“I saw a sentence in a book before that said that women are a difficult book to read.

If you use this metaphor, you and I have more than one book. Have you seen the vast inventory in my study? I am just a book with a lot of books that are difficult to understand, hahaha! "

"Well, that kind of indescribable book..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched: "Is it you too?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli's serious face fluttered with two blushes, still pretending to be nonchalant and said: "Of course, they will have a strong guiding role in the life of a couple. Rounding them up can also be regarded as a reference book, right?"


Hei Yang was silent for a moment and smiled.

"As long as I want to read the books in the study, I can finish them sooner or later. You are the one who needs to read them for the rest of your life."

"Ha, this, you don't need to tell me this, I already knew it, hahaha!"

"You're being tough again."

"I didn't! Well..."

Well, not very hard either.

On January 18th, it was sunny. Hei Yang Hongli spent a day reading at home and benefited a lot.

Yes, they love learning so much!

Chapter 286 The night brings tranquility and peace of mind. Sometimes there is also hunger and a little sadness.

"Phew, a wonderful journey, isn't it?"

Hong Li closed the book, took a long breath, and sighed leisurely.

"Great story, superb writing, I may never be able to write anything like this in my life.

I have decided to put this book on the red glass selection shelf. I will read it again and again after a while! "

"Hey, put your hands away, bitch, your dad still hasn't finished reading seven pages!"

Hei Yang slapped Hong Li's hand away, pulled all the books to his side, and did not forget to complain: "Also, what does it mean that you can't write such words? Do you have any other writing creations besides those little swear words and diaries? ?

If you think about my diary again, I at least used rhetoric such as metaphors, environmental descriptions, psychological descriptions, etc. This is the difference, okay, my big~talented~woman~"

"Humph, it's just nonsense. The simpler the words, the more likely they are to arouse people's resonance. People won't even bother to read the long articles."

Hong Li was chewing sesame candy, putting one hand under her mouth to prevent the sesame seeds from falling all over the bed. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard Hei Yang's words.

"Besides, what do you mean by "little swear words"? Who are you looking down on!

Sister You Hongli, remember those shameless, obscene, dirty and evil curse words can make you cry! "

"If you scold me and cry, I will complain to your parents!"

"Fuck, what a little brat, childish, right?"

Hong Li twitched the corner of her mouth, raised her head and poured the sesame seeds in her hand into her mouth, which was full of fragrance.

"Do you need any spoilers? Let me tell you, the silver-haired and cold-faced man was sacrificed. If I wanted to watch it, it was purely plot killing. I knew that falling in love with such a career-oriented heroine would not end well.

It's actually good to be dead, otherwise the author won't believe in the sequel to the plot of tears until he comes to the throne again... Well, it sounds good. "

"Shut up, woman! Stop your spoilers, you have angered His Highness Black Sun!"

"There's something wrong."

Hong Lixian glanced at Hei Yang, looked out the window at the dim sky, yawned, and stated the facts softly.

"Hei Yang, we have been lying in bed all day."

"What's this?"

Hei Yang has already read the penultimate page. Hong Li is right, it is indeed a plot killer. He obviously won't make such stupid mistakes as a "cold-faced man", but he just got the lunch box so easily. , feels like a failure.

Hmm, but think about it, it seems to also express the contrast between death being sudden and unprepared?

"Is it unusual for us to lie in bed all day? It's perfectly normal."

"I know, I know, it's just a bit of a sigh."

Hong Li said in a daze: "If it was a year or two ago, we might be sitting in a secluded corner or at a table in a tavern, talking about irrelevant gossip.

As night falls, we say goodbye to each other and go back to our homes, waiting for the next tomorrow to come.

At that time, I actually occasionally thought, will there be a day when I don’t have to say goodbye to you after dark?

Now, you see, that idea is now a reality. "

"Look, look, are you exposed?"

Hei Yang said proudly: "A certain girl has been attracted to her since then, right?

But it’s understandable. After all, Black Sun is so charming and a high-quality resource. If I were a girl, I would want to marry myself.

It's a pity that you got ahead of me, damn it! "

"Oh, I don't even have any shame."

Hongli stretched out an arm and hooked it around Hei Yang's neck, putting her arms around him like good buddies, pretending to be frivolous.

"Then you haven't thought about luring that girl to your house with sweet words on an evening when we are about to separate... Well, maybe she will forgive you afterwards?"

"You forgive me when you say you forgive me. Do you think you are Hongli? What about inciting a crime!"

"Meow meow meow?"

A bunch of question marks appeared on Hong Li's head.

"I'm not Hongli? I'm not Hongli? I'm not Hongli?"

"Then do you think I can wait until you forgive me?"

"Well, before that, you should have been hung up on the house and spanked by your parents."

"Then you know and still ask!"

Hei Yang retorted fiercely, and then sighed.

"Okay, okay, go to bed quickly, we have to get up early tomorrow."

"What about the curtains? Aren't they closed?"

"Leave it on, too lazy to get out of bed."


Hei Yang took a deep breath and put the book on the bedside. Just when he was about to turn over and hug his girlfriend to sleep, a red glass came into his arms automatically. His face was pressed against Hei Yang's chest, and he obediently let him touch his head. .

"Take off the necklace. It will be uncomfortable to sleep with it on."

"I won't take it off unless you take it off for me yourself."

"Okay, raise your head a little."




The stars twinkled outside the window, and the moonlight shone on the bedside.

The wind howled in the forest and wild wolves howled in the mountain stream.

Hong Li secretly opened her eyes and looked at the boy's strong chest in the dim moonlight. The hot breath she exhaled hit it, and she could clearly hear the steady heartbeat of the boy.


Hongli's throat couldn't help but swallow, and she opened her mouth slightly subconsciously. After hesitating for a moment, her little hand sneaked in, stretched out her index finger and poked it gently, then quickly moved away, holding her breath and her heartbeat accelerated.


He didn't notice!


Hong Li raised the corner of her mouth, poke again, safe, poke again, safe, poke, poke, poke...

Hong Li's eyes became brighter and brighter, one finger suddenly turned into a palm, and the five fingers opened, hey hey hey...

Then she felt a sudden tightening on the back of her neck.


The sudden attack made Hongli scream subconsciously, and the big hand that was supposed to be on her head slipped down without knowing when!

"Black...black...black sun?!"

Hong Li's voice was trembling.

"You, you didn't sleep!"


Hei Yang's voice was calm, and he continued to wrap his arms around the other person's neck, saying in a voice: "Disappointed?"

"Ah, ha, ha, ha..."

Hong Li sneered twice, and was about to give in, but felt that she couldn't bear to lose face, so she simply buried her head in Hei Yang's arms, hummed softly, and remained silent.


Hei Yang: "..."

"Can't sleep?"

Hei Yang laughed helplessly, released his palm and pressed it on Hong Li's head again. Although the latter did not say anything, he quietly moved his head upward, which allowed Hei Yang to touch his head more conveniently.

"Usually as long as it's quiet for more than ten minutes, you should be fast asleep. What's going on today?"

"Huh? How do you know the time when I fell asleep? Obviously... Well, okay, I understand, no need to answer."

Hong Li curled her lips and raised her head slightly to look at Hei Yang, revealing her half-moon eyes.

"Don't just talk about me, what about you? Aren't you asleep too?"


Although no one would be disturbed by them, Hei Yang had a habit of speaking quietly in the silent night.

"When I thought about having to discuss big things tomorrow and need to get up early, I told myself to go to bed early. But the more I stressed, the more I couldn't sleep. The more I couldn't sleep, the more irritable I became. So I just stopped sleeping. I felt more energetic!"

"is it possible……"

Hong Li looked serious and said solemnly: "You are about to die. This is a reflection of the past..."



"Have you returned to your glory or not?"

"Hey, it's just a joke..."

Hongli curled her lips: "I feel like you must have slapped me on my poor back!"

"Come on, can't you feel that I'm not using my strength?"

Hei Yang rolled his eyes and threatened: "If you slander me again, I will put a cupping cup on your back and pull out the Nirvana fire for you."

"God is so cupping..."

Hong Li suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but laugh: "I remember one time before, my dad pulled out two cupping pots on his head, and there were two symmetrical bulges on his forehead.

Just like that dragon that I met before, it seemed to be turning into a dragon, hehe. "

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang twitched the corner of his mouth, imagining that scene, and quickly cleared his mind.

"When you said this, I remembered that my mother told us to eat three meals a day, but we didn't eat anything during the day."

"What's the use of thinking about it now?"

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