Zhao Zhuji looked at the elder warily, and the elder glanced at her: "Don't worry, it's not a trap. You don't believe our identities, right? Now I'll give you a chance to verify it."


After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Zhuji nodded, but still did not relax his vigilance. He even stepped back a few steps, retreated to a distance he thought was relatively safe, and drew his sword.


With a light shout, in Hong Butian's shocked eyes, it seemed that countless invisible sword beams intertwined and spread, as if any one of them could easily take his life...

So the gap between cultivators is so big?

Hong Butian was secretly shocked, and had some yearning and yearning, and his obsession with cultivation in his heart became more determined.


Countless debris flew with the smoke and dust, and the earth and wood exploded into pieces, revealing a dark hole below.


Zhao Zhuji was shocked: "Is this... a secret passage?"

"Almost all the buildings on the surface have been destroyed, but I guess this secret passage is still there. Now it seems that it is true..."

The elder looked at Zhao Zhuji: "How is it? Now you believe that I am the new elder of Yaowang Sect, right?"

"It depends on what is inside..."

Zhao Zhuji hesitated, took out a lighting spirit stone, injected spiritual energy to emit light, and handed it to Hong Butian beside him: "You should go in front, and I will follow behind, don't play tricks!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Hong Butian looked at the lighting spirit stone in his hand with some curiosity, shook his head helplessly, walked to the cave entrance, and after illuminating the bottom, he found that there were steps to go down.

It's just that the road ahead is very narrow and can only accommodate one person at a time.

"Let me go in front."

The elder glanced at Hong Butian: "Don't let you say that I am not loyal enough."

"Ah this..."

Hong Butian took a step back and stretched out his hand: "As you wish."


With a snort, the elder walked in front, followed by Hong Butian, and then Zhao Zhuji.

"At the end is just a small space, densely packed with some information recorded by generations of sect masters..."

Looking at the two sides of the passage and the road without any blood or signs of fighting, the elder showed a helpless expression.

"Sure enough, those guys didn't find this secret passage..."

After a pause, the elder sighed and said, "If this secret passage could be designed to be larger, perhaps many sect disciples could hide here.

However, materials that can block the perception of the highest Nascent Soul cultivators are very rare, so only this small space can be built.

But then again, even so, there shouldn't be no trace of people here, and it's still no problem for a dozen people to hide here, unless..."

"Unless what?"*2

Zhao Zhuji and Hong Butian said in unison. They were stunned for a moment, but didn't say much.

"Unless they haven't reacted yet, the sect was captured, or the situation was urgent at the time..."

The elder shook his head and said no more. It's enough to mention this kind of thing. He wasn't at the scene and didn't know the specific situation.

Moreover, saying these things always makes him feel uncomfortable: "For hundreds of years, Yaowang Sect has not suffered such a heavy blow..."

"Don't be too sad, after all, what happened can't be changed..."

Zhao Zhuji suddenly spoke up and comforted the elder. According to her observation, the soul in front of her should be the elder of Yaowang Sect as the other party said...

Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party is talking nonsense...

But she still chooses to believe the other party for the time being.

In fact, there is another point that makes her dispel doubts, that is, Hong Butian's cultivation level, a first-level Qi Refining Stage, seems to be just a newbie who has just entered the Tao, and it doesn't seem to be related to the Yaowang Sect incident.

Thinking of this, she decided to confess some not-so-secret information.

"Some of the disciples of the Medicine King Sect escaped to our Wujing Sword Sect area and were rescued by us.

According to what they said, they were still practicing as usual when suddenly countless demons and monsters emerged from the sect, and all kinds of wild beasts that had become monsters broke in and caught them off guard.

For unknown reasons, the sect's formation could not be triggered, and they were attacked. Before everyone could react, they were beaten back step by step and suffered heavy losses.

In the end, the sect master and the elders decisively chose to abandon the sect and led them out to fight, but because of a few A very powerful monster has been chasing them, causing them to be separated from the sect leader and elders...

My mentor is one of the people in charge of investigating this incident. He went to track down the traces of other people in the Medicine King Sect, and asked me to come to the deserted Medicine King Sect to see if I can find anything..."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zhuji shook his head and sighed: "No matter what, there are still some disciples. If there are people, there will always be hope to revive the Medicine King Sect, right?"

"Well, thank you for telling me this..."

The elder nodded gently and did not mention this topic any more, because they had reached the end of the passage.

As the elder said, the space here is very small, and at the end is a secret room with a half-closed door. I pushed the door carefully and walked in, and saw that one of the bookcases was full of books.

"This is where the sect leaders of all generations recorded important events of the sect. Although the elders are also insiders, under normal circumstances, only the sect leaders are allowed to enter here..."

The Great Elder said: "In a certain month in a certain year, someone developed a new drug, tried something, and what happened after that...

In a certain month of a certain year, for some reason, a certain disciple did something big that alarmed the sect...

Or what happened in the practice world at that time is selectively recorded here. "

After a pause, the great elder turned around and looked at the two of them: "If you want to know what happened in the months before the annihilation of the sect, this is the first place I think of."

"The original purpose of this place was just to worry that some prescription would be lost, so I also recorded the derivation steps so that I could find it again..."

The Great Elder sighed: "I didn't expect that it would be used here because of the investigation of the Miemen..."

"By the way, this should be the latest, or the last record, right?"

Hong Butian walked to a desk, looked at the unclosed books above, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that the sect master is leaving in a hurry, let me take a look..."

"do not move!"

Zhao Zhuji suddenly shouted, startling Hong Butian, and his outstretched hand froze in mid-air: "Huh?"

"Let me do it. I'm not at ease with your words!"

After glancing at Hong Butian, Zhao Zhuji walked to the desk, squeezed the former away, and turned the book to the first page, her eyes shining.

"Let me see what is recorded here..."

"You're showing your back to me now?"

Hong Butian looked at Zhao Zhuji in front of him speechlessly, gesturing with his hands in front of his eyes, and complained: "Aren't you afraid that I will suddenly stab you in the back?"

"You're a little rookie, so let's see if you can break through my defenses!"

Zhao Zhuji looked disdainful.

Hong Butian: "..."

[This is the third record of my successor as sect leader. There are not many big things that have happened in recent years, but there are some trivial things that I feel I have to remember...]

Turn the page.

[In May of the 569th year of the Shuili era, the great elder suddenly disappeared. He said he was going to visit a friend, but he never returned, causing an uproar in the sect.

After a vigorous search to no avail, the new elder resigned and shelved the matter. 】

Zhao Zhuji couldn't help but glance at the great elder, and the wariness in her heart almost disappeared. In this way, she could get along with him.

It's just that what she wants is the latest information.

Turned through several pages.

[In August of the 574th year of the Shuili era, the outer sect disciple Huang Duou was impatient, went crazy, and lost all his cultivation. The sect remembered his old friendship and arranged for him to be a registered disciple and enjoy the care of the sect.

But he was unwilling to do so, used evil methods, defected from the sect, and was wanted...]

Turn the page again.

[In February of the 575th year of the Water Era, the Great Elder (newly appointed) searched for an ancient recipe. According to research, he found that it was more efficient and less expensive than the Qi refining method used by new disciples today. The whole sect attached great importance to it... 】

Turn the page.

[In December of the 575th year of the Shuili era, after many tests, the safety of this recipe was determined, and an attempt was made to popularize it on a small scale. This was another progress of the sect, recorded...]

Turn the page again

[In March of the 576th year of the Shuili era, almost all sects have popularized the new Qi forging method. I believe that within a few years, we will see a new look in the sect, which is gratifying...]

Turn the page.

[In June of the 576th year of the Shui Era, after discovering the new method of tempering Qi, there will be a special medicinal fragrance that lasts for a long time, and will attract birds, squirrels and other small animals...

Now even the disciples who have just started are like immortals, with graceful temperament, different from ordinary people, they think it is auspicious and happy...]

[In August 576 of Shuiliji, the new law passed the test again and again, and finally made the whole sect feel relieved.

If it has any shortcomings, it’s probably that it attracts mosquitoes easily, hahaha, just kidding...]

[In September of the 576th year of the Shuili era, the number of wild beasts wandering outside the sect was much greater than before. It was probably time to store food for the winter. I was vigilant, but I had not taken any action yet...]

[In October of the 576th year of the Shuili era, there were a lot of wild beasts. These beasts even began to look at them and wanted to attack our disciples who went out to collect medicine and drive them away! 】

[In November 576 of the Water Era, some climatic spirits seemed to appear among the beasts. Clean them up! 】

[In December of the 576th year of the Shuili era, a heavy snowfall at the beginning of winter was very spectacular and moving. The defecting Huangdou was captured. It seems that it was done by a young man from Wuse City?

Well, to be able to do such a thing at such a young age, a hero comes from a young age, haha, this is a reward! 】

Turn the page.

[In January of the 577th year of the Shuili era, auspicious snow heralded a good harvest. In the new year, the spirit and spirit of the disciples were indeed renewed.

In recent years, the Five Elements Sect, which has not recruited new disciples, sent out airships to recruit new students. It seems that they want to replenish the sect with fresh blood.

Very reassuring "neighbors", they are both sects in the southwest of the Traveling World. Although some things happened to the two sect leaders that no one expected, the two sects should continue to maintain friendship...

Well, I should send some greetings to represent my attitude and record it...]

Turn the page.

[In March of the 577th year of the Shuili era, those wild beasts came out to look for food again, and moved closer to Yaowang Valley. They were probably attracted by the rich spiritual energy here. Ha, I want to see how bold they are, and disdain them... …]

[In April of the 577th year of the Shuili era, what is the so-called fullness and warmth? Recently, not only the beasts have been crying and howling in the forest valley, but also some male and female disciples of the sect have begun to flirt with each other...]

[In May of the 577th year of the Water Era, there is always something wrong with the eyes of those beasts recently, and they cannot be driven away, which makes people wary. 】

[In June of the 577th year of the Water Era, not only were the beasts in the Qi Refining Stage discovered among the beasts, but there were also three or two in the Foundation Building Stage. No matter how good the environment of the Medicine King Valley was, these monster beasts with certain wisdom would not be allowed to take risks. Shocking! 】

[In June of the 577th year of the Shuili era, the sect held a general meeting and decided to carry out a relatively thorough purge to prevent those beasts from having any inappropriate thoughts, and at the same time, it could also temper the disciples...]

[In July 577 of the Water Era, the cleanup plan did not go as smoothly as expected. Those beasts were a bit fierce and killed the sect disciples without fear of death. They suspected that they were commanded by high-level monsters. There were 57 injuries and 3 casualties among the disciples. The elders decided The end is to suppress it! 】

[In August 577 of Shuiliji, when he was still the Great Elder, he put forward a hypothesis that maybe those wild beasts were attracted by the scent of medicine created by the new method. To verify it...]

[In September of the 577th year of the Shui Liji, a Jindan realm demon king appeared outside the sect. This was an out-of-bounds behavior. Warnings were ineffective. The sect's formation was activated to kill two Jindan demon kings and scare them away! 】

[October 577, Shuiliji. Nothing has happened in recent days. It seems that those beasts know how to be afraid. They should have been beaten hard long ago! 】

[In October of the 577th year of the Water Era, I decided...

Um? Why is it so noisy outside...]

Stopped abruptly.

Hong Butian suddenly realized: "I understand, it's the so-called new method.

Sure enough, as you said, Great Elder, every new prescription requires trial and error again and again, otherwise it will..."


Hong Butian looked at the ugly-looking Ren Yihun with a puzzled expression: "What's wrong?"

"The grand formation in Medicine King Valley can theoretically compete with the Nascent Soul stage..."

Zhao Zhuji said in a deep voice.

"This situation is happening now..."

The Great Elder said solemnly: "This means that at least two or more Nascent Soul Realm monsters have come to the human race area..."

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