
In the smoke and dust, the scarred man in black robe staggered out, covering his right arm. Green spiritual power surged, healing the wounds on his body quickly.

However, the black robe on the other party's body has completely rotted away and can no longer cover his appearance.

Her long hair was flying, and underneath her black robe was a cold yet beautiful face. She looked at Tulou's shocked expression not far away and snorted coldly.

"What? Surprised?"


The life-and-death confrontation just now was not able to change Tulou's mood much, but when the woman under the black robe revealed her face, Tulou was stunned in place, with a roar in his brain.

"How could it be you! You..."

Tulou's eyes widened and he became a little excited: "Yao Qingkong! How could it be you! Why are you here! And why are you doing this kind of thing! Have you joined any force? What else do you have to hide? The purpose?

Isn't it enough that you kidnapped your senior brother? What do you want to do here again now! "

After a pause, Tulou coughed up a mouthful of black blood and looked at the woman with a livid face.

It was this woman, the former head of the Medicine King Sect. When my senior brother left the sect regardless, it was because of this woman in front of him!

The senior brother said that he would live in seclusion with this woman far away and live the happy life he longed for, and also told Tulou and the others not to look for him.

But now...what is the situation now?

Why is this woman not with senior brother, why is she here? What the hell does this happen!

With depression in his heart, Tulou's eyes turned red, his fists clenched, and he loudly questioned the person in front of him.

"Where's Senior Brother? Didn't he say he wanted to stay with you? Where did you take him? What did you do to Senior Brother! Why do you appear here? Senior Brother, does he know? Senior Brother, does he have any good or bad qualities? He Where are you now? Tell me! Yao Qingkong, please answer me!"


Seeing Tulou looking a little crazy, Yao Qingkong was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said: "You talk too much, you don't need to know what you shouldn't know."

"You! Are! Hu! Say! Something! What! What!"

Tulou was furious and said, "Let me ask you! Our senior brother! Where did you get him!"


Yao Qingkong's eyes flickered, with a slightly painful expression on his face. He took out a mask from his body and put it on his face again, as if this could continue to hide his identity.

Yao Qingkong lowered his head and said in a dull voice: "He is fine, you don't need to worry about him."

"As for your words..."

Yao Qingkong snorted coldly and looked away.

"For his sake, I'll spare your life. Just go and don't stop me again."

"Huh? Yao Qingkong? Are you serious?"

After hearing what the other party said, Tulou was stunned for a moment, looked in disbelief, and couldn't help laughing angrily.

"You let me go? You let me go? Don't you see who has the upper hand now? You do this kind of thing and you still want me to pretend that nothing happened?"

Tulou's eyes turned cold, and he was about to use the magic weapon: "Now, I should not let you go!"


Yao Qingkong snorted disdainfully and gently pressed the mask on his face: "It's still a little tender."

After the words fell, Tulou's expression suddenly changed. Black blood flowed from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. His originally strong aura instantly became sluggish, and his face showed a bit of despair.

"Ahem, how could it be, those toxins..."

"I gave you a chance."

Yao Qingkong slowly approached Tulou, looking at the latter who was struggling in pain, her eyes flashed with anger.

"You are his junior brother. If I kill you, he will definitely be unhappy."

Yao Qingkong said quietly: "But if he has no choice but to force me to kill you, I believe he will understand my difficulties."

"Oh, right."

After a pause, Yao Qingkong said sarcastically: "That's fine, he has been saying that he is the master of the Five Elements Sect, and has been hesitating to go back all day.

Since he can't let go, then I'll help him get rid of this thought. I want to see what he will do to me if he knows that I killed his junior brother? "

"Hehe, hehe..."

A large mouthful of black blood spilled from the corner of Tulou's mouth, and he sneered again and again.

"Kill if you want, kill right here, right now!

I want to take a closer look at how the guy who boasted in front of Master that he would protect the sect and his junior brothers and sisters in Haikou killed me with the woman he liked.

Ahem, you don’t really think that without him, our Five Elements Sect will become easy to bully, right? "

"I tell you……"

Tulou grinned, showing a somewhat arrogant look: "I die here today, and tomorrow, the Five Elements Sect will turn the entire practice world upside down. By then, where can you hide like a rat in the gutter?"


"You are irritating me and want me to kill you quickly."

Yao Qingkong sneered: "Are you afraid that after a while, you won't be able to help crying and begging for mercy?"

"As for the so-called Five Elements Sect, which turned the world of cultivation upside down..."

Yao Qingkong showed disdain on his face: "Forget it, since he left, a sect that has not even been able to find a successor as its leader, what kind of threat can there be? Maybe it can't even coordinate the sect's strength, right?" "

"Who told you we don't have a sect master?"

Tulou's expression became worse and worse, but he still managed to sneer: "Not only is there, but he is much better than that guy!"


Hearing Tulou belittle his beloved, Yao Qingkong's face turned cold: "Oh? Huo Le? Or Shui Ran? It can't be Mu Ling, right?"

"You don't deserve to know her name, ahem..."

A hint of smile flashed across Tulou's eyes.

"That's a true genius who can kill Yuanying in his teens. Even the guy we call the eldest brother is far behind."


Yao Qingkong was stunned for a moment, and actually laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, teenagers, teenagers, Tulou, your story is too ridiculous and funny. If you had said something more reliable, I might have believed it.

A teenager, knocking down Yuanying, I'm afraid he still has to hold his mother all day and still be breastfeeding, hahahaha, you're going to make me laugh to death!"

"I haven't been this happy in decades."

Yao Qingkong retracted his smile, and a cruel expression appeared on his face.

"Your last words are good, and I am very happy, so I will let you live a few more minutes, and slowly enjoy the feeling of having your internal organs corroded by the toxins. This is a rare opportunity."


Tulou did not answer, or it could be said that every word he said just now was a torture for him.


Tulou squeezed the last bit of spiritual power in his body, and several rocks stretched out from the ground and rolled, drawing special spiritual power lines. There were only a handful of people in the entire cultivation world who could sense or even understand and interpret these lines.

Since he was given a few more minutes, he could leave a few more messages...

Tulou's life was constantly passing away, and the woman stood quietly by and watched, her eyes flickering.

He will forgive me...

Yao Qingkong had no expression on his face.

Perhaps, he could just keep this matter secret...


In the pavilion in the center of the lake, two blushing wastes, bah... two blushing handsome men and beautiful women, still slumped on the bench and slowly restored their health bars.

The numbers +1hp+1hp+1hp kept popping up above his head.

Then he accidentally glanced at the other person's face, and his heart beat faster again. A string of -520hp-521hp-1314hp exploded above his head, and his health bar was instantly reduced.

If this continues, both of them will probably die. (Sad)

"Hu, hu, hu..."

Hei Yang looked up at the sky, his hands trembling.

He, he apologized. Sure enough, he couldn't be fooled by the superficial phenomena of things. The truth can only be found when the clouds are cleared. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth...



The blood bar of Heiyang slowly returned to zero, and then quickly extended to the opposite direction of the axis, and began to owe life points...

"Uh, uh, uh..."

Hongli tilted her head, her eyes were dull, her mouth was slightly open, and from time to time she opened and closed like a fish, but she couldn't speak...

The Nirvana furnace in the center of the pavilion in the center of the lake was still burning, roasting people all over, making their mouths dry and their minds restless...

It was like a lazy dog ​​lying in the shade of a tree in the middle of summer, and it was like a salted fish staring at the table.

Other people's Jindan period: A sword frosted fourteen states, taking people's heads thousands of miles away, calling the wind and rain to move mountains and seas, and standing in the sky and looking down on everyone.

My own Jindan period: Huhu, ha, ha, no, it won't work. I am dying, I can't breathe, my heart is beating so fast, is my blood vessel burst?




Hongli suddenly jumped up from the dead body, straightened her collar and looked confused.


"What's wrong?"

Heiyang, who was still lying dead, asked weakly: "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, no, that..."

Hongli swallowed her saliva, took a deep breath, and finally couldn't help saying: "Fuck, someone is scolding me!"


A string of question marks appeared above Heiyang's head.

"I can't do that!"

Hongli looked at her boyfriend with gritted teeth and complained.

"Heiyang, someone scolded me for hugging my mother all day and not being weaned. How can I tolerate this? I can't tolerate this!"


Heiyang frowned: "Isn't this the truth? I hug my mother and like to drink milk..."


Hongli looked at Heiyang angrily: "Which side are you on!"

"Ah this..."

Heiyang's mouth twitched, revealing a shocked and angry expression: "There is such a thing? Beat him up!"

"Well said!"

Hongli nodded fiercely, the spiritual power of the black and red pill surged, and a series of demonic shadows escaped into the space: "Beat him up!"


"Um... It's quite durable."

Yao Qingkong looked at the earth building lying on the ground expressionlessly, shook his head, pointed at his head, and raised a foot.

"Sorry, I'm tired of watching, so please die immediately... uh uh..."

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