Hei Yang shook his head helplessly.

"It's been so many years, which year did you not go back?

Well, to be honest, I still missed you very much at this time in the past. "

"Wow, it seems like I don't miss you!"

Hongli looked sad.

"It's not like you don't know the horrors of seven aunts and eight aunts. Isn't that something people can bear?"

"I understand very well, but there's nothing I can do to help."

"Who said that?"


Hei Yang looked at Hong Li doubtfully.

Hongli stared at Hei Yang and expressed her thoughts.

"In this way, Hei Yang, if you come with me this year, as long as you are by my side, you can take away half of my pain!"

"Ah, what's the point of me going to your house..."

A question mark appeared on Hei Yang's head: "I am not related to the Lan family, so wait..."

Hei Yang's eyes suddenly widened: "I'm your fiancé?!"

"Uh-huh, we are related now!"

Hei Yang: "..."

Chapter 271 I have been writing this morning and now have a scrapped manuscript of 12,000 words. Sad...

In the house, on the bed.

Hong Li closed her eyes and lay lazily in Hei Yang's arms, muttering softly: "It's agreed, you have to go with me when the time comes.

Just call me grandma and grandpa when you see me. You can call me whatever I call you. "

"I know, I'll do the work, don't worry."

Hei Yang placed his palms on both sides of the girl's head in his arms, gently massaged her temples with his fingers, and sighed quietly.

"I just don't know if it will be awkward for me to go there. Most of your relatives there are familiar faces, but I can obviously tell that they are new..."

"Oh my, this kind of thing is normal..."

Hong Li said nonchalantly: "Every year, cousins ​​bring their girlfriends, or cousins ​​bring their boyfriends, and maybe there will be a few new faces, and it doesn't matter.

There are even some who have children, holding their babies in their arms and living under the same roof for four generations. To put it bluntly, they are just joining in the fun. They probably think it is more festive when there are more people..."

After a pause, Hongli suddenly thought of something and sighed.

"I suddenly remembered that if nothing else happened, my mother would probably bring Xiao Huo over to meet people.

If you put it this way, our family is like four generations living under one roof.

In fact, speaking of it, I still like those little kids who can't walk unsteadily, not because they are cute or anything, but simply because their presence can attract most of the seven aunts and eight aunts to help share the pressure. . "

"Well, it does sound lively..."

Hei Yang sighed: "I just don't know if the relatives over there are getting along well..."

"It's okay, just too enthusiastic."

Hongli also sighed: "Speaking of which, when you were in that world before, didn't you have to deal with various relatives during the New Year?

They say they are relatives, but in fact, the relationship is far from that. You can get rid of many things with a silly smile.

Because in fact, many of the relatives are not familiar with each other, so greetings are just polite, just say "yes".

Comparatively speaking, they still like to hang out with grandpa and the others, or chat together in groups of two or three... How can anyone deliberately target you when they have nothing to do? "

"That's right, it makes sense..."

"That's for sure, I'm... huh?"

Hong Li opened her eyes suddenly, felt the two hands beside her head move away, and looked at Hei Yang with a dissatisfied look on her face.

"What's going on? Why did it stop suddenly? Where's the massage you promised? Huh?"

"We agreed it would be twenty minutes, and I've already pressed the button for you for ten more minutes. Isn't that enough?"

Hei Yang showed his dead fish eyes, held both sides of the girl's waist with his hands, raised the confused Hong Li in the air, and said quietly: "Don't go too far, everyone has a share in the potion and chocolate, everyone takes a step back." , I’ve already massaged your head, you still want me to massage your head for another day?”


Hongli also struggled twice but failed, and sneered guiltily: "Actually, it's not impossible. If you are really so enthusiastic, I can't refuse, right..."

"Climb, crawl, crawl, I'll drill two holes in your head all day long."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes and put Hong Li down, who looked at him blankly.


Hongli asked curiously: "What do you want me to do for you?

I warn you, if you go too far, I will come back with revenge! "

"Rub your legs for half an hour."

"Okay brother!"

Hong Li looked like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law. She stretched out her two little hands to Hei Yang's legs and rubbed them for her boyfriend through her trouser legs. She suddenly made a sound.

"Speaking of which, when you were sleeping at home..."

Hongli asked quietly: "Are they all dressed so tightly?"

"Nonsense, that must be bad..."

Hei Yang rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand to the five gift boxes in front of him, and said casually: "It's not like you're in a harsh environment like the wilderness. In your own home, you will definitely take off your clothes to sleep!"


Hong Li raised her eyebrows and grabbed Hei Yang's pants: "So you don't call this place your home?"

"Don't be embarrassed."

Hei Yang calmly tugged at Hong Li's tightly wrapped upper shirt, glanced at the latter, and said nothing.

"Ah, this, I..."

Hongli's expression froze.

"What are you doing, being strict with others but lenient with yourself?"

Hei Yang opened the first gift box, and the purple light overflowed. Well, it was abnormal.

"As a couple, it's normal to be like this, and there are underwear inside, which is also a psychological comfort.

But we both also know that we are just looking for excuses to hold it off no matter what happens after we get married, we are afraid! "

Hei Yang said softly, a man and a woman living alone in the same room understood everything.

That is to say, monks have stronger willpower and are not so easily controlled by hormones such as dopamine, but they cannot fake their love for each other.

"I don't like Xiaoli", let alone say this directly, Hei Yang couldn't even say it silently in his heart or think about it in his mind, and he was unwilling to do it.

Facing Hongli, Heiyang always looks the same.

His heart was far from being as calm as his words showed. On the contrary, the tiger in his heart longed for love and kept roaring, but was afraid of hurting the people he cherished with its fangs and claws, forcing himself to linger in place.

In fact, this feeling is not very painful, but rather strange. It makes Hei Yang realize all the time that there is such a person whose every frown and smile touches his heartstrings.

If I had to describe this feeling, it would probably be itching.

Just let nature take its course, it will happen sooner or later...

The two of them persuaded themselves in this way, pretending not to care, but they behaved a bit childishly and ridiculously, and their young love made people feel a little overwhelmed.

Hei Yang quietly savored this feeling. He knew that this was also a beautiful memory in his life, and he didn't think there was anything shameful about it.

When children grow up and become adults, many people will feel ashamed when they look back at their "black history" and "secondary remarks".

Hei Yang doesn't feel much shame. Maybe he is still naive now, or maybe he is looking at himself from the perspective of a bystander.

It's also possible that he never thought it was something to be ashamed of. He used to think he was handsome like that, but now... ha, I was so handsome before!

When I was a child, my imagination was so rich, and the world in my eyes was so colorful. Doing random things was breaking the rules, and speaking casually was a very creative and pioneering thinking.

A group of people who have been defeated by reality and whose minds have gradually become numb have lost their own "unrealistic daydreams" and have lost the ability to fantasize. How can they have the nerve to turn their heads and laugh at other people's "secondary" and "naive" Woolen cloth.

"You should face reality"

"You know this is impossible"

"This is nonsense"

Because the kingdom of my fantasy has collapsed, I want to tear down others' too, so that they, like me, will be exposed to the so-called cruel reality and accept the beatings of the so-called society.

Tame tiger cubs into sheep and then throw them into the pack of wolves.

Just because I have seen too much white since childhood, when I first saw gray, I thought it was the ultimate black.

If the price of maturity is the loss of happiness and imagination, then what is maturity for?

Make your own contribution to making the world a better place?

But because of his own existence, there is another unhappy person in the world, right...

Wandering like this, those who overturned other people's kingdoms tried to build new houses to withstand the coldness of reality, and called it faith.

Hei Yang believed that since his life was still flowing, he should enjoy everything in his life with all his heart - and suffering was added later.

Two pairs of dull, dead fish eyes, as if they didn't care about anything, as if they didn't care about anything.

But in fact, they are the most sensitive people. They don't want to move their bodies, but they can't stop thinking in their minds.

They approached and explored the world cautiously, fearing to offend others with every move they made, and the unfamiliar environment made them feel uneasy.

So they won't go wrong if they choose not to do it, and they won't take even a step out of their comfort zone before it collapses.

Even continue to strengthen your comfort zone and make it unbreakable.

The price of this is that it is difficult to grow and without change, it may still be the same as it was at the beginning in a few years.

Hei Yang didn't want to think so much, he just wanted to be happy.

He could have found some high-sounding reasons, saying that it was difficult to move to his homeland, that he would never forget his original intention, that he had an innocent heart...

He was too lazy to find a reason, so who could he give it to?

So, I lay down, motionless, and had no ambition to make progress...

Ah, thinking about it this way, Tao Yuanming seems to be a lazy person...

He couldn't change that era, and he couldn't change the world, so he might as well go back...

Arrogant thoughts popped up in Hei Yang's mind. Extreme pride and extreme inferiority kept alternating in his heart, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

Yes, he can't change the whole world, but he can change another world. For example, the girl around him is his world.

Hei Yang was confused and could only distract himself by opening gift boxes.

Ah, the second one is also purple, my condition is ridiculously bad today...


Hong Li rubbed Hei Yang's legs and suddenly squeezed out a sentence, whispering.

"Actually, you can give it a try. I'm still wearing a bra or something... There's nothing to be ashamed of, right?"

"Ah, yes..."

The corners of Hei Yang's mouth raised slightly, and all the thoughts in his mind disappeared. He could feel the girl's soft hands on his legs, and could hear the girl's beating heart, breathing, and blood flow. The warmth around him made him feel at ease.

The third one, gold, is a little more normal.

The fourth one, gold, is gradually getting back to its original feel.

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