Hei Yang: "..."

"So love disappears right?"

Hong Li silently walked to Hei Yang and looked into the distance side by side.

"No, love just transferred..."

"Damn little fire!"

Hei Yang clenched his fists: "She actually stole the house!"

"I told you a long time ago, that wallflower will abandon you sooner or later..."


"in addition……"

Hongli asked casually: "Where is the copper snake?"

"Rest at home."

"Where's Malaysia?"

"Rest at home."

"So we are the only two who can't enter the house..."

"What else do you think?"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"from now on……"

Hongli stretched out her hand with a tragic look on her face.

"Depend on each other for life..."

Hei Yang stretched out his hand, his face full of desolation.


Hold hands!

The two of them burst into tears.


Tumbleweeds blew by, adding to the desolation...

"Find a place to continue sleeping?"

"good idea!"

Chapter 230 About the fact that if I have no place to sleep, I can only become a six-star good citizen of Five Color City

"Well, after being away for a year, I always feel that my family has changed a lot..."

Hongli and Heiyang were walking hand in hand on the street, but some doubts flashed in their eyes. She always felt that there was something different, but she couldn't tell what the difference was...

Most of the pedestrians on the street are still familiar faces, and the layout of the building has not been changed.

Even when passing by a certain alley, the big yellow dog lying down inside is still the same as in my memory.

Everything seems like it was in the past, and the memories gradually become more vivid.

"So? What's wrong?"

Hong Li was thinking seriously.

"There are fewer young people of the same age..."

Hei Yang's voice came faintly from beside her, and Hong Li suddenly realized: "It's true, I always feel like something is missing..."

Halfway through, Hongli suddenly became silent.

Most of those peers who disappeared died in the previous weasel incident, and there were also many people they knew or were related to.

A group of 16 or 17-year-old children, how much effort it takes to raise them to such a big age, but in the end they are gone...

"Obviously he's just a weasel in the parallel Qi refining stage..."

Hong Li murmured softly, feeling a little depressed.

"A beast like that could kill so many people."

"We are just lucky, otherwise it would be gone now."

Hei Yangxian glanced at Hong Li and couldn't help but said: "And maybe buy two get two free, plus those two girls Hei Hui and Hongqiao..."

"Then are we avenging them?"

"I guess..."


Hongli nodded, feeling somewhat comforted.

In fact, if we really want to look into it carefully, Hongli Heiyang is the great hero of Five Color City. He exposed and eliminated the weasel so that the other party could not continue to harm the young people in the city...

With a little promotion and packaging, she and Hei Yang will probably be able to debut directly.

Get a nickname or something, such as Mr. So-and-so, Fairy So-and-so, be sought after by thousands of people, and become famous far and wide, and then heroes and heroes from all walks of life who have committed crimes will come to vote for you, and you can collect one hundred and eight...

Ahem, that’s what it means anyway.

However, Hong Li was very bright in her heart. Not to mention that this would make their peaceful life gone forever. From other perspectives, it would still cause a lot of trouble.

For example, they fell into the scheme of someone with ulterior motives, or a bunch of challengers appeared who wanted to step on them and become famous, etc.

Are these troubles from the outside world secondary? The most frightening thing is what do parents who have lost their children think of them?

Why was it discovered so late?

Why did you become famous by stepping on his blood when my child died?

If she and Hei Yang disappeared or simply died, they might still be sung as heroes.

But while they are alive, they are destined not to become so-called heroes...

Shaking her head, Hongli didn't want to think about so many messy things. She just wanted a happy and stable life. It was enough to be a lazy girl, blushing and excited, relying on coquettishness, and being happy.

If you try too hard to be true, you will be sad...

When Hei Yang was a child, he longed to integrate into the world, but Hong Li was just the opposite. She tried to draw a boundary between the world and herself.

As long as all the troublesome things are over there, and all the happy things are over there, don't go to her or interact with others, you will either make yourself sad or make others sad...

She cut herself off from the world because the world could not tolerate her.

The boy around her can tolerate everything about her, so he becomes her world.

Upon closer inspection, Hei Yang's plan to integrate into the world failed, and Hong Li's plan to escape reality also failed... Both losers finally found their destination.

"Hey! Hey! I'm back!"

Hei Yang poked Hong Li's face with his index finger: "What are you doing, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah? Ah!"

Hong Li's eyes became focused again, she patted Hei Yang's paw aside and curled her lips: "Can't you be distracted?"

Hei Yang looked into Hong Li's eyes, and the latter blinked: "Huh?"


Hei Yang chuckled and said, "Don't always reminisce about the past like an old man, classmate Hongli?"

"Tsk, bang."

Hongli turned her head away unhappily and whispered: "Who remembers the past, as if you know me better..."

She would like to add to what she just said, it’s really annoying sometimes to have a guy who knows you very well and can see through what you are thinking at a glance!

"Remember what we came out for?"

Hei Yang asked.


Hongli curled her lips: "It's not that we came out, but that we were kicked out..."

"Bold Hongli, how dare you tear me down!"

Hei Yang snorted softly: "Anyway, since we won't be allowed to stay at home anymore, let's find another place to sleep."

"So we're back to where Chapter One was filmed?"

Hong Li turned to look at the restaurant in front of her and raised her eyebrows: "I have a question, is this restaurant a lot newer?"

"Who knows?"

Hei Yang waved his hand: "Go in and take a look?"


The layout of the restaurant has not changed much from before. The two of them habitually went to the second floor, walked to the window seat, and then...


Hei Yang and Hong Li looked at the place where they were used to sitting with question marks. The table was still the same table, and the stool was still the same stool, but why was it surrounded by railings?

"What the hell is this?"

Hei Yang scratched his head: "Is it because someone fell from the second floor window when we were away, so safety arrangements were made?"

"Hey, Hei Yang, look!"

Hongli tugged on Hei Yang's sleeve and pulled him back two steps to see clearly the wooden sign hanging on the wall next to the window.

[Famous attractions in Five Color City, Demon Slayer Tower! 】

[The young girl serves chicken soup, and the evildoer reveals his true form! 】

[Visit opening hours: When the restaurant is open. 】

[Only five people are allowed to visit and pay their respects at a time, and the visit is free. 】

[Resident business: Touch the table for ten taels of silver, touch the stool for five taels of silver. Please consciously keep your palms clean. 】

[Special business: After paying fifty taels of gold, one person can be allowed to sit in the seat for five minutes. Additional fees will be charged for renewal, and additional fees will be charged for additional people. 】

[Those who weigh more than 150 kilograms will be counted separately. No cross-legged, no leaning on the table, no...]

Hongli: "..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Eh? You two guests, don't get too close to the Demon Slayer Tower!"

A figure hurriedly ran over: "This is a special scenic spot, do you want to apply...?"

Before the visitor finished speaking, after seeing Heiyang Hongli's appearance clearly, he was stunned on the spot: "Ah this, ah this?"

Hei Yang: "Haha."

Hongli: "Haha."

"This little brother looks familiar!"

Black Yang showed his dead fish eyes.

"Isn't that right? The first line in this book is what someone said!"

Hong Li showed her dead fish eyes.


The little brother took a breath. He was not sure just now, but when he saw these two pairs of dead fish eyes...

"Why are you two back..."

The little brother showed a guilty expression and said with a sneer: "Haha, haha, why didn't you inform everyone? Otherwise, I would have held a big banquet to wash away the dust for the young master!"

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