A different choice will determine many things and lead to many different futures.

Maybe many people I should have met will never be seen again, and many things I should have experienced will never be experienced.

Since none of us can convince anyone, let’s just let fate decide by itself! "

"Do different choices in life determine different futures..."

Hongli Heiyang instinctively held hands, thinking that if they didn't meet, they couldn't help but feel frightened. Fortunately, fortunately!

Even if they might have a "better future", they definitely don't want to leave each other.

In other words, a future with each other is the future they want.

Of course, it would be too far-fetched to say this...

"Ha, you're betting on luck or something, Elder Huo Le, you are really trying to beat a rock with eggs, you are overestimating your abilities!"

Hongli laughed proudly, put her hands on Heiyang's shoulders, and coughed twice.

"Ahem, please allow me to introduce my husband, Hei Yang. His luck is ridiculously high, haha!"

"Ahem, Xiaoli, don't raise the flag so proudly!"

On the other hand, Hei Yang did not trust him as much as Hong Li did. He whispered, "If the prediction is wrong afterwards, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?"

"Huh? Why do you see it?"

Hongli raised her eyebrows: "Are you lack of confidence in your luck?"

"Well, that's not the case."

Hei Yang said quietly: "I am just too confident in your luck, Xiaoli.

When I think about being affected by your bad luck, Xiaoli, I still feel a little uneasy. "

Hongli: "..."

"Climb, climb, climb!"

Angrily, Hong Li gave Black Yang Mist a few rounds, turned to look at Elder Huo Le, and no longer hesitated: "Let's bet!"

Chapter 391 There are cracks in everything, that’s where the light comes in

After being coaxed and deceived by Elder Huole, the shadow of Heiyang Hongli finally left and returned to them.

However, the two of them had dull expressions on their faces as they looked at the group of demonic figures that followed them back together and hit the wall crazily.

The other party followed back to Hei Yang Hongli's house and continued to hit the wall, but instead of hitting the wall of Elder Huole's house of the Five Elements Sect, he switched to hitting the wall of Yang Li's house.

"Hey, stop!"

Hong Li instinctively stretched out her hand and blurted out an exclamation.

"Prodigal thing! If you want to hit it, keep hitting the wall of Elder Huole's house!

Don't hit the wall of our house. If it breaks, where will we stay tonight? "

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched. He originally thought that Hong Li would have something to say, but he didn't expect that he would say such words.

Moreover, if Hongli stopped him, he would stop her, and if she wanted to hit him, he would hit Elder Huole's house...

Hei Yang had a strange expression and wanted to give Hong Li a thumbs up, but felt it was inappropriate.

Well, it’s not the walls of your own home that don’t bother you!


Hong Li, who was trying to stop Hei Yang, couldn't help but point at the demonic shadow and said: "With its current strength, it shouldn't be able to break the wall of our house..."

"Huh? It's what you say! It's not like Hei Yang built this wall!"

Hongli responded with a round of retaliation, activated the magical power of the devil's heart, pulled the demon shadow away from the wall, and then banished the magical power!


Hong Li put her hands together, made a small space box, raised her head and put the demon shadow inside.


After finishing everything, Hongli breathed a sigh of relief.

She wiped the non-existent cold sweat on her head and sighed: "Ah, the dedicated hostess has saved this family again!"

The demonic shadow slammed into the space barrier, passed through it without any pressure, and continued to hit the wall!

Hongli: "..."

"No, hey, why don't you give me some face!"

A bunch of tic-tac-toes popped up on Hong Li's head, she pointed at the demon shadow and said with an unhappy expression: "What's wrong! You can ignore the space barrier, how amazing are you?

How amazing are you that you can travel everywhere?

You think you are very powerful, right? Do you dare to compete with me..."

"Ahem, Xiaoli, calm down, calm down!"

Hei Yang quickly went up and grabbed Hong Li, squeezed her shoulders with a smile, and comforted her: "Why are you so angry with a brainless guy? It can't be broken anyway. It will ruin my practice!"

"Your magic shadow was originally supposed to be repaired by you..."

Hong Li curled her lips and muttered something softly.

"Ah this..."

Hei Yang paused: "What's mine belongs to Xiaoli, everything I own belongs to Xiaoli, and Moying can also be regarded as Xiaoli's!"

"Ah this..."

Hongli's eyelids twitched, but her expression of feigning displeasure did not change. She could only turn her head to look at Heiyang, and said quietly: "Then you said you won't let me beat it, what should we do with this thing?"

"Oh, oh, oh, it's not that I don't want you to beat Xiaoli..."

Hei Yang smiled coquettishly, a little confused: "But the key is that he, hey, he has always been the most obedient one with his magic heart and supernatural powers.

Moying has done so much hard work for us again.

They are the ones who run errands, they are the ones who intimidate, and they are also the ones who do the killing and stealing.

We usually go around vigilantly listening to others whispering bad things about us in their hearts, complaining about us and so on..."

Hei Yang beeped in a low voice: "It feels a bit unethical to beat someone up like this."

"Damn it, it makes sense!"

Hong Li loosened her fist and said with helpless eyes: "Then Hei Yang, what should you do?

Now, let you find a way to deal with it. I'll listen to you. "

"Uh, no, that..."

Hei Yang scratched his head, looked at the Demon Shadow in confusion, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "From just now, I have been wondering about one thing, what happened to this Demon Shadow? It was twisted like this?"

You know, in a sense, the Demon Shadow is the extension and manifestation of Hei Yang's heart.

And the fact that his Demon Shadow collapsed and twisted so much proves that the same thing happened to Hei Yang himself, and it is also very likely that he will have a psychological shadow.


Hei Yang pointed at the Demon Shadow and analyzed: "Just now at Elder Huo Le's place, I saw something I shouldn't see, or heard something I shouldn't hear.

Uh, or maybe something else caused a psychological shadow, so you separated it out?"


Hong Li snorted and nodded.

"Yes, that's right. Now you know I'm doing this for your own good, right?

Hey, hurry up and thank me for saving you, hurry up!"

"Ah, this..."

Heiyang sighed and bowed his head, "Thank you, Lord Xiaoli, for saving Xiaoyangzi from the water and fire. I am so grateful. I can't repay you for your kindness, so I can only repay you with my body..."

"Hey, repaying you with your body has already happened!"

Hongli interrupted Heiyang and looked at him with a smile.

"You are using what you have done as a reward, a blank check, right? You are taking advantage of Hongli?"


Heiyang showed his dead eyes and said helplessly: "Then tell me what to do, how should I repay you?"


Hongli paused and smiled: "Do your best for me!"

Heiyang: "..."

Heiyang squatted in the corner, drawing circles and muttering: "Damn Xiaoli, bad woman, we are obviously a family, but you can still distinguish so clearly!

You are simply petty, a big villain, a snake and scorpion heart, a wolf heart..."

Hongli: "Hmm?!"

Heiyang felt the murderous aura behind him, so he stopped talking wisely, and took out a cushion from the side, put it under his body and sat on the wooden floor which was originally relatively clean.

He looked at Hongli and asked, "So what's going on!"

"Ah? What did you say?"

Hongli glanced at Heiyang and snorted, "I can't hear you~~"

Heiyang: "..."

"Got it! Got it!"

Heiyang rolled his eyes at Hongli and threw her a cushion. The latter then sat on the floor with satisfaction, opposite Heiyang.

"A little bit, I'm too lazy to move. You, Hongli, can sit on the bed or the chair, but you have to learn to sit on the floor like me..."

Heiyang sighed. He knew, he knew, Hongli had to learn from him in everything.

In the geometric sense, it is called symmetrical beauty. Psychologically, Hongli wants to be a pair with him in everything she does, and have a sense of husband and wife or something.

Oh, why didn't he see Hongli come to symmetry when he was working!

Heiyang curled his lips, too lazy to dwell on it any longer, he asked again: "So what kind of shadow happened, tell me roughly.

Even if you don't tell me what happened specifically, you have to tell me. Uh, describe it a little more abstractly.

I don't even know what happened, I don't know what the root of his illness is, how can I solve it?"

"Well, that's true."

Hongli nodded, moved her eyes upward, stretched out a finger, and "hmm" to choose her words, and explained simply: "That's it, Elder Huo Le did something against the will of heaven, which made you feel physically uncomfortable, and then you were persecuted mentally.

But I really can't tell you the details, once I say it, you will have to imagine it, and once you imagine it, you will have psychological shadows again!"

"Oh? Elder Huo Le again?"

Heiyang raised his eyebrows, vaguely remembering that Elder Huo Le was made into a non-mainstream by the boredom who took advantage of the loophole to come in for a trip, and released himself by dyeing his hair and dancing, and was blinded by Xiaoli.

It was Heiyang who helped Hongli to forget that memory. Tsk, let's not talk about the past. It's meaningless to keep digging up Elder Huo Le's dark history.

But Elder Huo Le did that last time, and he persisted. What did Elder Huo Le do this time?

Heiyang shook his head, forget it, don't think about it.

Now that he knows what happened, well, then he still doesn't know what to do!


Hongli covered her face with one hand and couldn't help complaining: "Then you still look very professional, which makes me feel that you are really much smarter than me!"

It's like going to a clinic to see a doctor. The doctor takes the pulse and asks about the recent life situation. From the history of childhood illness to family genetic diseases, and from the recent bad work and rest to moral style.

And by the way, ask if you have offended anyone, whether you have been to unclean places...

Finally, he smiled happily, nodded confidently, and said: "I probably understand your situation!"

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