Hongli spread her hands: "When he found out about our cultivation speed, he was already shocked, but he didn't..."

"But he retreated behind the scenes and became a scientific researcher."

Heiyang said dimly: "Are you sure you weren't shocked?"

"Ah this..."

"Moreover, after he knew your cultivation speed, he wanted you to be his successor, and finally forced you to get a clan leader token.

It took a lot of effort to attract the elders' attention with the help of Xingyun."

Heiyang whispered: "Now that you know your talent for formations is like this, then the elders will introduce you to some scientific research leader in the cultivation world, and let you become the dean of the research institute in the travel world or something like that?"


Hongli took a breath of Heiyang: "That makes sense!"


Hongli frowned and proposed another solution.

"We can create a pseudonym, pretend to be a hermit master, and pass by and give some pointers, so that we can get rid of our relationship, right?"

"Good idea!"

Heiyang raised his eyebrows: "How to create a pseudonym? Have you learned any clone spells and transformation spells?"


Hongli moved his eyes upwards and thought: "I remember seeing it in the library of the Five Elements Sect, but I didn't pay much attention to it at that time. How about you go and learn it now?"

"I have to learn it again, right?"

Heiyang couldn't help rolling his eyes and proposed another possibility: "Then we can use the magic shadow to control a big bad guy and disguise it, right?"

"Where can we find a big bad guy?"

Hongli said speechlessly: "We only need to target the guys who bully us and the people around us.

Do we have to judge others arbitrarily based on the good and evil we define ourselves?

Of course, the minotaur must be judged!"


Heiyang thought about it and summoned the magic shadow. After the transformation, the opponent's momentum became more terrifying.

It is estimated that a large group of Yuanying can be defeated at once, but it may be a bit difficult to overcome the tribulation.

"Turn yourself into a human and show me what you look like."

Heiyang pointed at Moying and gave an additional order: "Adjust based on my appearance, don't be too similar to Liuying."


Moying paused for a long time, as if loading something. Under the gaze of Heiyang and Hongli, the other party turned into an old grandfather with a long beard and a sage-like appearance.

"Sure! You can do it!"

Heiyang first affirmed, and then pointed at Moying.

"But you don't have to become so black!"

Moying: "..."

Sorry, it won't change.

"Oh, put a black robe on him!"

Hongli interrupted: "It's more handsome!"

"But he has the image of a sage-like appearance!"

"Can't you change your personality? It's just a matter of a word!"

"How can you..."

"Beep beep beep"

The communication spirit stone interrupted Heiyang and Hongli again, and the figure of Elder Huo Le appeared on the screen.

"How is it? Is it finished?"

"Ah! It's done!"

Hongli nodded quickly and smiled confidently: "My Heiyang drew it himself, it must be perfect!"

Heiyang: "???"

"Ha, that's great!"

Elder Huo Le didn't notice Heiyang threatening Hongli in the corner, nor did he see Hongli turning her head and making faces at Heiyang.

"Let's get started!"

Huo Le smiled and said, "What should we send?"

"Ha! We have prepared this."

Hongli and Heiyang smiled at each other and poured out wedding invitations from the storage bag: "Send this!"

Chapter 338 Okay, okay, if the school is not postponed, go and make up your homework after reading this chapter!

The test results were unexpectedly smooth for Elder Huo Le.

Heiyang and Hongli sent all the invitations prepared for the Five Elements Sect friends and asked Elder Huo Le to help pass them on. The latter naturally agreed happily.

Elder Huo Le was so happy that he could not find his way around after confirming that the teleportation array he invented could really transmit over long distances, and it had not failed even once. The transmission process was smooth and fluent.

Well, there was a detail that puzzled Elder Huo Le.

He always felt that the teleportation array on Heiyang Hongli's side was a little weird, but he could not figure out what was wrong for a while, but he just felt awkward.

The awkward feeling did not come from the other party's teleportation array, but from the teleportation array on his side!

It was like two water pipes were connected. The water pipe on Huo Le's side was crooked and groping for the interface, but the water pipe on Heiyang Hongli's side was straight, unceremoniously, and very cleanly!

He always felt that he was a head shorter, as if his teleportation array was a copycat castrated version. Did Xiaoli and the others improve the teleportation array?

Huo Le had a wonderful idea in his mind, but he quickly denied it.

The invention, creation, development and perfection of a thing requires the efforts of a generation and the accumulation of experience over a long period of time!

Don't think that the previous accumulation is useless just because someone invented something in history.

Personal intelligence is naturally worthy of recognition, but things always need to follow the objective laws of development. Even a good cook cannot cook without rice!

Huo Le muttered in his heart, but he didn't show anything on his face. He flipped through the stack of invitations in his hand, checked to make sure there was no damage, and a chrysanthemum bloomed on his face again.

Huo Le shook the invitations on the table, folded them neatly, and turned his head to look at Heiyang Hongli who was still talking on the phone in the picture.

But the two people had their heads together and didn't know what they were talking about. However, Huo Le saw a sly smile on their faces from time to time and winked at each other, and couldn't help but sigh that the relationship between the two was really good.

Elder Huo Le thought of their senior brothers and sisters, who had such a good relationship that they were like real brothers and sisters. (Elder Tu and Elder Mu who are in love:??? We are not, don’t talk nonsense!)

But even so, they sometimes have conflicts, such as the time when the senior brother eloped...

But according to what Elder Huo heard, the two of them didn't really seem to have any major conflicts - if you don't count the fact that they stabbed each other with swords and guns.

These two people seem to be arguing all day long, but in fact they have basically the same views on certain things. The argument only makes them more certain of each other's opinions!

The two of them rarely had any quarrels or really got angry, but Elder Huole knew that their tempers were not as gentle as they seemed.

As long as you see the way they occasionally show their fangs, you won't think they are little sheep.

But in daily interpersonal interactions, the two of them chatted and laughed innocently like children...

Elder Huole couldn't understand it or understand it.

But he at least understands one thing, that is, it is absolutely the right thing for these two to be together. They are two people who truly understand each other.

Although Huo Le didn't want Hongli to go back at first, he tried every means to prevent her from going home, acting like a villain.

But when it really came to this moment, Huo Le was sincerely happy for these two from the bottom of his heart!

"Let me take a look..."

Huo Le looked at the time on the invitation in his hand and was slightly surprised: "Hey, are there only two weeks left?"

"Ah! Yeah!"

Huo Le's voice made Heiyang Hongli stop whispering. The two quickly turned to look at the screen and found that Huo Le had already checked the operation of the teleportation array.

And just now the elder was asking about their wedding date, and indeed there were only two weeks left!

Hei Yang Hongli blushed inexplicably, and finally looked embarrassed when facing this elder.

"That, that..."

Hongli smiled sarcastically: "Yes, there are only two weeks left!"

"Well, well, right away..."

Hei Yang smiled shyly: "Now we can officially marry Xiaoli!"


Hei Yang Hongli looked at each other and smiled, clenching his hands.

"Well, let's see, you have invited all five of our elders, as well as Hei Xiaolong, Hei Xiaoqi..."

Elder Huo Le flipped through the invitations, sorting them while thinking about how to give them to the corresponding people.

"That girl Jin Xiu will probably fly over immediately after receiving the invitation letter. She won't wait for an agreed date at all..."

Elder Huole stroked his beard and analyzed: "My original plan was to drive the sect's third airship over there together.

But suddenly I thought that if this happens, several of our elders in the sect are not in the sect. What if something happens? "

"Ah this..."

Hongli paused, raised her hand and said, "Aren't there other senior brothers and sisters, as well as other elders from the sect? Let them carry the banner!"

"The realm is a flaw."

Huo Le sighed and shook his head: "I don't deny that they are all very good children, but children also need time to grow."

"Either this is better..."

Elder Huole suddenly came up with a plan, his eyes lit up and he suggested: "I will open the sect's magic circle and seal the mountain gate, and the safety factor will be increased several times!"

"No, no, no!"

Hei Yang waved his hands quickly, dumbfounded and said: "You are trying to create hatred between the two of us!

Because the two of us got married, we left everyone behind closed doors. Here we were having a banquet, and there we were in isolation.

No matter how you think about it, it seems a little inappropriate, right? "

"It's true!"

Hongli's wife sang and said, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. I almost suffocated myself to death in the sect when I closed the mountain!"

"So I say one session is really worse than the other. You guys are just spoiled!"

Huo Le shook his head and said: "I think back then, we practiced hard and retreated for several years, and decades passed!

Only by being able to sit on the bench and endure loneliness can you hone your will and go further on the path of spiritual practice! "

"Oh, sitting around is not the only way to hone your will. That method is not suitable for everyone!"

Hei Yang retorted: "Some people like to be quiet by nature, such as me and Xiaoli.

But some people still love adventure, and through thrilling experiences again and again, they might be able to grow faster! "

"Yes, although it may be sent quickly!"

After Hong Li added, she directly protected her head with both hands, looked up at Hei Yang's raised hand, and curled her lips: "Don't hit me!"

"Hey, who cares?"

Hei Yang, who had been predicted, rolled his eyes unhappily, paused with his extended hand, and turned to his shoulder: "My arm is sore and tired, and I suddenly want to squeeze it and massage it."


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