[Hongli: Yes, yes! 】

[Hong Li: Anyway, I just need to wait for one day, just have fun and it will be over! 】

[Hei Yang: Listening to you is worth ten years of reading! 】

"Ahem! That!"

Determination flashed in Heiyang's eyes. Under the confused gazes of Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying, he took his feet back with difficulty, took a deep breath, and spoke righteously.

"Sorry, Mom, we can't go back now!"

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying: "Huh?"

"That's right!"

Hongli nodded solemnly: "After this period of living independently without the help of parents and sects, we finally understand your good intentions!"

"We still need more training before we can truly grow up!"

Hei Yang showed determination: "We must use our own strength (the power of the sect) to build our new home!"


Hongli took a deep breath: "We will not go back until our new home is built! Please understand our beliefs!"

"This this……"

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying were stunned in place, and it took a long time to come back to their senses, their eye circles slightly red.

Then, the two of them hugged their children suddenly and patted the latter on the back: "You have grown up, you have really grown up!"


Letting go of her hand, Qing Yiyi patted Hei Yang on the shoulder with a pleased look on her face: "Come on, son! Mom is proud of you!"

"Xiao Li..."

Lan Yuying rubbed her daughter's head, smiling with tears in her eyes: "My girl has grown into a big girl!"

"In this case……"

Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying smiled and waved: "Come on, mom won't bother you anymore. Just work hard. See you later!"

"Uh... see you later..."

Heiyang Hongli had not yet recovered from her mother's warm embrace, and waved her hands in a daze. She didn't suddenly wake up until the mothers' figures disappeared.


Hei Yang suddenly covered his heart, feeling a little out of breath.

"Xiao Li, why do I... suddenly feel like I've lost a lot..."

"It's bad, I'm a little bit too..."

Hong Li's mouth twitched and she coughed twice.

"Ahem, um, don't, don't be afraid, anyway tomorrow we will... huh?"

Halfway through Hong Li's words, the communication spirit stone suddenly lit up, and her eyes lit up.

"Ha, look, Elder Huo's communication, what am I talking about? Our construction team must be arriving soon and notifying us to greet him!"


Hei Yang's eyes widened and he said hurriedly: "Hurry up and get through, don't keep the elder waiting."

"I'm picking it up, I'm picking it up."

Hongli looked at Elder Huo in the picture, smiled brightly and waved her hand.

"Hello, elder! Are the brothers and sisters from the sect arriving soon?"

“Make sure you say yes!”

Hei Yang's eyes widened: "You have absolutely no idea what we just rejected! Don't live up to our expectations!"

"Uh...what and what..."

Elder Huo stroked his beard awkwardly and smiled sheepishly.

"Um, Xiaoli, and Xiaoyang, there is something I need to inform you of.

That's right, the airship originally scheduled to arrive tomorrow had a few minor problems. Ah, don't worry, the problem has been solved.

However, you may need to wait another week before..."

Elder Huo smiled coquettishly: "Do you understand what I mean?

Well, please calm down and don't get excited. What's going on? Why did you suddenly fall? Don't lie down on the ground. It's so dirty and you can catch cold easily... beep..."

The call is cut off.

"Black Sun..."

Hongli was lying on the ground, looking up at the sky, on the verge of crying, "I'm sorry for you."

"Xiao Li..."

Hei Yang wanted to cry a little, but he held it back: "It's okay, it's really okay, we share the same responsibility!"


Hongli cried out sadly: "I want to go home, wuwuwu, what the devil wants to impress me!"

"By now……"

Hei Yang sighed and comforted: "At least we still have some money on us, so we can buy some food and drink at the market, and then... huh?"

Hei Yang suddenly felt a chill on his face and looked blankly at the sky, only to see pieces of snowflakes falling from the sky.

"Ah this..."

One day later, the snow clouds near Wuxing Mountain finally drifted over!

"Ah, it's snowing, it's time to close the stall."

"My quilt is still drying in the sun, so I have to go back quickly!"

"I'm going to cover the family carriage..."

The sounds around him became smaller and smaller, and it seemed as if in the blink of an eye, everyone in the market disappeared...

Snowflakes fell, "slapping" on the faces of boys and girls, melted by hot tears.

"Heiyang, wuwuwuwu..."

"Xiaoli, wuwuwuwu..."


Chapter 243 Sleepwalking in the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake. It was snowing heavily and Yangli was still awake. We walked together in the Pavilion in the Heart of the Lake... to sleep!

The heavy snowfall became heavier and heavier, and the snow on the ground soon grew from a shallow layer to a foot thick.

Amidst the flying snowflakes, Hei Yang Hongli held hands and moved slowly towards the distance. They left a series of shallow footprints behind them, which were instantly covered up.

"Black Yang..."

Hongli sighed, looking tired.

"Is life always this hard, or is it just the two of us?"


Hei Yang also sighed and comforted the girl.

"Maybe this is the so-called good thing that takes a long time!

I have a hunch that this is the last of the eighty-one difficulties on the road to happiness. As long as you stick to the past, a better life will come! "

"What if it's not the last difficulty?"

"Then just pretend I didn't say anything."


"But, then again..."

Hongli fiddled with her long hair and looked up at the sky. Snowflakes fell on her face, feeling cool.

"Tell me, do we grow old together?"

"I don't know, but I will always accompany you."

Hei Yang's eyes flickered: "Besides, I don't want and will not let your hair turn gray.

I hope that no matter how many years later, we can still be as happy and carefree as we are now. "

"Well, it's all talk and no action. If that's the case, then you should work hard to practice."

Hongli showed her dead eyes: "Although your little love words warmed Mouli's heart and coaxed her into ecstasy, her IQ dropped crazily and she became super easy to deceive.

However, you have to take some practical actions occasionally, right? "

"Then don't just talk about me, can you bear to see Mouyang's hair turn gray?"

Hei Yang asked back: "Can't you try harder?"

"Why let me come?"

"Then why should I come?"

Hei Yang: "..."

Hongli: "..."

"We are still young, and it will not be too late to discuss this kind of thing decades later."

"One thing to say, that's true."

The two of them ignored the topic tacitly.


Hei Yang looked around at a loss: "Where should we go now?"

"I have a home and can't go back..."

Hong Li was dejected: "Maybe we really have to find a bridge to live in. I don't know if the bridge entrance is frozen..."

"Impossible, I will never live under a bridge in this life."

Hei Yang decisively refused and pulled Hong Li to change direction.

"Let's go to the Huxin Pavilion. At least it can provide shelter from the wind and snow."

"Aren't there two people from the Medicine King Sect there?"

"Then drive them away, this is (), it's them who deserve ()!"

"Good idea, long overdue."


The two of them rushed towards the Huxin Pavilion, but there was no one there.

Obviously, the Yaowang Sect and the two were not fixed refresh NPCs, and they were randomly sent to unknown places at this time.


Hong Li helplessly held her forehead: "Even those two out-of-towners have a place to live, but we two locals are going to end up like this?"

"Think on the bright side..."

Hei Yang looked calm: "Maybe they were just eaten by monsters that jumped out of nowhere?"

"Thank you Hei Yang, for deceiving yourself like this, I feel a lot better."

"You're welcome Xiaoli, proper self-deception can make people feel a lot happier."

"But it's also..."

Hongli swept the snow off the bench in the pavilion, sat down gently, and sighed: "No one would be crazy enough to come here in this weather."

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