"Because I really miss my sister!"

Qing Lianlian let go of her father's hand and rubbed into Qing Yiyi's arms again. Her mother passed away early, and the elder sister is like a mother, which led her to be very close to her sister since she was a child.

"Besides, there is my nephew Xiaoyang. I haven't seen him for a while!"

Qing Lianlian turned her head and looked around, showing a puzzled expression: "Strange, where is Xiaoyang?

Xiaoyang? Xiaoyang! Come out quickly, auntie is here!

Xiaoyang? Auntie brought you delicious food, if you don't come out, it will be eaten up by others!"



Qing Lianlian tilted her head, with a look of surprise: "Strange, can't Xiaoyang come out even with this?

Well, auntie also brought you fun new toys, come and play! Xiaoyang?"

"Okay, okay, stop shouting, Xiaoyang just moved out."

Qing Yiyi looked at her eleven-year-old sister calling her seventeen-year-old son in a coaxing tone, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Xiao Yang now lives in a quieter place in the east of the city, with his girlfriend!"

After a pause, Qing Yiyi added: "Remember Xiao Li from the Hong family? You've seen her and Xiao Yang together before."


Qing Lianlian was stunned at first, and then said in surprise: "Really! Then I can be an aunt? Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Hmm... hum..."

Qing Yiyi smiled: "In fact, Xiao Lianlian is already an aunt."


Qing Lianlian's eyes widened: "Already have it? So soon? How many months? Is it out?"

Qing Lianlian lowered her head and counted carefully with her fingers.

"Xiaoyang was still in the capital at the end of June. It has only been six months since today. If you count the time spent on the journey..."

"Okay, okay, don't count it. It's not what you think."

Qing Yiyi pinched her sister's face and smiled, "Xiaohuo is at Yuying's house now. I'll take you there and you'll know."


Qing Lianlian looked at her father with a question mark on her face. The latter smiled and said, "Your sister mentioned the child in the letter before, but you didn't see the letter."

"Ah? Dad knows too!"

Qing Lianlian felt a bolt of lightning passing through her back, and immediately lowered her head in autism.

"Damn, I'm treated as a child again. I didn't tell me about this until now!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry."

Qing Tianming rubbed his daughter's head, put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Qing Yiyi, and explained.

"Your eldest brother, second brother, and your sixth brother came with us.

But I asked them to go to the Qing family first, and pay respect to the ancestor's tablet there."

"Is that so..."

Qing Yiyi nodded in understanding, and asked curiously: "Where are the others? Why did the other brothers and sisters stay in the capital?"


Qing Tianming raised his head slightly, and thought of the muscular men in his family, and his mouth twitched slightly.

In the eldest daughter's impression, her brothers are still well-proportioned, handsome and handsome as before. Now... it's better not to tell Yiyi this cruel fact!


Qing Tianming coughed twice and glanced at the door with an unhappy face.

"If they all came, wouldn't a certain brat be panicked?"

"Ah this..."

Qing Yiyi and Qing Lianlian turned their heads to look.

Hei Muguang hiding behind the door: "..."

"Ahem, that, hahaha..."

Hei Muguang smiled awkwardly and got out from behind the door, looking guilty.

"Um, Dad, when did you come? Hahaha, I didn't see you for a long time. You hid so well, hahaha!"

Qing Yiyi: "..."

Qing Lianlian: "..."

Qing Tianming: "..."

Who is the guy who hid so well?

"Hmph, what's wrong with you?"

Qing Tianming looked at Hei Muguang with a sullen face.

"Why, you hid as soon as we came? Are you so afraid of us?"

"No, no, haha..."

Hei Muguang felt uneasy and smiled.

When Qing Yiyi married her, a group of brothers-in-law stared at him like cannibals.

Well, Hei Muguang suspected that if they had the chance, they might really tear him apart!

Thinking of this, Hei Muguang couldn't help but sigh in his heart that his son was really lucky. Both of them were only children. When his son married Xiaoli, he wouldn't have to face the cannibalistic eyes of a bunch of brothers-in-law...

"Hei Muguang!"

Qing Lianlian suddenly exclaimed, gritting her teeth and looking at Hei Muguang.

"It's all because of you! You took my sister away from me!"

"Uh, sister-in-law, don't try to touch porcelain..."

Hei Muguang showed a half-moon eye and waved his hand.

"I took Yiyi away from me... Bah, when I married Yiyi, you weren't there yet!

If we're competing, I should have come first!"

"Ah this!"

Qing Lianlian's momentum stagnated: "Ah this, that, this..."


Hei Muguang spread his hands proudly: "Nothing to say... Aww!"


Hei Muguang looked helplessly at the hand pinching his waist. What should he do if his wife takes sides?

"You still have the nerve to say that!"

Qing Yiyi snorted: "You are really capable of competing with an eleven-year-old girl, Hei Muguang!"

Hei Muguang: "..."


Qing Tianming coughed suddenly, frowned and looked at Hei Muguang: "Does it smell of alcohol?"


Hei Moguang's pupils shrank and he was shocked.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I stood on the roof and blew it all night...

Hahaha, hahaha, Dad, you heard wrong. I didn’t say anything just now, hahaha. "


Qing Tianming snorted coldly.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

Hei Muguang trembled with fright and quickly gave in.

"I will never dare again! Please forgive me this time!"

"Drinking a little wine is nothing, but yours is more than just a little!"

Qing Tianming snorted coldly: "You promised once when I married Yiyi, you promised again when I was pregnant with Xiaoyang, and you promised again on Xiaoyang's fourth birthday!

It’s not that I don’t let you drink. After all, it’s a personal preference. You shouldn’t be so cute. Is it okay for you to get drunk as soon as you drink?

You are the backbone of the family, Yiyi's husband, and Xiaoyang's father. If you get drunk when they need you, how can this family survive?

Or, what should I do if you get drunk and act crazy and bully Yiyi! "

"No, no, no, how can this be possible!"

Hei Muguang quickly waved his hands to deny, this was unacceptable.

"How dare I bully Yiyi? She..."

"How dare you talk back!"

Qing Tianming's eyes widened: "If something is wrong, correct it or encourage it. Are you just going to interrupt me casually like this?"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong."

Hei Muguang lowered his head and continued to give in.

It's not that he is afraid of the father-in-law in front of him, but because the other party really makes suggestions for his own benefit.

Since his father, Hei Yang's grandfather, passed away, this father-in-law can be said to be his closest elder.

Hei Muguang has always regarded the old man as his biological father.

Faced with the old man's lecture, Hei Muguang coughed into his left ear and right ear... Hei Muguang listened carefully, learned from the pain, and swore that there would never be a next time. Only then did the old man nod with satisfaction.

"in addition……"

Qingtian Ming said leisurely: "Old man, I have a cold recently, my nose is blocked, and I can't smell anything.

Cough cough, my throat is a little itchy, but it’s not a big problem. "

Hei Muguang: "..."

Oh, he blew himself up, right...

"Why did you catch a cold suddenly?"

Qing Yiyi looked at her father worriedly. Regardless of whether the cold was serious or not, no matter how minor a problem it was, it was not a trivial matter for an elderly person.

What's more, my father's illness is not a chronic illness, but a recent illness, which makes people even more worried about whether he has some special condition.

"Ah, it's okay. I can't feel it even if you don't tell me Yiyi, haha."

Qing Tianming smiled and coughed twice: "When you said this, I felt a little itchy in my throat.

I think it's mostly a psychological effect. The more you miss the disease, the more serious it will be. If you don't care about it, your body may forget about it automatically at some point, hahaha! "

"How can you do this?"

Qing Yiyi frowned and her attitude became a little tougher.

"How can I delay the illness? I have to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

I'm not wishing you bad luck, dad. It's just that the disease is getting worse as it goes on. Young people can recover on their own by relying on their physical strength. How can you show off at your age? "

"Dad, Yiyi is right about this."

Hei Muguang also frowned: "I remember when I was a child, I had a headache and didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it would be fine if I just slept, but I almost lost my life!"

"Go and see, go and see!"

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