"I don't want to communicate with the world."

"Then who do you want to communicate with? Are elders like mom and dad okay?"

"My parents can definitely... In addition to the elders, Xiaoyun and the others also count, but what I miss most is Hei Yang. I feel like I have endless things to say with him.

Whether it's nonsense, serious discussion, or even an angry quarrel, it's always interesting. "

"That's it..."

Lan Yuying smiled teasingly: "It seems that our Xiaoli has completely become a prisoner of love, and we can't even escape!"


Hongli's face turned slightly red and she beeped softly.

"I, am I willing? Who would think of escaping!"

"I know, I know."

Lan Yuying chuckled and put her hand on Hong Li's shoulder.

"What do you think? Does it look good?"


Hong Li looked at the girl with a single ponytail in the mirror, shook her head, and her ponytail also swayed.

"Mom, you know, I don't have any sense of aesthetics in terms of hairstyle, clothes, etc..."

Hongli sighed and said helplessly: "I only have two requirements for them, convenience and comfort, that's enough.

As for beauty and fashion, they are not considered at all! "

"Then take a look again."

Lan Yuying pinched her daughter's shoulders with some dissatisfaction: "Look carefully, look carefully, and look with your heart. Xiaoli, don't you think that if you change your look occasionally, your eyes will light up?"


Hong Li's pale red eyes looked at her expressionless self in the mirror, but she still shook her head helplessly.

"No, I can't see anything at all, I just feel a little weird...

Oops, I don’t usually see myself anyway, so I don’t need these troublesome things! "


Hongli received a light slap on the head, and her mother said in a tone of disdain: "You have to dress up not only for yourself, but also for others to see!"

"Here, show it to someone!"

Hongli frowned, looking aggrieved.

"If you can't see it yourself, why should you show it to others?"

"Who did you tell me to show it to?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted.

"Hei, Hei Yang? Are you dressing up to show him?"


Lan Yuying nodded, showing a longing expression, and said with a smile: "You are obviously a little beauty and a handsome boy. Yiyi and I have always wanted to dress you up beautifully. Seeing you radiant together, just thinking about it Do you think that picture is beautiful?”

"Hey, you've exposed your secret. The so-called worthy of others is yourselves!"

Hong Li sighed, spread her hands, and showed a confident expression: "As for Hei Yang, no matter what style I look like, he will like me, so there is no need to dress up deliberately!"

"Hmph, so what if Yiyi and I want to watch?"

Lan Yuying snorted lightly and said straight to the point: "What's wrong with the children you gave birth to and you want to dress them up beautifully?"

Speaking of this, Lan Yuying felt a little unhappy.

Obviously other people's mothers can dress their daughters beautifully all day long, but here, there is only a little lazy insect buried under the quilt at home.

"Obviously mom bought you so many beautiful clothes!"

Lan Yuying grabbed her daughter's face in displeasure and was very angry.

“Dress, little flower skirt, flowing fairy skirt, little dress... there are even beautiful cheongsams that are said to have come from other places!

As a result, you refuse to wear any of them and bury them all in the closet. Wow, do you know how wasteful it is?

Thinking about those poor children who can't afford new clothes during the New Year, aren't you ashamed of your behavior? "

"Uh uh uh..."

Hongli was used to having her face grabbed and her head being tossed around, and she was too lazy to resist.

"But, that's not what I wanted to buy at all. It was my mother's decision... ah ah ah..."



With a muffled sound, a large box was placed in front of Hong Li.

Lan Yuying hummed softly and opened the locked box. First, a special herbal scent came out - it was used to prevent moisture and insects.

Then, there was a pile of colorful and beautiful clothes, some of them sparkling, which almost made the red glass eyes dazzle.

"Every Chinese New Year, your mother and I will pick out some new clothes for you, hoping to show you off in front of your relatives."

Lan Yuying raised her head longingly and looked at the imaginary bubbles in the sky.

"Oh, whose girl is this? She's so beautiful!"

"Xiaoli is as beautiful as her mother."

"I really envy Yu Ying, she has such a beautiful and lovely daughter..."

"Oh ho ho ho..."

Listening to the praises of her relatives and friends, and seeing their sour but forced smiles, Lan Yuying couldn't help but laugh out loud, intoxicated by the compliments from the beautiful women.


Lan Yuying smashed the bubble of imagination and gritted her teeth viciously: "The reality is that every time I want to find you, you don't know where you are hiding.

The guy who feels sour inside but has to force a smile is your mother and me! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli turned her head away with a guilty look on her face, curled her lips, and whispered, "Mom, you also don't appreciate that kind of hypocritical and polite compliment..."

"Yes, what's wrong with mom just liking those kind of hypocritical and polite compliments?"

Lan Yuying snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Your mother and I are just so vulgar, just a big vulgar person. My ideological level is not as high as yours, so what can you do!?"

Hongli: "..."

"Mom, you are cheating!"

"It's just a shame. What's wrong? Is Xiaoli so cruel as to make her mother unhappy?!"

"Ah this..."

Hong Li's mouth twitched, something suddenly occurred to her, her eyes lit up, and she pushed the pot.

"Well, isn't there still Xiao Huo? You can take her with you, but it doesn't work, it really doesn't work..."

Hongli was in a hurry, and her smart little head was spinning rapidly.

"If that doesn't work, just say that Xiao Huo is your little daughter. Yes, they don't know that Xiao Huo is your granddaughter anyway, so it doesn't matter if you just say that she is your daughter!"

Hong Li nodded and gave a thumbs up, showing a pair of sparkling neat silver teeth.

"Well, don't worry, I will cooperate with you and not expose the secret!

At that time, the two of us will call each other our own, Xiaohuo will call me mom, and I will call her sister. How about this? This is a good idea! Ha ha ha ha!

Uh, why are you looking at me like that? It’s so scary..."

Lan Yuying: "..."


The door was shut tightly, and Hong Li was so frightened that her whole body trembled.

"Well, Mom, calm down, don't be impulsive..."

"Xiao Li..."

Lan Yuying gently picked out a dark red dress from the box and turned to look at Hong Li sitting beside her.

"What do you think?"


Hongli's forehead was sweating: "I, what do I feel?

Mom, let me tell you, I am a great monk now, and I will hurt you if I am not careful, so don’t be impulsive! "


Lan Yuying sneered and rushed forward: "Xiaoli, please wake up! Turn me into a pretty little beauty!"


A shrill scream squeezed out from the crack in the door, mixed with the laughter of a certain mother.

"Xiao Li, don't you want the people you like to see how beautiful you are?!"

"Hei Yang won't care about this!"

"Just wear it for a few days, and then change it out, okay?"

"I wouldn't have been fooled by this kind of tricking children when I was three years old!"

"Humph, then it's not up to you!"

"No! Top! No! Pants! No! And bra! Don't leave me!"

“If the old doesn’t go, the new won’t come!”





Hei Yang looked at himself in the mirror with a suspicious look on his face. His hair was combed into a neat and neat style. He was wearing a dark black gown, embroidered with water-like patterns, and paired with a sword on his waist, which made him look majestic.

"Mom, are you sure Xiaoli will like me dressed like this?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Qing Yiyi did not answer Hei Yang's words, but looked at Hei Yang with bright eyes and kept sighing in her mouth.

"Look, look, whose handsome boy is this!"

Qing Yiyi kept helping Hei Yang smooth the wrinkles on his clothes, with a look of excitement and pride on his face.

"Sure enough, only Miss Qing Yiyi can give birth to such a handsome son, oh ho ho ho, oh ho ho ho!"


Hei Yang raised his voice helplessly: "You haven't answered my question yet. Will Xiaoli really think I look good if I dress in such a troublesome way? Why do I feel so unreliable?"


Qing Yiyi's eyes widened: "Are you questioning my mother's aesthetics?!

Or are you questioning the good looks inherited from your mother? ! "

"Ah, no, no."

Hei Yang narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer: "Let's just say, I'm not used to wearing it."

"Nonsense, who usually wears this..."

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