However, this is a long-standing custom. Generally speaking, during the first year after engagement, you need to take your partner to meet your relatives and let your relatives know what’s going on.

In this way, when you send them invitations at the wedding, it won’t seem abrupt, and it’s also a reminder for them to prepare what they need in advance.

At the wedding, unless there is something really important, the relatives of both the man and the woman will take time to rush to the scene and send their own thoughts on the way to the wedding.

It can be precious jewelry or ordinary greeting cards. The value is secondary, and the main thing is the quantity.

A gift represents a relative. In addition to blessing, it also has the functions of "support" and "supervision".

Support means telling the other side: If you are not nice to someone in my family after marriage, have you seen so many thoughts? They will turn into a "husband and wife relationship correction iron fist" at any time.

Supervision is easy to understand: everyone is a witness when you get married. If you have a quarrel or divorce in the future, it will be very ugly.

It doesn’t mean that relatives will interfere in their marriage, but they will add a lock to the newlyweds on a psychological level.

They all send out their sincere blessings. Before you quarrel, think about whether you are worthy of everyone's blessings for you.

There are also couples who have no confidence in each other and secretly get married. They will not tie themselves up directly, so as to leave a way out.

Such people may have a personality that always keeps a hand in everything, and another possibility is that they are like the former leaders of the Five Elements Sect and the Medicine King Sect, whose marriage is not supported by their families.

Of course, those who think about how to run away before getting married are not included.

Heiyang Hongli does not need to leave any way out, and has never thought about leaving a way out. They do not need others to stabilize their relationship for them.

Their purpose is very pure, just for the sense of ritual, to tell the other party that they value him (her) very much.

So some people also say that the more relatives come to the wedding, the more lively it is, which proves that the couple is more loving.

Although this statement is one-sided, it is also somewhat reasonable.

And what Heiyang Hongli is about to do is to meet those relatives and elders and advance future blessings.

This is a two-way promise. After the relatives call Heiyang, if they don't say anything specifically that they are not satisfied, it means that they have tacitly agreed that they will definitely show up on the wedding day.

Even if they really can't get away because of something, they must ask someone to explain it, otherwise some gossipers will throw a lot of black pots on their heads.

For example, they will be said to be jealous of others, and they don't keep their promises, and their reputation will become bad!

Of course, after all, he is not their own child, so everyone just recognizes him and is familiar with him. They won't use too strict standards to judge Heiyang.

You will not appear to be very responsible if you are strict, but will leave a very tricky and mean impression on people.

You said that your original intention was to protect your own child from being deceived, but few people think that you have protected her, and they will hate you together.

This is the same reason as Heiyang Hongli not giving the child juice. If you interfere in other people's affairs, you will get into trouble.

To put it bluntly, Heiyang doesn't have to worry about meeting the elders at all. He just needs to keep smiling and shout "Hello grandma" and "Hello grandpa" all the way around.

But the truth is the truth. Heiyang is nervous. Didn't you see that Hongli is not the one who is "being scrutinized", so is she that nervous?

In the final analysis, he is still afraid that the elders will say something about their engagement. Even if it does not affect the result at all, he will feel uncomfortable if he pretends to be calm.

The most hurtful words are often said by close relatives and friends. If a stranger says bad things, they will tear up the family tree without fear!

When the two old people patted Heiyang's shoulders with a smile and said that Xiaoli from Yingying's family will rely on you to take care of him in the future, Heiyang couldn't tell what it felt like. He just trembled in his heart, but he couldn't stop smiling on his face.


Hongli blushed and pinched Heiyang's waist, reminding him: "Don't be in a daze, answer!"

There are no weird-tempered people in the grandpa's relatives, and the whole circle is as smooth as expected.

In other words, including the relatives in the capital who have already met, all the elders of her and Heiyang have agreed to this marriage!

Hongli blushed and lowered her head. She was usually casual, but now she was like a young wife. No one dared to look up at her. She hid half of her body behind Heiyang, her face flushed.

After getting to know Heiyang better during this period of time, she was no longer so shy when she was with him.

But now, hundreds of relatives were watching. She would rather stand on the competition stage and be watched by the crowd and win a hundred consecutive victories!

When she thought that not only her parents who gave birth to her and raised her entrusted her to Heiyang, but also her parents' parents handed her over to Heiyang, Hongli felt very subtle.

Although she was willing, she couldn't escape this feeling of being pushed forward. But it was different from taking the initiative to move forward.

Nervous, shy, secretly happy, excited...

Hongli couldn't tell how many emotions she had in her heart at this time. She clearly felt that Heiyang brought her a sense of security, and her instinctive dependence on Heiyang had reached its peak.

In the past, when she was wronged and sad, she would always think of her parents first, but now, she thinks of the boy next to her first.

Does Heiyang think the same way?

Does he feel the same way about her?

Do I make him feel safe?

Will he rely on himself subconsciously?

"Give me some encouragement, sister, I'm going to be out of breath..."

Hei Yang's weak voice came and gave Hong Li the answer. He did the same, hehe!

Hong Li felt happy and patted Hei Yang on the back gently: "Come on!"

With one shot, the power seemed to come back instantly.

Hei Yang took a deep breath, looked up at the two elders, and said seriously and confidently: "Don't worry, leave Xiaoli to me. No matter what happens, I will be by her side and will never abandon her!"

"Good boy."

The smile on grandma's face became even brighter.

"Don't forget our invitation, the old man and I are looking forward to blessing it!"

"Waiting for the wedding day..."

Grandpa looked at Hongli with a smile.

"Don't be so shy."


Heiyang Hongli agreed softly.

"Have you set a time?"

Grandma suddenly asked.

"Well, not yet, but it will definitely be this year..."

"When are you going to start planning and making preparations?"

Grandpa said seriously: "It's not too much to plan this kind of thing half a year in advance. Don't wait until the time comes to rush and leave regrets in your life. That is one of the most memorable moments in your life!"

"Wait until I go back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..."

Hei Yang said softly: "After the first lunar month and the Spring Festival, we will start formal preparations."

"It will definitely be done beautifully!"

Hong Li slipped out from behind Hei Yang and said seriously: "No regrets!"

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Grandma smiled and comforted her again: "It is a happy day, even if there are a few small mistakes, it is not harmful. Eighty out of ten cases in life are setbacks and difficulties, and it is normal to encounter obstacles."

"If anyone dares to hinder..."

Hei Yang's tone suddenly became calm.

"Then let it disappear forever!"

Hongli's expression disappeared instantly.

Grandma, grandpa and others: "???"

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously, haha..."*2

Hei Yang Hongli showed a cute smile again.

"Ah, that's it, hahaha, it almost scared grandma, hahaha."

"Okay, okay, they are indeed a couple, they just have a tacit understanding!"




My cousin, who was enjoying a drink with his girlfriend, suddenly shuddered and held his heart, looking wary.

"It's bad. I'm afraid I didn't drink too much and finally got sick. I suddenly felt a palpitation just now..."

Girlfriend: "..."

Damn it, something seems to be wrong with her too!

Chapter 283 It is recommended to design a computer screen that goes black as soon as the mother opens the door and a cooling device. It is a great merit and good deed.

"Remember to go to bed early and get up early, don't stay in bed!"

"Got it!"*2

"You must eat three meals a day, don't eat snacks as meals!"

"Got it!"*2

"Don't stay bored in the house all day long. Even if you don't want to go out, you can just bask in the sun in the yard!"

"Got it!"*2

"Remember to fold the quilt, don't roll it into a ball and throw it on the corner of the bed!"

"Got it!"*2

"You two need to get along well. You are not allowed to quarrel, let alone fight, and you are definitely not allowed to fight while rolling around on the ground!"

"Got it!"*2

"You two, do you really take my your heart?"

Lan Yuying looked at Hei Yang Hongli who was standing obediently in front of her with a suspicious face, frowning and thinking seriously.

"Well, let me think about it, is there anything else I haven't said..."

“It’s gone, it’s gone!”*2

"Well, it's true..."

Lan Yuying rubbed her forehead and smiled.

“Okay, that’s it for now, mom will go home.

You two must keep your mother's words in mind, you know? "


"Remember to come find us at home the day after tomorrow. Yiyi and the others will also come by then, and we will start discussing your wedding preparations."


"Well, you're so good!"

Lan Yuying turned to look at the two people who sent her out, smiled and waved her hands.

"Okay, okay, you can just send it here. Go back to the house and rest."



Watching the door gradually closing, the cute expression on Hei Yang Hongli's face instantly turned funny, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey hey hey~"*2

"Oh ho, freedom!"

Hong Li cheered, took off her coat and hung it on Hei Yang's head, revealing a small white dress underneath. She had been wearing this all the time outside, but it almost made her uncomfortable to death!

"Xiaoyang, help sister take the clothes to the house, thank you."

"Hey, are you sick? Can't you wait until you get back home to take off your coat?"

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