Yao Qingkong's face turned slightly red, and he subconsciously covered his stomach and lowered his voice: "It's still early to give birth, and I haven't even shown my pregnancy yet. Besides, I'm not an ordinary mortal..."

"But I still want to be safer..."

Yinzi Shengzi paused mid-sentence, as if he had made up his mind, and said: "I know you feel guilty...

If it really doesn't work, I'll go with you then. Anyway, I've already dealt with most of it. I'll have to trouble my junior brothers and sisters with the rest..."

"Let's talk about that later."

Yao Qingkong frowned, waved his hand, opened the barrier, and smiled apologetically at the elder: "There's something, I'm sorry..."

"No no……"

"Well, let's try communicating with Hongli's family..."

Yao Qingkong dialed Hei Yang's communication number and said, "Ask where she went. Could it be that the spirit stone really exploded..."

"Beep beep beep... beep."

The light of the spirit stone went out.

Yao Qingkong: "???"

This one also exploded?

Nothing will happen to them, right? !

Yao Qingkong looked surprised and uncertain. After thinking for a while, he dialed Xiaohuo's number again.


Finally, the picture appeared, and Yao Qingkong was shocked. Then he saw a little red-headed lolita stuffing the bread in his hand into his mouth, taking a sip of juice, showing a happy expression, and then turned to look at the picture, Make a puzzled look.

"Hmm, the number I don't recognize, could it be that Grandpa Huo secretly called me using his trumpet again?"

Yao Qingkong, who was about to speak, suddenly heard this sentence and was choked to the point of coughing twice. His whole face turned green. Why did God use a trumpet to communicate with the word "again"?

Elder Huole, what surprises do you have that my sister-in-law doesn’t know about?

Yao Qingkong rubbed his eyebrows, calmed his mind, and walked to the side: "Ahem, is that Xiao Huo from the Hongli family?"


Xiaohuo tilted his head and did not answer, but asked: "Auntie, who are you and what are you doing with me?"

"Ah, aunt is not a bad person, aunt is your mother's friend..."

Yao Qing was halfway talking, then suddenly stopped. Why did she sound like a suspect? Bah, bah, she should have said it differently: "Ahem, um, Xiaohuo, are your parents at home? Are you the only one at home?"

He doesn’t look like a good person anymore!

Yao Qingkong looked at Xiao Huo's increasingly wary expression and sighed helplessly: "Well, if your parents are at home, you can give them the spirit stone...

Forget it, you can just give me a message, saying that there is a person named Yao Qingkong, and I want to ask them something and see if they can help. "

"Well, isn't it Grandpa Huo's disguise..."

Xiaohuo scratched his head, jumped off the sofa, and trotted into the courtyard.

Turning my head to the left, I saw a cloud of gray mist. That was Dad treating and repairing Da Ma.

Turning my head to the right, I saw that the space was like glass cracking, shaking piece by piece. It was my mother who was working on the secret space, but it didn't seem to be going well there.


Xiao Huo was about to say something else when he saw the gray mist suddenly dissipate and Hei Yang stretched out and walked out.

"Get it done, do it again the day after tomorrow, then don't worry about it, just wait for it to recover slowly..."

Hei Yang nodded, turned to look at Hong Li not far away, revealing his half-moon eyes: "I knew it wasn't that simple.

Hehe, should I help her, or should I rest? Or go to rest? Or go to rest? "



Hei Yang turned sideways, reached out to catch Xiao Huo who was running over, rubbed her little head, and asked curiously: "What's wrong with Xiao Huo? Have you finished eating the snacks? Is there not enough juice?"


Xiao Huo stood on tiptoe and handed the spirit stone to Hei Yang: "There is Aunt Yao who said she wants to find your parents."


Hei Yang was stunned for a moment and turned the screen to himself: "Hello? This is Hei Yang Hongli's home. Who are you looking for?"

"It's me, Yao Qingkong."

Yao Qingkong showed his face: "When I communicated with Hongli before, she said that you were also present."

"Oh oh oh, it's you!"

Hei Yang was stunned, and then showed a puzzled look: "Um, what's the matter? Hongli is over there now..."

Hei Yang looked at the fragmented space again, paused, and continued: "The signal over there is not very good. If there is anything urgent, I will call her..."

"Eh, no no no..."

Yao Qingkong quickly waved his hand and moved the screen to the other side: "It's not me, it's him."


Hei Yang looked at the old man who suddenly appeared on the screen, and was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and greeted with a smile: "Ah, isn't this the great elder of Yaowang Sect?

He has been a lot of help to my brother before. I haven’t seen him for a while. Hahaha, is my brother okay? "


Yao Qingkong looked at the two of them in surprise: "Do you know each other?"

"Ah, we met once. At that time, this person... was killing Nascent Soul..."

The great elder smiled a little cautiously. How should I put it, as one of the spectators at the scene, the scene of tearing Heitian apart with a sword was difficult for him to forget.

The Great Elder is an old man in the cultivation world. Maybe the mortal family regards the child in front of him as a senior, but he is still more accustomed to the concept that those with higher cultivation level are superior.

"I didn't expect that the person you asked for help, Sect Leader, would be this one..."


The Great Elder looked at Hei Yang sternly and explained: "Hong Butian has worked hard in practicing at Wuliang Sword Sect, and his progress is very gratifying. Now he has followed the team of Wuliang Sword Sect to Five Elements City. Well, do you need me? Go and bring him here?"

"Ah, no, no, no, I know Brother Butian is fine."

Hei Yang smiled cheerfully: "Wait until I tell Auntie and the others, let them feel relieved and happy."

"Besides, don't keep talking like this, um, you don't have to talk to me like this..."

Hei Yang scratched his head unaccustomedly: "If you need anything, just tell me. If you can help, I will definitely help. Well, of course, let's make an agreement first. We won't go if it's too dangerous and difficult!"

"Not dangerous, not dangerous."

Yao Qingkong interjected: "I don't know if it's difficult or not."


"Look at what he looks like now."

Yao Qingkong pointed to the great elder and asked Hei Yang, "What do you think of his current condition?"


Hei Yang touched his chin, looked at the great elder, and commented tentatively: "Elegant and unrestrained? Ethereal and immortal? Feng Xu Yufeng? Transformed into an immortal?"

Yao Qingkong: "..."

"Are you two talking so strangely?"

Yao Qingkong said with a blank expression: "I don't know who led who."

"I know that."

Hei Yang patted his chest proudly: "The girl I brought up was very good, right? This kid, Hongli, was just like me when she was little!"

Yao Qingkong: "..."

Yao Qingkong looked at Hei Yang's triumphant expression, and four big words popped into his mind: The sin is serious!

"Well, if you don't mind, I'll just tell you..."

The Great Elder saw the sect master being led more and more crookedly by the other party, and said helplessly: "I am still in a soul state, half dead and life is meaningless, so I want to ask powerful monks to help me rebuild my body, but now I am at a loss... …”

"oh oh."

Hei Yang suddenly nodded: "So that's the case, but what's the point?

You first find the sense of intervention between life and death, then try to purify the yin energy of the soul, and then slowly guide the yang energy to nourish and feel the breath of the living.

Then slowly try to contact the yang world, and continue to mix yin and yang through the soul's thinking and memory-that is, the part of the deceased closest to the yang world.

There is no need to try to balance it first, just protect the original intention first.

When you can directly rely on your own strength, pay attention to your own strength, not magic and spiritual power, and use your own strength to slightly affect the yang world, you can balance yin and yang and gradually achieve the regeneration of skin, blood, flesh and blood..."

Hei Yang walked into the room, opened a bottle of juice and took a big sip to moisten his throat. Then he looked at the great elder and Yao Qingkong with a relaxed expression: "I said this, you understand, just follow the steps I told you. Just do it and you’ll be fine!”

Yao Qingkong, Great Elder: "..."


Hei Yang looked surprised: "Don't believe me?"

"No, no, it's that..."

Yao Qingkong said awkwardly: "What did you just say? I don't quite understand, well, that's it."


The great elder raised his hand and whispered: "I don't understand a little bit."


Hei Yang looked stunned: "I'm speaking plainly! What's wrong with this...well, what don't you understand? Tell me and I'll explain it to you."

“I don’t understand anything!”*2

Hei Yang: "..."

That's right. Grandma Meng said that there is no reincarnation in this world, and there seems to be no need for the subject of transformation between life and death?

So, in this world... no one knows better than me, life and death? Well, at most add a red glass?

However, this is too devoid of the spirit of inquiry. If it doesn’t exist, can’t we explore it? hateful!

If people all over the world are as ignorant as you, how can we lazy dogs survive?

Hei Yang looked at the two of them with a complicated expression, and finally gave up the idea of ​​explaining: "Well, how about you come to our house, and I can directly operate it for you, the Great Elder?"

"You can have this!"*2

Yao Qingkong and the First Elder's eyes lit up. Just say it. Wouldn't it be fine if you had said this earlier?

Hei Yang: "..."

Damn it, this scene in front of him looks like when his mother taught him how to cook...

Qing Yiyi: "Xiaoyang, look, light the fire, put in the oil, like this, like this, like this again..."

Hei Yang: "Ah, Mom, I don't understand, I don't understand, why are you doing this and that?!"

Qing Yiyi: "Ah? Why don't you understand?"

Hei Yang: "How to light a fire?!"

Qing Yiyi: "..."

Qing Yiyi: "Why don't you remove your hand from the spoon first and I'll show you?"

Hei Yang: "We can have this! Wouldn't it be better if we did this earlier!"

"Because I am too lazy to do it and too lazy to learn, so I hope a big boss can help me personally"

However, I never thought that one day, I would be the guy who helps others carry their weight...

Hei Yang sighed: "Well, if nothing happens, just leave it like that. I'm always at home. You can always come. No, you're not allowed to come at night when you're sleeping. Come after noon.

Well, hang up, I'll go see if Hongli is still alive..."

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