Hei Muguang gathered his energy and looked towards the top of the mountain: "Go to the top of the mountain before dawn to watch the sunrise!"

"Well! We..."

Hong Xiaochen nodded, and just as he was about to agree with his friend's words, his peripheral vision glanced at the horizon, and there seemed to be black dots flickering?

He was stunned for a moment and turned to look.

What kind of bird is it?


The black spot was getting bigger and bigger. Hong Buyian squinted his eyes and suddenly broke into a cold sweat!

That's a person!


"Nascent Soul Stage?!"

Hong Butian's eyes widened and he broke into a cold sweat.


The Great Elder and Zhao Zhuji looked at each other and nodded solemnly: "Yes, if my prediction is correct, there must be Nascent Soul monsters sneaking into the human area."

"In this case……"

Hong Butian frowned and asked Zhao Zhuji in a low voice: "Is the Nascent Soul stage very powerful?"

Zhao Zhuji: "?"

No, what kind of player are you?

I don’t know why you are surprised!

"Don't look at me like that..."

Hong Butian blinked and said helplessly: "As you can see, I just started practicing. I have only heard about the realms of monks before, and I have no intuitive experience at all..."

"Ah this..."

The corner of Zhao Zhuji's mouth twitched, and she held her forehead helplessly: "That is the pinnacle of today's cultivation world, and a truly powerful monk with great power. If there are no restrictions, he can destroy a country in an instant..."

After a pause, Zhao Zhuji pointed at Hong Butian and sighed: "For example, people like you don't need to deliberately target you, they can kill you if you show a little aura!

Of course, I’m not much better, I don’t know if I’ll ever have the chance to touch the floor of Nascent Soul…”

"Is it so powerful..."

Hong Butian's mouth was slightly open and his eyes were bright.

"Of course."

Zhao Zhuji spread her hands and said with a hint of pride: "My master is a great power in the Nascent Soul stage. Do you understand the value of the Holy Land?

But just listen to it, don't take it seriously, lest it give you, a little noob, some unrealistic fantasies. "

"That's a dream!"

Hong Butian was not struck. Instead, his eyes lit up and he clenched his fists: "That's the monk I want to be in my dream!"


Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened: "Are you serious? Are you kidding me?"

"Who has time to tease you?"

Hong Butian frowned, glanced at Zhao Zhuji with a strange expression, and said unhappily: "Then others can become Nascent Soul Stage monks, why can't I?"

Zhao Zhuji: "!!!"

"It's over, it's over, you are useless."

Zhao Zhuji had a desperate expression on his face, sighed, clasped his hands together, and looked ashamed.

"My fault, my fault, it's because I didn't think it through. I allowed the greenhorn in the Qi Refining Stage to come into contact with areas that he shouldn't have access to, which created his delusion of being superior to others. My fault, my fault...

Master forgive me, Master bless me..."

"Hey, what are you mumbling about?"

Hong Butian frowned, clenched his fists, and snorted coldly: "Anyway, as long as I am still alive, I will always pursue the goal I want. As the saying goes, thirty years of Hedong cough cough... skip the following.

Anyway, just wait and see! I will definitely succeed! "

Zhao Zhuji still closed her eyes and prayed: "Sin, sin, sin..."

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble."

The Great Elder glanced at the two of them and sighed: "How about I ask you to help me take these books away?"

After a pause, the great elder looked at the two young men and explained quietly: "The sect collapsed and people ran away, but these books are still there. This is the true foundation of Yaowang Sect.

Generations of predecessors have passed on the firepower and relay the fire. If the roots are cut off here, even if everyone in the Yaowang Sect is still alive, and they build a beautiful sect in the future and hang the name of the Yaowang Sect, it will only be a veil. A layer of skin.

In other words, it is just another sect that is relatively similar and happens to have the same name!

At that time, Yaowang Sect will usher in its true demise.

On the contrary, even if we all pass away and are forgotten, this knowledge and spirit will still be there. Then, no matter what form or name they are used by future generations to carry forward and inherit it, that is the Yaowang Sect. "


Zhao Zhuji stared at the Great Elder blankly, and suddenly felt a sense of pride and responsibility as a human race...

"what the hell……"

Hong Butian turned his head away and whispered: "I think people are more important. Everything is good when people are alive. If people are gone, there will be nothing... Hiss!"

Hong Butian's eyes widened suddenly and he looked at the long sword across his neck: "Do whatever you want. If you have anything to say, please say it. Don't do anything."

"It was you who didn't speak properly first!"

Zhao Zhuji stared angrily and looked at Hong Butian: "Is that the way you talk to seniors? You don't respect your elders at all!"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hong Butian's mouth twitched: "But, he is disrespectful and bullies me all day long. He sings at the top of his lungs while I sleep and tortures me..."


Zhao Zhuji was stunned for a moment and looked at the elder. The latter tilted his head with his hands behind his back, looking innocent: "Xiaotian, what are you talking about? Grandpa can't understand, ah, cough, cough, cough!"

"You are indeed lying!"

Zhao Zhuji gritted her silver teeth and quickly comforted the elder: "Senior, don't worry, I will teach him a lesson right now!"


The elder secretly caught a glimpse of Hong Butian looking at him with a face full of grief and anger, and quickly looked away: "Ah, cough, cough, no, no, ah, cough, cough, Xiaotian has this temper, I'm used to it, ah, cough, cough... …”

Zhao Zhuji: "!!!"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious!"

Zhao Zhuji turned to look at Hong Butian with an indignant look on her face: "Look how angry you have made senior!"

Hong Butian: "..."

"Without the inheritance of knowledge and the exploration of our predecessors, it would be millions of times more difficult for us to enter the Tao!"

Zhao Zhuji said angrily: "Don't you even have a sense of identity as a human race?!"

"Stop scolding, stop scolding..."

Hong Butian lowered his head: "Wrong, wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"The mistake was in underestimating the old man's treacherousness..."


"Uh, no, no, the mistake is that you shouldn't be disrespectful to the elderly, and you shouldn't talk back randomly..."

“Then what should you do if you know you’re wrong?!”

Hong Butian: "..."

Hong Butian took two steps back, moved his head away from the sword, and turned towards the great elder.

"Old man, I was wrong..."


"Old senior, forgive me!"


Seeing Hong Butian gnashing his teeth, the elder coughed twice and changed the subject: "Okay, okay, I forgive you, um, let's pack these up quickly!"

"Okay, senior!"



The Great Elder looked back at Yaowang Valley for the last time and sighed: "Let's go."

"Where are we going? Where else can we go?"

Hong Butian dragged his voice and spread his hands helplessly.

"I said I was coming to the Yaowang Sect, but now the Yaowang Sect is gone, where else can I go..."

Sighing, Hong Butian shook his head.

"I can only go home, start practicing Qi now, and then wait for the Five Elements Sect to find a way to get in when it recruits people again..."

Hong Butian said dejected words, but he was already making plans for the future: "Anyway, I will not give up and chase my dreams until my death."

"This guy……"

Zhao Zhuji was stunned for a moment and muttered: "I am surprisingly firm on this point..."


The great elder suddenly said coldly: "Is your sect's Taoist friend Kong Yuqing still well?"


Zhao Zhuji pointed to herself in confusion: "Ask me? Who is it?"

"Fellow Taoist Kong Yuqing."

The great elder repeated it.


Zhao Zhuji tilted her head: "I don't know him."


The great elder was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and said again: "Master Gu Jian?"


Zhao Zhuji screamed in surprise and widened her eyes: "Do you still know the master?!"

"You are her disciple..."

The Great Elder nodded and sighed: "Yes, she was always walking in front of us at that time. I seemed to have heard about her promotion to Nascent Soul before I died...

But at that time, I had been studying a certain recipe and ignored the outside news..."


Zhao Zhuji probed cautiously, and there seemed to be a bit of gossipy probing emotion deep in her eyes: "What is your relationship with Master?"

"That was many years ago..."

The great elder looked reminiscing.

"Oh, old friend!"

Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened.

"The practice world held a large-scale competition in the arena. She and I both participated in that competition, and were assigned opponent positions..."

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