Hei Yang rolled his eyes and hummed, "It seems like you have more experience than me!"

"If I really want to talk about it..."

Hei Yang paused and looked at Hong Li with a funny expression.

"There are people who haven't seen the snow-capped mountains and the sea. I won't say who it is. Anyone who knows it will understand. Hehe..."

"whispering sound."

Hong Li snorted slightly, looking unhappy.

"Hey, okay, okay, didn't I say, let's go together when we have the chance."

Hei Yang chuckled and put his arms around Hong Li.

"Not only do we go to the snow-capped mountains and the sea, but now we also own cars. When the time comes, we will drive to the universe to see the stars and the sea!"

"Oh, I'm always full of enthusiasm and bells and whistles when planning."

Hongli twisted her body uncomfortably, rolled her eyes and said, "I can already predict it.

By then we will either have no time or be too lazy to go, and we will definitely delay and delay, and the plan will not catch up with the changes. "

"Ah, don't tell the truth..."

Hei Yang laughed twice.

"What if our heads get hot and we take a quick trip?"

"That's really annoying."

Hong Li complained, shook her head helplessly, stretched out her hand to open her gift box, and red light overflowed.

"As expected, normal performance."

Hong Li nodded, but Hei Yang on the other side had a resentful look in his eyes.

"Damn it, why don't I have such good luck with that body..."

"Tsk, tsk, someone seemed to have let something slip for a while. Just now he was saying that he had great luck, and now he has changed again?"


The two bickered and turned to look at the items.

Item: Infinite Navigator

Quality: red

Function: It can locate and navigate any position with a vague concept defined above. After positioning, it enters the navigation mode to guide the user and plan the route...

Introduction: Please stop asking where the 10 billion you lost yesterday went. You have never had so much money!


Hei Yang touched his chin.


Hongli raised her eyebrows.


Hei Yang said thoughtfully: "Why do I feel that this looks like the pendant on the small off-road vehicle I drove? It just lacks a navigation..."

"Hmm, I feel pretty much the same."

Hongli didn't refute this time, and after thinking about it seriously, she nodded again: "That's right. I feel that if we cooperate, it might be able to play a big role."


Hei Yang chuckled and took the items back together with Hong Li.

"How about now?"

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang and said, "I fired twice and it was red. You only have one. No need to say who is lucky?"

"Ha, there's no way, some people are just like that..."

Hongli sighed and spread her hands.

"No matter how your appearance and identity change, my luck is still as strong as ever, buddy!"

"Ah, yes, yes, look at you, it's not over yet, why are you so anxious!"

Hei Yang glared at Hong Li fiercely and pressed the fifth treasure box.

"Watch my third one, come again!"

Hei Yang pressed the treasure box and slowly moved away, while Hong Li watched nervously.

Hei Yang: "Honghonghong, give me the quality of red..."

Hongli: "Don't give it, don't give it, don't give it, don't give him the red quality!"

Under the gaze of the two people, a faint light emitted from the gift box, making their faces look astonished.

Item: One Heart and One Mind Knot

Quality: purple

Function: It can link memory and thinking, and resonate with thoughts.

Introduction: Heaven knows and earth knows, you know and I know.

"Ah this."

Hei Yang was dumbfounded.

"Pfft, hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

Hong Li on the side laughed so hard that she held her stomach and couldn't help but said angrily: "Okay, after the big red, the big purple, it happens to be the Chinese New Year, you know how to exaggerate the atmosphere to get some luck, hahahaha..."

"Why are you laughing? You are not allowed to laugh!?!"

Hei Yang was a little embarrassed and turned to look at the purple object.

Originally, he thought that purple would be of no use to the two of them now, or in other words, it would not be very useful, but looking at this description...

"Good guy, exchanging bodies is not enough, there is also linking memory and thinking, right?"

Hong Li on the side couldn't help but sigh.


Hei Yang's eyes lit up, and it sounded pretty good.

He stretched out his hand to take out the Yixinyi knot, reached out to pinch one end, and handed the other end to Hongli.

"Come and try it!"

Black Yang looked expectant.

At this time, the soul of someone is actually Hongli, but he has always wanted to know all of Hei Yang's past and present experiences, and wanted to know everything about him.

Now the opportunity has come!

"Good guy, your attitude changes quite quickly!"

Hong Li laughed helplessly, looking at the so-called one-hearted knot, she reached out and picked it up.

His soul is actually Black Yang, but he has never resisted telling Hong Li everything about himself.

The two went crazy with each other, but they never really quarreled.

The reason is very simple. Sincerity from the heart and absolute trust between life and death, understanding and trust are stronger than any oath of love!

"Let's take a look."

Hong Li sighed, stretched out her hand to hold the other end, and muttered: "But those memories of mine have no joy at all. They are boring to watch. I feel tired after watching them for a long time, let alone watching them." Empathy, that can make people uncomfortable for a long time.”

"Okay, okay, you've come out, can I get stuck in?"

Hei Yang looked confident.

"That's okay."

Hongli sighed, pinched the end of the rope, and muttered: "I'm giving all of myself to you without any reservation..."

"No one is the same."

Hei Yang answered casually.

In this way, the two memories began to link and communicate.


A melodious bell rang softly in my ears.

Zhen Hongli opened her eyes in confusion and looked at the completely different surroundings. There were thick stacks of books on the table in front of her, with a look of confusion on her face.

"I am..."

Hong Li was stunned for a moment. Thinking back, she reached out and touched the paper on the table and the lamp beside her, with deep excitement in her eyes.

"Is this Hei Yang's memory..."

The powerful ability to control one's own soul in the Nascent Soul stage allows Hongli to easily perceive that she is only in a memory scene similar to an illusion, and she can escape at any time.

However, Hongli would not do that...

She calmed down a little, stood up and stretched, walked to the window, looked out the dark window, and found that she was in a building more than ten meters above the ground, with a sky full of moon and stars.

"It's night..."

Hong Li was thoughtful.

"I also often stay up until midnight reading..."

Hong Li casually opened a book on the table and her pupils shrank.

"What the hell is this?!"

Densely packed small characters suddenly squeezed into Hong Li's sight. They squirmed and crawled towards Hong Li's face...


Hong Li slammed the book shut and patted her chest with lingering fear.

"But I don't want to look at this kind of thing in the middle of the night. What kind of thing is that?"

She seemed to have accidentally touched a memory bank hidden in the corner of Hei Yang's memory just now. After opening it, she was almost stunned by the memory inside.

After all, most of the time, Hongli's Nascent Soul-level brain is in a state of disuse and dormancy, especially when it is meowing for mercy...

"Hei Yang was an ordinary little mortal in his previous life!"

This thought appeared in Hong Li's mind, and she felt in awe.

This man, he is so awesome!

"As expected of my man!"

Hongli took a deep breath, concentrated on it, opened the book again, and activated the advanced processor.

"No, I said I wanted to understand everything about Heiyang, how could I just fall down here!"



Hei Yang sat on the steps in front of the door, looking at the little kids coming and going with a look of despair on his face. He looked up at the pure sky and couldn't help asking three questions from his soul.

Who am I, where am I, what do I do?

Didn't he come to explore Hongli's little secrets hidden deep in the depths? Didn't he come to see her memories?

Why did you sit here for so long?

"Could it be that before she was four years old, she was always..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched, and he yawned subconsciously. He couldn't help but said: "She won't always be so stupid day by day, right?"

Hei Yang raised his head and looked at the sun, rising in the east and setting in the west. His eyes went dark and he fell asleep.

The next day, the sun rose in the east and set in the west. My eyes went dark and I went to sleep.

The third day...

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