Senior Brother No. 1 snorted and walked forward: "Okay, okay, since there's nothing wrong, let's go quickly and stop wasting time."

"Hehe, it seems that I wasn't the one who brought up this topic at the beginning. Someone is really good at pretending to be innocent!"

"Do you want to go to the ring to duel? Hmm?"

"Come on!"

"Okay, okay, shut up!"


Hong Butian quietly poked his head out from behind the book, with a curious look on his face.

"Strange, why do I feel that everyone's temper is so bad recently? Is the weather getting warmer?"

Hmm, I can't figure it out...

Hong Butian shook his head and followed quietly again.

The fourth time I tried to follow my fellow disciples to get away with it, I will definitely succeed this time!


“So that’s how it is…”

Heiyang’s red eyes returned to their dark colors, and he touched his chin and said, “Because of the influence called prejudice, the disciples of Wuliangjianmen, which was one of the strongest sects before, had mixed thoughts.

Being prejudiced against others, against things, or even against a certain group, led to the growth of demons in the heart?”

“Ask a question!”

Hongli raised her hand and asked curiously, “Will you be prejudiced against yourself?”

“This… I don’t know…”

Heiyang spoke truthfully, and said slowly, “I heard someone say before that people who are prejudiced don’t not understand you, but are simply bad…

Well, I don’t know Is this right? But there should be some subjective consciousness in it..."

"Aha, jealousy and slander, improving oneself, diverting trouble, shifting conflicts, forming cliques, building small groups, gossiping, isolating one party."

Hongli waved her hand: "It should be about this, right? Will it make people feel alienated?"

"It may also make people become bad..."

Heiyang stretched out two fingers: "Look, if a bad guy says that someone is bad, such as poor grades.

One possibility is that if you say I am bad, I am bad? I want to prove it to you.

There is another possibility, if I am not that kind of person, maybe others will After talking too much, I feel unconfident about myself, and then I verify what the other person said. "

"Ah this..."

Hongli hit her palm and suddenly realized: "I understand! In fact, Hongli was very hardworking! But the hateful prejudice Heiyang kept nagging her that she was lazy, which made poor Hongli lazy!"

"Hehe, yes, yes."

Heiyang showed half-moon eyes: "I kept saying that you are my wife, and then you really became my wife, right?"

"Oh roar!"

Hongli pointed at Heiyang with a shocked face: "So that's it, prejudice blames Heiyang, he actually brainwashed me!"

"Huh! "

Hongli took a deep breath and her face gradually calmed down: "I understand, I understand everything, I must stay calm at all times and can no longer be affected by the words of the outside world.

That's right, Hongli, I am not a love-brained person, I am rational, mature and strong... huh? ! "

"Ha, how can I be prejudiced against Xiaoli?"

Heiyang raised his eyebrows, suddenly approached Hongli, pinched her chin and gently lifted it up, and under her confused eyes, he whispered: "I only have partiality and preference for you!"


Hongli's expression suddenly froze, her face flushed instantly, and the calm brain that had just been installed was thrown directly into the recycling station and shattered and cremated.

She leaned her head on Heiyang's chest with a silly smile on her face, letting him hug her in his arms, with a sweet smile.

"Hehe, Heiyang, my Heiyang, hehehe..."

Hongli's eyes were filled with pink hearts: "I like you the most, Heiyang!"

"Yeah, good boy, my Xiaoli is the best."


"My Xiaoli is the most obedient."


"My Xiaoli is the most gentle."


"My Xiaoli is the best at doing housework!"

"Yeah... Yeah? What are you thinking about?"

"Tsk, boring."

Heiyang looked at Hongli who had reacted and rolled his eyes: "Wait for me One day, I will open your skull while you are asleep, take out your brain, and then close the skull.

This way, you can become the stupid Hongli who obeys Heiyang’s orders, right? ”

“Ha, then I will become the dead Hongli, the deceased wife of Heiyang.”

“It’s just a brain. You can live without it. You are a cultivator!”

“Hey, don’t keep using the excuse that I am a cultivator to say such perverted words!”

Hongli crossed her hands and said seriously: “No! This is absolutely No way! "

"Uh, have you really considered it..."

Heiyang showed dead fish eyes: "How can that be possible? What if I accidentally lose your memory of knowing Heiyang, wouldn't I cry to death?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli punched Heiyang and snorted: "Don't raise the flag. If you do this, many people will say, ah, is it a foreshadowing or something like that.

In fact, it's not at all. It's just your imagination, Heiyang! I won't forget you even if I die!"

"Fuck, what kind of love talk in the underworld, if you die, won't I send it with you? Have you forgotten the contract?"

"Uh, that's right...Oh, who cares, who cares!"

Hongli grabbed Heiyang's hand and ran on the straight sword as if walking on flat ground: "Go, go, I have a hunch that as long as those inner demons are solved, the demon shadow will calm down. "

"Hehe, do you still need to have a hunch? Everyone knows it, okay!"

"No, give me some face, Heiyang, you don't know. "

"Oh, I don't know. "

"Ha, that's pretty much it."

"By the way, don't you still want to level up?"

"For that kind of thing, I just happened to come to Wuliang Sword Sect. By the way, can't I just ask the master of Sword Sect, Gu Jianzhenren, how the outside world is like!"

"Well, that makes sense!"

"That is required!"

Chapter 325 There is a kind of rejection, which is called going home and waiting for news, and I will inform you later

At Wuliangjianmen Mountain Gate, Hongli and Heiyang walked hand in hand, and the steep slope was as smooth as walking on the ground.


Hongli held Heiyang's hand and kept waving her arm while looking around at the surrounding scenery, looking cheerful.

“Ah, the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming!

Sunshine, gentle breeze, and the people I love. "

Hong Li leaned on Hei Yang's shoulder, with an intoxicated expression on her face.

"Are we going to go hiking together in the spring?"

"Of course."

Hei Yang nodded affirmatively and said casually: "Put a piece of cloth on it and put some food on it, and it'll be a picnic, right?"


Hongli flipped her hair on her forehead and smiled: "I heard Yao Qingkong say before that after they got married, they went to travel around the world, wandering around various scenic spots, how happy and comfortable they were.

At that time, I thought, there is no joy in running around outside. I am tired and bored. It is better to lie at home and read books and comics. Sleeping is even more interesting than that. "

"But now I know what true beauty is like..."

Hong Li turned to look at Hei Yang, her eyes full of fascination, and her voice gradually sounded.

"With the blue sky, white clouds, red flowers and green willows behind him, the beautiful young man's smile makes people excited."

"The scenery is not the key, the most important thing is the people in the scenery!"

Hongli nodded and made such violent remarks loudly.

“So Hei Yang, let’s travel around the world after we get married!

Well, you can carry me on your back or hold me!

Anyway, just hang me on your body and set off, taking me to those wonderful and magnificent scenery.

And I just need to sleep peacefully, and when I open my eyes again, I will have arrived from one scenic spot to another. Ha, that’s great when you think about it, right? "

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hei Yang showed his dead fish eyes and said hehe: "What are you thinking about? I have become your means of transportation, right?"

"You said, this is called a private car!"


Hei Yang glanced at Hong Li and shook his head: "Speaking of which, I don't know much about the famous attractions in this world.

However, based on my experience in my previous life, the more famous a tourist attraction is, the worse the general experience is.

Of course, what I said may be a little one-sided, but in most cases it is like this.

First, because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and second, because at this time, there will be a lot of people.

There is a traffic jam on the road, the scenic spots are crowded, and the things sold around are extremely expensive.

It may also be possible that heatstroke and colds may occur due to weather conditions.

After finally squeezing through and escaping to the sky, I just took one look at the scenery and had to go back again.

After all, some places are very strange scenery for us outsiders.

For the locals, this is probably a normal scene. "


Hong Li looked at Hei Yang curiously: "What did you do?"

“That’s why I choose cloud travel! It’s low-energy, fuel-saving, low-carbon and environmentally friendly!”

Hei Yang snorted and said proudly: "As long as you have seen the photos or related information of those places and know what they are like, seeing it means you own it!

In this way, you no longer have to experience the pain and suffering! "

"Ah this..."

Hongli scratched her head: "So, do we still want to go?"

"Listen to you."

Hei Yang said casually: "If you say you don't want to go, we won't go. If you say you want to go, we will set off at that time.

Of course, you have to come with me and share the blessings and hardships! "

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