
Zhao Zhuji on the side finally spoke and said in a weak voice: "That's how it is..."

"Yeah, now you know why I had to come back..."

Hong Butian spread his hands and hummed: "I must tell my parents about this kind of thing..."

"Well, although, I always feel that your relationship is progressing quickly. Is it time to talk about marriage now?"

Hong Li commented unobjectionably: "Don't you think it's a bit early? Don't you need to settle down before thinking about it?"

"Come on, there's no sedimentation. If you like it, you just like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. Anything else is just an excuse to refuse."

Hong Butian looked like someone who had come before, spread his hands, looked at Hong Li, and hummed: "You still have the nerve to accuse us?

You two are younger than me, but as a result, aren't you married now? "

"Oh, changing the concept, right?"

Hongli couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said leisurely: "Hei Yang and I understand everything. In a sense, we have been talking for more than ten years, right?"

"Ah this."

Hong Butian was speechless.

"Um, so..."

Zhao Zhuji on the side suddenly spoke, with a nervous look on her face: "Can you help me find out some information, such as the impressions of my relatives and elders on me, what will make them feel taboo and uncomfortable, etc., can you please Xiaoli?" Help me to find out..."

"Ha, you're kidding me, don't help!"

Hong Lixian glanced at Zhao Zhuji and said hehe: "First of all, I will definitely not help with such a troublesome matter.

If you arrange a scene, just like Bu Tianhe helped us at our wedding, I will definitely not refuse, but I can help you find out about the hobbies of the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt..."

At this point, Hongli chuckled lightly and said with a disapproving look on her face: "Who are you talking about?

Their likes and dislikes are none of your business. As long as you don't cause trouble to others, you don't have to worry about anything else. It's not a big problem.

They can't decide your marriage. It would be nice to have their blessings, but even if you don't have one or two weird and tricky blessings, not only will it not be affected, but you might even get a few more bonuses! "

"Well, is that so..."

Zhao Zhuji was a little unsure.

"Of course, believe me, no, what's the use of trusting me..."

Hong Li paused, came to her senses, pointed at Hong Bu Tian and said, "You should ask him if he can believe it?"

"I'm sure I can!"

Hong Butian answered directly without thinking, with a solemn expression.

"彳亍, that's all you say, ah, I'm done with my meal, I won't talk anymore..."

Hong Li waved her hand and saw that the food she had been waiting for finally came. Her eyes lit up. She smelled the rice, reached out to pick up the plate, and turned to go back to the bedroom.

"Then that's it. If nothing happens, I'll hang up first..."


Hong Butian was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Xiaoli, where are you?"

"Where else could it be, at my house."

Hongli responded casually, with a nonchalant expression: "I'm getting ready to eat, whether it's breakfast or lunch, I'm not hungry anyway."


Hong Butian said in surprise: "Is Xiaoli there preparing today's meal?"

"Ah, well..."

Hong Li pinched her chin, looked at the food and thought for a moment, then paused and nodded: "In a sense, it is indeed prepared by me!"

Although she didn't cook it, it doesn't take time to prepare the meal and it doesn't take much effort to serve the bowl? !

"Yes, I did it!"

Hongli decisively accepted the credit.

"Ah this..."

Hong Butian couldn't believe it. He knew the virtues of his cousin relatively well. She could get up and cook for her family, but she didn't parasitize Xiaoyang Xiaohuo?

Wait, could it be because Xiaoyang is not at home now, or has gone to do other things?

Hong Butian couldn't help but ask: "Well, where is your Xiaoyang? I'm out. Is there anything you need to do?"

"Huh? Him?"

Hongli paused and said speechlessly: "What can he do? He is still lying on the bed, waiting for me to feed him!"


Hong Butian had a question mark, and he couldn't help but said: "But, but, but Xiaoli, you..."

"Oh, my, what's the point?"

Hong Li rolled her eyes, looked at the spirit stone screen, and said with an unhappy expression: "What's your tone and demeanor!

What's the matter, do you think it's incredible that I can do this?

Can't I, Hongli, occasionally get up before my husband and take care of him? "

Hong Butian: "???"

"No question marks allowed!"

Hongli snorted lightly and said with a matter-of-fact expression: "Underneath our detached appearance, we are also a model of a good wife and mother from all over the country, right?

Dealing with these things is a piece of cake for me. "

"Ah yes yes..."

"Being able to marry a good girl like Hongli back home must have saved the world hundreds of times."

Hong Li was elated.

"Ah, yes, yes."

Over there, Hong Butian couldn't stand Hong Li's boastful appearance, so after chatting for a few words, he immediately ran away because of something.

Hongli didn't bother to expose the other person. She called her cousin when something happened, and whoever it was when nothing happened was just like how she and Hei Yang tormented her cousin when they were young. It was harmless.

"Phew, black sun black sun."

Hongli pushed open the door and said leisurely: "It's time to eat. If you don't eat, I'll eat it all for you."


Heiyang lay on the bedside calmly, watching Hongli coming over and waved.

"Ah, it turns out to be Xiaolizi, you are so thoughtful, bring it to me... Hey hey hey, don't, don't, we can discuss it! We can discuss it!"

Seeing Hongli turn around and leave again with the lunch box, Heiyang hurriedly smiled and admitted his defeat.

"Xiaoli, you can't bear to see me hungry and unable to eat anything!"

"Hehe, some people are good to be hungry."

Hongli rolled her eyes and said so, handing the food and utensils in her hand to Heiyang.


"Yeah, thank you, my wife Xiaoli."

Heiyang smiled and stopped while he was ahead. In their eyes, meal time is still very important.

It's not that the food they eat is very nutritious. Well, even if it is indeed very nutritious, it is equivalent to nothing for Heiyang and Hongli now.

Pour a cup of water into a small basin and you can see obvious rise and fall, and pour a basin of water on the sea and there will be no waves. It's almost the same principle.

But for them, nutrition is secondary.

They enjoy the relaxation and comfort when eating, or go to their parents' house for dinner and enjoy the love of their family.

"Ah, this kind of life is great."

Hongli ate and drank enough and fell back to the head of the bed.

Heiyang jumped off the bed, stretched out his hand to open the curtains and let the sunlight in.

"Well, it is true."

Heiyang nodded, looked up outside, and hummed: "It's a sunny day..."

"Oh, oh, whatever."

Hongli muttered: "It's sunny, I'll take a nap..."

Chapter 443 We always care about missing too much, but we should also pay attention to how much we have

"It's really troublesome, hehe."

Hongli put the empty bowl back into the teleportation array, clapped her hands, and happily returned to the bedroom. She kicked off her shoes and flew towards Heiyang.

"Oh, your little cutie fell from the sky..."


Heiyang moved his body lightly with an expressionless face, turned around and rolled to the other side, letting Hongli fall on the empty bed with her face buried in the pillow.


Hongli made a few incomprehensible mutterings, and then rolled her body, still rolling into Heiyang's arms, hugging her with her hands and legs, and smiled.

"You want to run, right? No way!"

"Okay, okay, you can't run away, okay?"

Heiyang picked up Hongli's hair and kissed her forehead gently, making Hongli twist like a maggot in his arms happily.

"Heiyang, don't move, don't move."

Heiyang patted Hongli's back and said helplessly: "Brother is holding you, why are you twisting? If you twist again, you will lose your mind."


Hongli giggled twice and said: "Whatever, who told you to be Heiyang, hehe..."

"Tsk tsk."

Heiyang patted Hongli's head and didn't say much on this topic. Instead, he changed the subject and said: "Who called you just now?"

"Brother Butian."

Hongli shook her head, revealing her little face buried in Heiyang's arms, and smiled at Heiyang with a funny expression.

"Guess what?"


Heiyang raised his eyebrows and waited for Hongli's next words.

"He will come back with Zhao Zhuji during the Chinese New Year."

Hongli didn't keep Heiyang waiting, and said with a smile: "They said they will come back during the Chinese New Year to meet their parents!!!"


Heiyang took a breath of Hongli, and couldn't help complaining: "You are so stubborn!

If you ask me, Brother Butian and the others are practicing in the sect, so they don't come back easily. It's not necessary to come back during the Chinese New Year to form a Taoist couple."

After a pause, Heiyang muttered: "If you ask me, just find a normal day to meet your parents, that's enough.

Meeting this and that relative, how troublesome!"

"Ha, you are rational now, right?"

Hongli showed her half-moon eyes and teased: "Who invited people everywhere when they got married?

You still have the nerve to say it, I guess Brother Butian was stimulated by our wedding and thought it couldn't be too bad, so he wanted to do this?"

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