Whenever Hongli completely relaxes and goes to sleep, she always says some strange things from time to time, and Heiyang has long been accustomed to it.

Sometimes the other party speaks vaguely, and you can't get the point after listening for a long time.

Of course, sometimes the other party speaks relatively clearly, and you can guess the general meaning or even hear the whole sentence.

With Heiyang's understanding of the girl in his arms, he can even guess the general meaning of her sleep talk, which is the realm of knowing you with just one look.

The only tricky thing is that Hongli is still asleep and has not opened her eyes, so Heiyang's plan to guess the other party's thoughts by looking at her eyes failed miserably.

"It's not impossible..."

While muttering, Heiyang stretched out his evil hand and pressed it on Hongli's eyelids, carefully opened them, and then saw the other party's big eyes that were obviously big but dull.

Hongli's eyes were innocently forced open, but she still couldn't regain consciousness. She just subconsciously frowned, closed her eyes, and then turned slightly, burying her face in Heiyang's chest. There was no sign of waking up. I don't know how long she will sleep.

"Tsk tsk, I'll make you jump..."

Heiyang looked at Hongli who looked like she was dead, and couldn't help but smack his lips.

The scene of last night appeared in his mind, heavy breathing and tiny splashes...


Heiyang couldn't help but hiss softly. He tilted his head slightly and looked at the little cutie sleeping peacefully in his arms, and subconsciously took a breath of cold air.

Obviously, she looked harmless and cute, but in some aspects, she was extremely inexperienced, and she could easily control the other party.

But thinking of the other party's "all-out" demeanor and behavior yesterday...


Heiyang was a little scared in his heart. He had a head full of garbage in the early morning, and subconsciously hugged his girlfriend in his arms and hugged her tighter.

How should I put it? It's not that the opponent suddenly became much stronger.

At the beginning, the opponent was quite arrogant, but soon he started crying and calling for daddy like before...

But soon he returned to his usual rhythm, and still failed to successfully kill Heiyang.

However, Hongli's momentum and strength at the beginning really scared Heiyang.

If the opponent could persist at that level for a longer time, maybe he would not be as embarrassed as before.

If he could persist a little more on this basis, maybe he could control a certain situation.

If he could persist a little more on this basis, maybe he could be even with Heiyang.

If he could persist a little more on this basis, maybe he could turn defeat into victory and gain the upper hand?

Well, thinking about this, Heiyang suddenly felt less worried.

This girl is still far behind him in terms of rank, but her momentum was really strong before...

While thinking about this, Heiyang gently patted Hongli's back.

He sighed, closed his eyes again to rest, and couldn't help sighing softly.

"No matter what, this kind of life, there is no better..."

"That's right..."

A voice came faintly.

"When I woke up, I had a beauty in my arms, clothes and food were provided for me..."

"Uh, don't be so harsh, clothes and food, what does it have to do with me?"

Heiyang couldn't help but complain, patted his little butt lightly, and muttered: "I'm not that lazy, can people starve themselves to death when they have food?

So, when did you wake up, Xiaoli?"

Heiyang looked at Hongli who was still lying on his chest in his arms, and couldn't help asking curiously.

"I woke up when I felt the danger."

Hongli looked up from Heiyang's chest, looking at Heiyang, expressionless and complaining: "You are really..."

"Ah, morning, what morning?"

Heiyang didn't know anything, he said innocently: "What's wrong with me? Huh?"

"Heh, nothing."

Hongli stretched out her arms slightly, hugged Heiyang tighter, and whispered: "It's fine."


Heiyang was stunned and didn't react for a while.

"What did you say?"

"What did I say?"

Hongli glared at Heiyang, turned her face away, and muttered: "I mean, I am very satisfied, satisfied...

Oh, oh, what, don't worry about it!"

Hongli patted Heiyang on the back angrily: "Anyway, you just need to know that I am praising you! As for what I am praising, that is not the key!"

"Uh, keep your mouth shut!"

Heiyang looked at Hongli, who looked like she was going to bite him if she asked again, and wisely chose to shut up directly, so as not to really make his wife angry, and it would be troublesome to coax her then.

Heiyang and Hongli both woke up, but they didn't get up.

The two hugged each other in the warm quilt. The closer it was to the end of the year, the colder it was outside, and the more they didn't want to move.

It's better to cover yourself with a small quilt and sleep soundly, and burn paper when you have something to do with your head covered.



Hongli rested her head on Heiyang’s arm, staring at him sideways with lifeless eyes, mumbling softly.

“I don’t want to get up, but I want to eat…”

“What a coincidence, I feel the same way.”

Heiyang stretched out his hand to grab Hongli’s face and gently pulled it, saying faintly: “We are all the same.

So what are you trying to do by saying this in front of me? Are you hinting at me?”

"Suggestion, you big-headed ghost!"

Hong Li retorted: "This is my clear statement, my clear statement!

I've made it so obvious, can't you even see it?

You, Hei Yang, my husband, hurry up, get up and prepare a meal for me, I want to eat! "

"Oh, oh, oh, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet."

Hei Yang pressed Hong Li's head to prevent her from twisting, and Youyou said: "I also want to eat, and I don't want to get up. Just tell me what to do?"

"That's why I have to supervise you to get up."

Hongli felt confident.

"Xiaohuo must have gotten up and run out by this time. It's probably impossible to expect her to bring us food.

When my daughter is not around, as a strong, wise and powerful husband, I should consciously support this responsibility! "

"Haha, that's great."

Hei Yang waved his fist and touched Hong Li's forehead gently, and said angrily: "That's so good. I'm going to punch you. Don't say it again next time."

"Ah blah blah blah, Puxinnan really bows his head!"

Hong Li rolled her eyes and did not reply to Hei Yang. She knew that her methods had almost no effect on Hei Yang. Everyone was a lazy dog ​​and knew each other well.

Substituting concepts or using other words will not have much effect.

If this version wants to beat Black Sun, it has to take a different approach.

For example, acting like a coquettish person, acting cute or something like that, as long as it takes effect, the custody can bring Hei Yang to applause and make the other party submissive.

After all, she was Hei Yang's heartthrob. Hong Li knew that, but she just didn't say anything.

Hei Yang also knows that Hong Li knows that she knows, and Hong Li also knows that Hei Yang knows that she knows that Hei Yang knows...

Anyway, that’s what it’s all about!

Hongli understood the truth, but she had never been so coquettish.

Although she has become more and more skilled after getting married, it has also made her Hongli the younger brother in the family!

Hmm, it's obvious that she has been following Heiyang's lead during this period and listens to his decision on everything, right?

It wasn’t that Hong Li refused to listen to Hei Yang’s words, but she also wanted to experience the kind of knocking Hei Yang on the head, and said with a serious face: “Ah, Yang Yang!

You should do this or that, or else what will happen? Do you understand? "


Hongli thought for a moment, and she became more energetic when she mentioned this.

Last time, after coaxing Hei Yang into a fool, the other party turned into Hei Xiaoli in a daze, and then looked at her with a look of horror as Hong Dayang approached, and then...

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho!"

Hongli couldn't help laughing.

Hei Yang: "???"

"What's wrong?"

Hei Yang waved his hand in front of Hong Li and guessed: "Have you lost your mind and gone crazy? Are you stupid? Are you suffering from cerebral palsy?"

"Climb, crawl, you have cerebral palsy! You are the only one in your whole family who has cerebral palsy!"

Hong Li replied to Hei Yang, couldn't help but yawned, and waved her hands with an indifferent expression.

"Okay, okay, then if you don't want to get up and prepare breakfast, then I don't want to get up and prepare breakfast. If you don't go, I won't go. We won't go, so we'll just do whatever we want!"

Hong Li closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

"When the time comes, we'll see who can't help it first, and he'll get up naturally, right? How about it? Do you want to compete?"

"Huh? I don't care, okay."

Hei Yang sneered, and also closed his eyes to calm down and said: "Let's see who is in a hurry first.

If you want to make progress by retreating in this way, just dream, this method is not effective for me! "



Baiyang Hongli was quietly recuperating.

Time passes slowly.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.

thirty minutes.

One hour, two hours...

three hours……

"Ah!!! Dog Heiyang, I will fight you!"

Hong Li waved her fist and attacked Hei Yang.

"You're not even going to do this, are you? It's just a piece of cake, but you have to waste so much time with me here! Damn it! Eat my Red Glass World-Destroying Fist!"

five minutes later……

"Ah, yeah, wrong, wrong, don't!"

Hongli's hands were twisted behind her back, and she struggled and begged for mercy with a sneer on her face.

"Um, let me play with you, um, I'm flirting with my husband, oh, husband, what are you doing~"


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