"Ah this..."

Hongli's heart was pounding. How should I put it? Not to mention that both of them were in the Golden Core stage now. Even when they were mortals, silver necklaces were not valuable things, but the symbolic meaning...

"How stingy!"

Hong Li looked up at Hei Yang and coughed twice: "Ah, that was my second personality just now..."

"Okay, stop using the second personality."

Hei Yang waved his hand and said with a helpless smile: "Are you happier now?"

"I don't even understand what you are talking about..."

Hongli curled her lips: "I'm always happy, aren't I?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes: "So, happy Hongli, can you please stop standing here stupidly and help Xiaohuo and I?"

We are very busy here packing and moving luggage! "

After a pause, Hei Yang frowned and looked at the room: "Hmm, but then again, why hasn't Xiao Huo said anything for a long time? Could it be that he was buried alive by the luggage?"

"Oh, this is your fault, right?"

Hongli retorted: "When I was busy working alone in the sect, you didn't take a break?

Also, can't you just use a storage bag to pack your luggage? "

"As for the storage bag..."

Hei Yang showed a strange expression and suddenly opened his coat: "Hey."

"Ah! You rascal! Shameless!"

Hong Li fixed her perspective with her fingers and opened her eyes wide with excitement, only to find that there was another item inside.

Hongli: "Bah! It's boring!"

"What's so boring! I'm letting you see this!"

Hei Yang pointed to the dense storage bags hanging on his coat and said speechlessly: "I have prepared fifty storage bags in advance. Well, I emptied the only store in Wuxing City that sells storage bags. , the result is still not enough.”

"That's not the case..."

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang with a confused look on his storage bag: "Do we have a lot of luggage?"

"The shark and the dragon you teleported over."

Hei Yang opened his hands and gestured: "It's hundreds of meters long, no matter what the concept, I have already disassembled them, but in the end, fifty bags are not enough for this package.

Then I ran to the city and went to the place where I bought Snow Mountain Flying Pigeon before. I bought several of their special meat storage cabinets, and then I finished loading them. "

"And there's also..."

Hei Yang counted on Hong Li with his fingers.

“Meat, blood, scales, whiskers, tendons, bones, skin…

Anyway, there are a lot of them. How many can you think of? "


Hei Yang looked solemn: "How long do you think it will take us to finish eating all of these? Or should I say use them up?"

Hong Li: "Ah this..."

Seeing Hei Yang's serious expression, Hong Li sneered twice, waved her hands and ran away, towards the house.

"I know, I know, thank you for your hard work, I'll go help you! Don't be afraid, Xiao Huo, mom is here to save you!"


Hei Yang watched quietly as the girl ran into the house, covering her neck with a happy smile. He turned to look at the Five Elements Mountain behind him, which was covered by clouds and mist, and murmured in his own voice.

"In the future, I will never make you sad again because of the separation. I will always be by your side, Xiaoli, I swear."

"Hei Yang? Where are you? Where did you die?"

"Ah, it's coming, it's coming, why are you urging me!"



The airship took off again.

"Hey, you two are watching!"

In the spaceship cabin, under the puzzled gazes of Hei Yang and Xiao Huo, Hong Li smiled proudly, took two steps back, and took out the storage bag: "See what good things I brought?"


A large bed was pulled out by Hongli, and then there were sheets and quilts...

Xiao Huo and Hei Yang: "???"

Hei Yang: "No, is this your good thing?"

"if not?"

Hongli had already made the bed, straightened the corners, then jumped on the bed, kicked off her shoes, and lay on the bed with a comfortable look on her face: "I'm telling you, I've wanted to do this a long time ago!"

After a pause, Hong Li couldn't help complaining: "Because this airship needs to maximize the use of space and reduce weight, it doesn't even have a comfortable seat!"


Hei Yang and Xiao Huo sat on the bed and looked down at Hong Li who was lying there: "So?"

"So you know what?"

Hongli suddenly sat up, showing an aggrieved look: "When the airship took me away from home and flew to Wuxing City, because there were no seats, we were made to stand. Stand! We stood all the way. !”


Hei Yang scratched his cheek: "Actually, you can still sit on the floor, lie on the floor, lie on the floor or something..."

"Hey! Isn't it nice that there are so many people around? It's so embarrassing to lie on the floor!"

Hong Li retorted dissatisfied: "So I just sat on the floor!"

Hei Yang: "Hmm?"

"That's right, I was sad and helpless at that time..."

Hongli's eyes gradually became blurry, as if yesterday had reappeared: "I suddenly left my familiar parents, relatives and friends, and even Sister Xiaoqi was crowded out because too many people came in later...

I didn’t want to get into the crowd, so I hugged my legs and sat on the floor, feeling the cold temperature of the floor and thinking to myself: Ah, why did you throw me into this hellish place alone..."

Hongli's eyes were a little red and she muttered in a low voice: "The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged. When I feel wronged, I feel homesick. When I think about home, I feel even more wronged. Then I continue to miss home...

But I don’t dare to cry or anything, because I’m away from home and I don’t dare to do anything for fear of getting into trouble, so I can only endure it…”

"Then what?"

Hei Yang put his hand through the back of Hong Li's neck and pulled her into his arms. Xiao Huo also jumped over, clinging to her mother and rubbing her cheek against Hong Li's arm.


Hong Li leaned her entire body against Hei Yang, held his hand, and continued: "Then, I kept hypnotizing myself, telling myself that this was just a nightmare, just a fantasy or something.

As a result, my mind started to have random thoughts, thinking about what if the airship had a big soft bed, parents, black... ahem, in short..."

Hongli clenched a small fist and waved it, her face full of dissatisfaction: "In short, when I was sixteen, I sat like a slave.

I was thinking, if there weren't so many people around me, I could lie down when I wanted, cry when I wanted, and do whatever I wanted, that would be great! "

Speaking of this, Hong Li smiled: "I never thought that today, in the same place, I would no longer have to sit on the floor or be restrained.

Instead, he directly did something "very inappropriate", "rebellious" and "outrageous" like moving all the beds in. "

"But now I do it!"

Hongli looked relieved and hummed: "Besides, no one can say anything to me, because this is our family, I can put whatever I want on it!"

"Well, that's it..."

Hei Yang touched Hong Li's head and sighed: "The child has reached the rebellious stage!"

"Climb, clap, clap, you are only in your rebellious stage!"

Hong Li twisted her body and muttered while resting her head on his leg: "Okay, I'm going to take a nap now to rest. Don't wake me up by moving around!"

"Go to sleep."


The Five Elements Mountains in the distance can no longer be seen.

Chapter 217 The face verification functions of many important institutions are not perfect to prevent addiction...

In the mountain forest, Hong Butian shuttled quickly.

"If only I could run so fast when my father and uncle chased me..."

Hong Butian sighed: "In that case, they have no chance to catch up with me."

"Okay, kid."

The voice in the ring reminded casually: "Look above your head."

"I've seen it a long time ago."

The short dagger in Hong Butian's hand was swung towards the top of his head, and he chopped a dark poisonous snake into two sections. The snake's head trembled slightly, as if it wanted to spit out venom, but it was crushed by Hong Butian's kick.

"Today is the twenty-third beast that I encountered today that actively attacked me..."

Hong Butian put away the snake's body and sighed: "A few days ago, the forest was quiet as if there were no living creatures, but now it is full of life..."

After a pause, Hong Butian nodded and said: "But this is the forest I am familiar with. There are wild beasts and poisonous insects, which actually makes me feel at ease."

"It's normal."

The ring’s voice gradually became excited: “This shows that we are getting closer to the Medicine King Sect.

At that time, we always kept some poisonous beasts and insects around the sect that could be used for medicinal purposes...

It seems like I’ve been away for so long, but I’m still the same as before! "

"The sound of raising poisonous substances for medicinal purposes makes me a little panicked..."

Hong Butian said truthfully: "Now that we are here, you should stop hiding anything from me, right?

You said, after I go to Yaowang Sect, I really won’t be tricked by you? "

"You kid still don't believe me now, do you?"

Ring said a little unhappy: "I risked my life to help you, and now I'm hesitant to ask you to help me?

Why, now that I have helped you reach the Qi refining stage, you want to get rid of me and run away, right? "

At this point, Ring's voice couldn't help but feel a little annoyed: "If that's really the case, then just think that I was blind and saw the wrong person!"

"Don't worry, since you haven't broken your promise, I will definitely come as promised."

Hong Butian clicked his tongue lightly and said in an indifferent tone: "But if it's really a lie, at least let me know it to death, right?"

"I told you, really, don't question it anymore!"


Hong Butian nodded: "I believe it."

"But then again..."

Hong Butian asked the question he was most concerned about, showing a bit of worry: "How did you become like this, and who caused you to become like this?

According to what you said, you were already a very powerful monk at the time, so wouldn’t the person who killed you be even stronger? "

"Uh, this..."

Ring hesitated for a few moments, then sighed: "Since you asked, I can't hide it anymore. Let me tell you the truth. The person who killed me was a good friend of mine..."


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