"The airship estimates that it will take about -∞ to 0 seconds to reach the destination."

Hongling: "..."

Xingyun: "..."

Hongling: "Huh?"

Xingyun: "Hahaha..."

"You just..."

Hongling frowned and confirmed: "Did you read the minus sign? The predicted time has a minus sign?"

"It seems..."

Xingyun scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "Is that so..."

"Where are we now?"

"No, I don't know, hahaha..."

Chapter 242 Snow fluttered and the north wind whistled, and the world was vast~~~~

Xingyun: "..."

Hongling: "..."

"Well, let's go, before we go..."

Hongling said in a trembling voice: "Before we go, haven't I already set the route? As long as we follow the route automatically, we can reach the destination?"


Xingyun raised her hand and whispered: "Aunt, you fell asleep as soon as you got on the airship. There was no setting at all, so..."

Hongling: "..."

"No, my God..."

Hongling kept gesturing up and down with her hands, her mouth opened and closed but no sound came out, her eyes widened, her teeth creaked, and finally she sighed and said weakly.

"Then why didn't you wake me up?"

"Well, well, I saw that you were sleeping soundly, and, and you..."

Xingyun looked around, then lay on her side, holding her head with one hand, and waved her hand with a tired face.

"Ah, as long as the airship is not about to explode, don't disturb my sleep, understand?"


Xingyun stood up, patted the dust on her body, nodded and said: "That's it!"

Hongling: "..."

Sorry, she is guilty, she accepts the punishment.


Hongling looked at Xingyun with a sad expression: "What about you, what did you do?"

"Ha! I don't think it's necessary to trouble Sister Hongling for such a small matter, so I thought about solving it myself!"

Xingyun raised her chest and raised her head, looking confident: "Sure enough, I still need to learn a lot!"

Hongling: "..."

"What about the others?"

Hongling turned her head and shouted outside: "Where are you? Where did you go? Don't you have any sense of self-rescue? Just watch yourself being taken into the abyss?"

"Ah? Senior sister, are you awake?"

A girl with a black face, who seemed to have just crawled out of the coal pile, poked her head out and smiled: "Wait a little longer, the food will be ready soon!"

(Hongling: No, are you sure you are cooking? I remember you were a fair-skinned girl, right?)

"Xiaoye, the firewood is gone, bring some more!"

"Okay, look at my spell, the Five Elements Wood Spell, dry firewood!"

(Hongling: So the spell taught by the Wood Department is used for this? Also, is it really okay for you to light a fire in the airship?)

"But then again, this is the only time I've been out of the sect in the past ten years. I feel that there have been a lot of changes outside. At first glance, I can't recognize that we are in the southwest region, hahaha!"

(Hongling: Is there a possibility that we are really not in the west? South region...)

"Haha, my hometown is in the southeast region. After coming here, I see mountains and forests everywhere.

I miss the special flat plains in my hometown a little bit, but now I look down and suddenly find that there are such plains in our southwest region. It seems that my hometown is not so special!"

(Hongling: Thank you, I know where I am now.)

"Okay, okay, stop talking, come and help!"

(Hongling: Let the child talk more if he has something to say. What if he doesn't have the chance in the future...)

"I just went to help Senior Sister Hongli build a house. I am clumsy at other things..."

(Hong Ling: Have you considered expanding your business, such as building graves for us? )

"By the way, we should reach Five Colors City in a few hours, right?"

(Hong Ling: Close your eyes and take a nap, and you will be able to reach Five Colors City in your dreams soon.)


"Okay, I roughly know the current situation."

Hong Ling sighed and looked at Xing Yun: "One good news and one bad news.

Bad news, our airship does not include a detailed map of the southeast region, um, so we are lost!"


Xing Yun smiled awkwardly: "What about the good news?"

"The good news is..."

Hong Ling raised her head expressionlessly and shook the communication spirit stone in her hand.

"We still have a way to call for help from the sect. This one is used to contact Elder Huo.

Well, I don't know if it can be received at such a long distance. We can only try our best."


Xingyun showed an anxious expression: "Where are Sister Hongli and the others? When can we reach Five Colors City!"

"Are you still in the mood to worry about those things now?"

Hongling sighed: "Let's escape from the crisis first. Well, we may arrive in three or four days at the shortest. If it takes longer... who knows?"

Xingyun: "Ah this..."

Gaga: "Gaga! It's... It's over!"

"Gaga, shut up!"



"Ha! Xiaoling and Xiaoyun, I miss you so much after not seeing you for a day!"

Elder Huo Le waved his hand with a smile: "How is it, have you reached your destination?"



Hong Ling and Xing Yun looked at each other, watching Elder Huo Le blinking his eyes while showing an embarrassed smile: "Guess!"

Elder Huole: "???"

The elder's smile gradually solidified and changed into a solemn expression, and he said in a sad tone: "How many of you are still alive?"

"Ah, everyone is still alive..."

Xingyun laughed twice: "That's what happened, jigujigu..."


Hong Ling calmly operated at the airship control station and briefly confirmed their current coordinates.

"You see, on the map display, we're surrounded by darkness now."

"That's it..."

Elder Huole sighed and turned around.

"Don't worry, I'll go find you a map of the southeastern region right now... huh? Is there any communication again?"

Before he finished speaking, another communication spirit stone lit up in Elder Huole's hand. It was said that he had used this thing the most from its development to perfection until now.

Maybe he will do nothing from now on and just sit in the room and answer communications.

This wave of people stay at home, coordinate the overall situation, and dispatch troops and generals thousands of miles apart. Do you understand the value of Elder Huo?

Put this communication spirit stone next to Hong Ling's and hers, and two images will appear in front of you at the same time. A few more will become a video conference.

"Hey! Senior brother? Boom! Can you hear me? Boom!"

Elder Tu's face appeared on the screen, but the screen there kept shaking for some unknown reason.


Elder Huo frowned: "Junior brother, did something happen over there? Why does it feel like the screen keeps shaking?"

"Ah, that doesn't matter!"

The elder Tu shouted at the top of his lungs to prevent the surrounding noise from drowning him out.

"You can probably understand that we found the spiritual leyline that had the problem, and then I took people up and slapped it twice to make it more honest. However, the leyline was still unconvinced and is making a fuss now..."

Tulou turned to look at the disciples behind him and nodded: "But don't worry, this thing can't threaten us yet, but the mortals living nearby need to be evacuated.

You send someone to fly our sect’s airship over and move these people away! "

"Where is Wuliang Sword Sect?"

Elder Huo frowned and said, "Don't their sect also have large flying vehicles?"

"They were held back by other things. There were many evil cultivators who took advantage of the previous earthquake to act like monsters. They need to kill them!"

Elder Tu explained: "So, senior brother, please send someone over quickly. Our coordinates are here..."

"Oh, I understand, I'll send someone right away..."

Before Elder Huo finished speaking, he was suddenly stunned. He looked at the coordinates provided by Elder Tu, then looked at Hong Ling and the others, looking at the coordinates, looking at Hong Ling, looking at the coordinates...

"What's wrong?"

Tulou saw Elder Huo motionless and asked doubtfully, "Senior brother? Do you have anything else to explain?"


Elder Huo asked with some uncertainty: "Um, are you in the southeast region now?"

"Ah! Yes, is there a problem?"

Tulou frowned and said, "Isn't it clearly shown on the coordinates?"


Elder Huo took a breath and simply compared the coordinates provided by Hong Ling with those from the Tulou.

"That...junior brother..."

Elder Huo looked at Tulou with a strange expression.

"You can prepare in advance for the airship to land. The people I sent are already on the way."

"Huh? Senior brother is very efficient!"

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