Faced with the disciples who had worked hard all day, the elders were very tactful and did not ask too many questions immediately, but gave them enough time to rest and recover.

And Heiyang Hongli explained that the two of them would take time to report the laws obtained from the world fragments to the law network of the Wandering World.

But before that, it was already late and they had to go home.

And those elders and disciples, after the secret world disappeared, did not have to stay outside the Five Colors City anymore.

The elders of the Wuliang Sword Sect came and went in a hurry, flying in the sky with swords, which looked quite cool.

However, Heiyang Hongli said that they still preferred the flying boats that the Five Elements Sect took when they traveled together, so they didn't have to stay in the sky and blow the cold wind.

The disciples of the Medicine King Sect had nothing to say, so they turned around and returned to the sect, closed the doors and windows, lit the furnace, and while understanding and digesting the gains they had just obtained, they could also refine a pill by the way.

Of course, the pills they refine will definitely not be too difficult, otherwise they would not dare to do multiple things at the same time.

Everyone knows that Yaowang Sect has better medical skills, on the one hand, it is a professional match.

On the other hand, it is because there are often cute little people in the sect who blow themselves up half to death while refining pills, which provides the sect with sufficient practical experience.

The past is a lesson for the future. With the bitter lessons of the senior brothers and sisters in the sect, the current Yaowang Sect disciples have a much higher safety awareness in controlling the stability of the alchemy furnace than before.

Heiyang Hongli originally wanted to go to his parents' house for another dinner, but when he arrived, he found that they had already finished their meal.

According to his parents, Xiaohuo helped to take their dinner home.

As a result, Heiyang Hongli and the two unlucky children who disturbed their parents' rest were "driven away" with a look of disgust.


In Yang Li's house, the lights were on in the living room. Xiao Huo was lying on the sofa, looking at the new book she got from her mother's study seriously. It was a suspense story that she and her mother liked to read.

On the table on one side, there was the food that Xiao Huo brought for her parents. The food was placed in a large bamboo basket, covered with a cloth for insulation.

In the basket, there was also a feather for Xiao Huo. The purpose was the same as the insulation cloth, which was to prevent the food from getting cold and affecting the taste.

Xiao Huo's two little feet kicked around behind her, and she slowly turned the pages with her hands, pointing at the lines of text with an amazed look on her face.

The book was describing a wonderful crime reasoning case, the second duel between a high-IQ criminal and an equally high-IQ detective, which was brain-burning and fascinating.

Xiao Huo was seen holding his breath and concentrating, sometimes in a trance, sometimes sighing, and sometimes showing a knowing smile.

He was so serious and careful that even Hei Yang Hong Li sneaked behind him and couldn't find him.

Until the shadow blocked the light, Xiaohuo's head went dark.


Xiaohuo was slightly stunned, as if he had noticed something.

Heiyang Hongli appeared from behind Xiaohuo, looked at his daughter with her back to the two of them with a funny look on her face, took a deep breath, and said with her chest: "Ha!"


Xiaohuo suddenly jumped up from the sofa, turned his head in shock and looked behind him, but his expression froze, and he saw his conscienceless parents laughing breathlessly there.

"Hahaha, what should I say..."

Hongli held her stomach and pointed at Xiaohuo with a laugh, saying, "You're scared, right? Ahaha!"

"Ahem, that, we really didn't plan anything..."

Heiyang held back his laughter and trembled all over, saying, "It was purely a spur-of-the-moment decision, hahaha..."

Xiaohuo: "..."

"Mom and Dad!!!"

"Ahem, I won't dare to do it again, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."


Xiaohuo taught her a lesson, emphasizing the issue of "people can scare cranes to death" many times, until Heiyang and Hongli repeatedly hugged their chests and promised that there would be no next time, and then they were let go.

The two of them ate the food that Xiaohuo brought from his parents' house, saving money for a meal.

According to the rules of Yangli's family, the task of washing dishes today fell on Hongli.

The latter had been running around outside all day today, and had no energy to argue with Heiyang. She sighed and obediently picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Speaking of which, their kitchen was used to wash dishes almost half of the time, and the number of times they really started a fire to cook was very few.

Heiyang Hongli once discussed this topic, thinking that it was a little bad to always eat the food of parents or spend money to buy food from other places.

After all, if you are always so lazy, it may lead Xiaohuo astray, which is not a good direction.

They still feel a little embarrassed to ask their daughter to help bring food every time.

However, after five hours of discussion, the two were silent for two minutes, skipped the topic, and decided to discuss it later.

Later, Xiaohuo heard about her parents' five-hour cooking revolution, and her mouth twitched.

Although, she still felt that it was unrealistic to let her parents cook all day...

However, Xiaohuo did not deliberately undermine her parents' self-confidence. After all, what if she saw a ghost?

Maybe one day, she would wake up and find her parents in the kitchen with pots and pans banging and the smell of rice wafting out?

Now is Xiaohuo's fantasy time!

Xiaohuo took the book back to his bedroom and continued reading.

While Hongli was washing the dishes, Heiyang had already climbed onto the bed in their bedroom, spread out the sheets and put down the quilt, and then slipped out of his shell and returned to the bed peacefully.


Hongli shook the water droplets on her hands, pushed the door open and walked in. She looked at Heiyang, who was lying peacefully on the bed, with half-moon eyes, and rolled her eyes.

"What's up, Xiao Yangzi?"

Hongli kicked off her shoes and got on the bed. She turned her head and looked aside, teasing, "You're so conscious of warming the bed for your Lady Hongli?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Heiyang hummed a few times, stretched out his hand to embrace Hongli who had come in, pressed her into his arms, and muttered, "You too, just now you were downstairs, didn't you turn off the light."

"Ha, what are you thinking."

Hongli moved her body, adjusted her posture, grabbed Heiyang's dishonest big hands on her with both hands, and in turn hugged his arm into her arms, resting her head on Heiyang, and said lazily, "If the lights are turned off, how can I go to bed? It's pitch black and I'll fall to death?"

"That's enough."

Heiyang stretched his other arm out of the quilt, closed his eyes and didn't look at it, and pointed at the bedroom light switch skillfully: "Swish!"

Spiritual power surged out from his fingertips, hit the switch and pressed it, and the light fell and went out.

Heiyang retracted his arm, hugged Hongli and fell asleep with her in a short while.

To be honest, today was really tiring.

Traveling through space, being alert all the time, comprehending and experiencing the laws, and the last fire dragon that was obviously above the Nascent Soul, and even how to speak in front of the disciples, all made people feel tired.

They were so tired that they hugged each other and fell asleep beautifully after getting into bed.

The sound of even and peaceful breathing sounded in the dark room.

"Ah, um..."

Xiaohuo yawned, put the book in his hand on the table, turned off the light, climbed into bed, and fell asleep peacefully.


Midnight, 00:00 in the morning.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Li..."

Hong Li, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by Hei Yang. She yawned, shook her head, frowned, and looked at Hei Yang in front of her in a daze, muttering: "What's wrong, husband, is there something wrong?"


Hei Yang paused, smiled embarrassedly, and whispered: "Actually, I don't have anything to do.

It's August 2nd at midnight. As the first person today, I want to say happy birthday to you and grab the first place in blessing."


Hong Li came back to her senses and said faintly: "Ah, it's August 2nd already, today is my birthday..."

"Uh huh, that's right."

Hei Yang smiled and said proudly: "How about it, how about my details? Yes Isn't it very thoughtful? You must be touched, right? "

"Although, I don't want to discourage my husband's love..."

Hongli yawned, looked at Heiyang, and said speechlessly: "But disturbing people's sweet dreams is indeed a bit unethical. I want to scold you, so you haven't slept all the time..."

"Ah, hahaha..."

Heiyang laughed awkwardly: "Well, isn't this deliberately timing!

I almost missed your birthday last year, I should seriously avoid it this year..."

"Ah, um..."

Hongli nodded gently, put her head in Heiyang's arms, and murmured casually: "Okay, okay, go to sleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow..."

As she spoke, Hongli's voice disappeared, and she lay in Heiyang's arms with her mouth slightly open.

Heiyang shook his head and smiled, put his arm around Hongli, closed his eyes at ease, and fell asleep this time.


On August 2, according to Hongli's request, it was still the same people from his family before.

Hei Xiaolong came over for a meal, and Xingyun and Gaga came over again, this time giving a wooden sculpture of Heiyang, Hongli, and Xiaohuo's family together.

It didn't look like it was prepared at the last minute, so Heiyang and Hongli knew that this girl really put in a lot of effort for their birthdays, and they couldn't help but feel touched.

As for Hong Butian, Hongli's cousin, this guy followed Zhao Zhuji back to Wuliang Jianmen. He was like forgetting his brothers and sisters after having a wife, and he should be severely condemned!

"Look, Xiaoli!"

Heiyang placed the hairy crab in front of Hongli, humming and saying proudly: "Brother cooked it for you personally, how about trying it?"

"Well, I'm sure you'll have to praise it even if it tastes bad."

Hongli held the chopsticks, looked at the hairy crab in front of her with a scrutinizing look, and sighed.

"As long as it doesn't suddenly jump up and clamp my chopsticks, I can accept it, huh."


Heiyang scratched his head and chuckled embarrassedly, and argued back: "I'm not the same person as before, how could I make such a low-level mistake?"

"You're being mean, right? Although I didn't do well at the beginning, do you dare to say that I have made such a mistake?"

Hongli snorted and said matter-of-factly: "Let's be clear, tell the truth, when have I ever left anyone alive?

I sent those pigeons away long before they became food."

"That's right, I almost died with those pigeons."

Heiyang complained casually, and in return, Hongli punched him in the face.

As a result, Qing Lianlian ran to Xiaohuo again and played with him.

And Heihui and Hongqiao were muttering something in the corner, laughing from time to time.

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen were a little uncomfortable. They were pressed on the chairs, while Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying stared at them sternly.

They had to try their best not to let them leave their sight for even a second, lest they go to that little corner and get drunk again.

The day before yesterday, on Hei Yang's birthday, Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying had kindly allowed them to be willful.

As a result, the two guys were drunk, and they had to work hard to throw them on the bed. They didn't even wake up until dinner time and slept until the next morning.

It was Hong Li's birthday this time, and it was only a few days since the last time they let go of drinking, so Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying decided not to let them be so arrogant and casual this time.

So there was this scene, Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen were stared at with a look of despair on their faces.

Although I know it's for their own good, but...

"Um, Yiyi."

Hei Muguang whispered: "Um, look over there, Xiaoyang and Xiaoli seem to have something to do with you."

"Ah, right!"

Hong Butian quickly agreed: "Go and have a look, don't let anything important get delayed."

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