, what time is it and you still haven't gotten up!"

"Hey, Mom, I'm sixteen years old, don't rush into my room at all times, it makes me feel very insecure!

Moreover, the rooster hasn’t crow yet, and you want me to get up? "

"I don't know where the rooster went. Maybe it was blindly caught by those little boys who were chasing ghost chickens.

Moreover, if I don’t come, if I don’t come, do you just want to lie in bed all day? ! "

"Well, it could be more than one day."

"Stop talking nonsense and get up and practice sword practice!

Look at you, look at your uncle's cousin, she has already reached the seventh level of body training!

I don’t ask you to catch up with your cousin who joined the Five Elements Immortal Sect, but you should compete with your cousin! "

"What's there to argue about..."

"Don't fight? If you don't fight, others will fight. They will go to the immortal gate to fly to the sky and escape from the earth, turning stones into gold.

And you? A handful of loess a hundred years later? "

With his mother's hope that his son would succeed, Hei Yang was reluctantly pulled out of bed, took the wooden sword for practice, and pushed open the door.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The biting north wind rushed in, instantly energizing Hei Yang: "Mom! You didn't say it snowed last night! Look, it's still snowing, how can you practice swordsmanship!"

"Yesterday you locked the door as soon as you got home. Who has the guts to go in and tell you that it's snowing?

Didn't you see that your father didn't come back? He stayed directly in the city lord's mansion. "

"Can't you open the door if I lock it?"

"Hey, I am trying to give my son a sense of security!"

"Mom, don't be so weird..."

Hei Yang sighed, and used the sword moves that had been engraved into his DNA one by one. They were said to be sword moves, but in fact they were just the most basic slashing and slashing moves.

The foundation has been laid for more than ten years, and according to my mother’s words, it is “no matter the weather”!

Chapter 3 People who practice martial arts are in better shape!

The servants at home were diligently clearing the snow in the yard. In the other yard, the happy noises of the children of the same race were also theirs, but Hei Yang only felt it was noisy.

Mom didn’t know what she was planning anymore, so she was writing and drawing with pen and paper.

My mother's full name is Qing Yiyi. She was originally the second young lady of the Qing family in Wuse City. Naturally, she also received a good education since childhood.

Five-Colored City is only so big, but it is crowded with five big clans - it is said that they are big clans. Except for the direct descendants who still live next to each other, the rest of the concubines have already dispersed, and it is not that they have left Five-Colored City.

Anyway, we no longer know each other after generations, and they become strangers. Their last names may have changed, and there is not so much emphasis on them.

However, the direct descendants of the five-color family still pay attention to the so-called well-matched family, and various marriages make Hei Yang shout that their ideas are outdated!

Why don't you leave it here to play Lianliankan?

Don’t you understand free love?

Is the world of cultivation also like this?

Later, Hei Yang learned that only mortals are like this...

While thinking wildly, Hei Yang subconsciously chopped the snowflakes falling from the sky to relieve his boredom.

It's just that he looked gloomy and gloomy throughout the whole process. This guy was obviously quite handsome, but he looked like someone from the underworld...

"I'm so tired, I want to fish, I want to be lazy, I want to..."

The snowflakes hit my face, melting and freezing.

Although Heiyangren came out, Hun'er was still in bed: "I don't know what that guy Hongli is doing in such a cold weather...

Based on what I know about her, she must not be out of bed yet... Wow, oh, I'm so jealous! "

Hong family.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!"

In the silver-covered courtyard, Hong Li held a red tassel gun and poked at the snowflakes like she was venting her anger: "Ah ah ah ah, I didn't sleep enough, I didn't sleep enough, I want to be lazy, I want to be lazy!

I don’t know what that thief Hei Yang is doing, he definitely hasn’t gotten up yet! hateful! "

"But then again..."

Hei Yang was waving his long sword in the snow, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Why do I feel like it's so easy to practice sword practice today? It just... feels like I'm making rapid progress!"

"How should I put it? Is it true that I am a legendary martial arts prodigy, but it took sixteen years for this talent to awaken?"

Hei Yang asked himself and nodded: "Indeed, if these words didn't jump out in front of my eyes, I would really believe it."

[Congratulations on winning the "Lazy Dog Salted Fish Rescuer" funded by the "Love Affair Alliance\

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