It’s better to expose it later, so that she can enjoy this shameful vanity for a while longer!

To be honest, if the person opposite was not Xiaoyun, Hongli would have already pounced on Heiyang.

But facing Xiaoyun, Hongli felt like an "old father who is still pretending to be omnipotent and invincible in front of his child even though he is scarred"...

Hongli saw it a long time ago that Xingyun, who is actually a few months older than her and Heiyang, really admires her "Sister Hongli" from the bottom of her heart!

And the more this is the case, the more Hongli is unwilling to embarrass herself in front of Xiaoyun.

In other words, she has a little idol burden...

After all, a simple and honest child like Xingyun is an extremely rare creature even in the simple and honest world of Aoyou!

On the other hand, Xiaohuo, Hongli's own girl, as the daughter raised by Hongli, should be the one who admires her mother Hongli the most.

But after spending time together day and night, Xiaohuo has already seen through the personalities of her parents and has passed the stage of mindless worship of her parents. It's really sad!

When thinking of her own Xiaohuo, Hongli couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

When her Xiaohuo was just born, she was so cute and attached to her mother!

And look at it now...

Now the stinky girl Xiaohuo is attached to her mother Hongli!


After all, girls can't be kept when they grow up! (Mist)

Hongli was filled with emotion. If she hadn't been led astray by others, her Xiaohuo would still be a blank slate. Damn it!

What, the person who led Xiaohuo astray was her mother Hongli?

That's fine!

Of course, Xiaohuo still respects his parents very much.

It's just that the mode of getting along has changed from "no need to worry about anything with parents around" to "today I am still worrying about the retirement of my parents"...

And thinking of this, Hongli's conscience still symbolically hurts twice.

Hongli asked herself, she really can't be considered a qualified mother.

After all, not long ago, she was also a girl who liked to rely on her parents like Xiaohuo.

It was not until she got married and moved out of the house and had her own little family with Heiyang that she began to try not to habitually rely on her parents in daily life.

In this way, Xiaohuo's admiration for her did not disappear, but that admiration was transferred to the more elder-like grandmother and grandmother.

To be honest, Hongli knew in her heart that her and Heiyang's performance in being parents was more than 18 streets behind Lan Yuying Qing Yiyi.

It was obviously the first time for mom and the others to be parents, so why can they do so well?

Since Hongli could remember, it seemed that mom had already been the perfect image of a gentle, considerate and omnipotent mother.

Even the father who loved wine was amazingly self-disciplined at that time, always maintaining a sober and reliable appearance.

Maybe this is the talent of her parents?

At that time, Hongli's admiration for her parents was even greater than Xiaohuo's admiration for her when she was a child.

However, as she grew older, she also knew that her parents were not omnipotent. After gradually understanding how much suffering and fatigue were hidden behind those "omnipotent", that admiration turned into heartache.

Parents may not be as gentle, optimistic, and omnipotent as imagined...

It's just that when they are sad, helpless and confused, they don't let their children see it.

Just like when Hongli grew up, she gradually learned to report good news but not bad news, and hid her troubles in her heart, fearing that her parents would worry about her.

As for the original dependent admiration for her parents, it was quietly transferred to Heiyang...

As a husband, he brought Hongli a sense of peace of mind and happiness that was different from the peace of mind her parents gave her, but they were equally reliable.

In front of him, there was no need to hide joy and troubles.

Hongli couldn't tell what kind of feeling this was.

While thinking about trying to prove to her parents how strong she was, she was no longer a child.

On the other hand, she exposed her weakness in front of her husband without any concealment, wanting him to treat her like a child and spoil her...

Hongli didn't know how to accurately describe this feeling.

But she knew that she liked this feeling, hopelessly liked it!

With a flash of thought, Hongli couldn't help turning her head to look at Heiyang who was walking hand in hand with her.

The latter instantly felt the other's gaze and turned his head to look at him.


Heiyang looked at Hongli and blinked, his eyes full of care: "What's wrong?"

"Hee! Nothing."

Hongli smiled brightly in response, feeling warm in her heart: "I just wanted to see you."


Heiyang held her little hand tighter: "I'm glad you're okay."



Under the admiring eyes of the little fan girl Xingyun, Hongli didn't dare to show that she was too clingy to her husband in public.

She didn't walk with her arm around her shoulders like she did when she came, wishing that she would hang on the other person, but just held Heiyang's hand in a low-key manner.


Or is she acting too dependent on Heiyang?

That's enough!

Not throwing herself into his arms in the street is the biggest concession for Hongli!

If she is really pushed to the limit, the worst that can happen is that she will lose face in front of Xiaoyun!

Anyway, no one can make her let go of Heiyang!

So what if she can't leave Heiyang?

She just depends on Heiyang, so what?

She talks as if Heiyang can leave her!

However, even if she tried to control herself, she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to perform flawlessly in front of the camera, after all, Heiyang would have his own ideas!

What if Heiyang himself was not honest?

Then it couldn't be her fault, right?

How could such a weak girl like her resist the strong Heiyang...

Hongli's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a bit of cunning on her face, while walking and chatting slowly on the street, while thinking wildly in her mind.

In fact, she and Heiyang could have avoided the trouble of walking, and directly jumped through space, "whoosh" to get home.

Under normal circumstances, most practitioners will only start to formally contact and explore space after they form a Yuanying.

But the understanding of space between the two at a low level has reached or even exceeded many Yuanying stages, not to mention that they have now reached the eighth level of Yuanying.

Yuanying cultivators, even in the heyday of the development of the cultivation sects in the Wandering Realm, are big bosses who can occupy a mountain and establish a sect.

To be frank, except for the outermost protective barrier, which is a little uncertain, the rest of the internal space of the Wandering World is like a toy to them.

They even set up space node markers at home that are more convenient to locate, which is more convenient and efficient than ordinary space jumps, and the difficulty is about half a step.

Ordinary people have to push the door to enter the house, but they don’t even need to push the door...

Of course, this is just an exclusive home passage arranged by the owners of their house for themselves, which does not mean that their house is so easy to enter.

If someone wants to use similar space means to enter their house, they will be in big trouble!

The other party will find that the space around Yang Li’s house has been broken into pieces!

If you rush through it, you will be caught in the space turbulence and fall out of the world...

Well, you should have fallen out of the world.

But in order to protect the world from being invaded, the seniors outside the Wandering World have joined forces with the world’s instinctive consciousness to add a solid barrier around the world to surround the Wandering World.

This will lead to a strange phenomenon: being caught in the space turbulence will fall out of the world, but will not fall out completely...

Well, the other party will be caught between the space turbulence and the barrier inside the world, just like a bug stuck in a computer monitor or pressed under a glass coffee table...

And if you want to get out, it will not be as easy as when you came.

This can also be regarded as a protective measure of Yangli's family, but this protective measure is not intentional by Heiyang Hongli, but an accidental product of the construction of the house by the two of them before.

They deliberately made those protective measures much more disgusting than this!

If there is a real intruder, he can't even walk into the area of ​​space turbulence, cough cough...

In short, the reason for the accidental occurrence of this space turbulence is not very complicated: Heiyang Hongli wanted to open up a livable space in his own home in order to find a place to plant their little peach tree.

As a result, he was unfamiliar with it at the beginning, dug a lot of holes, and made a lot of disabled spaces flashing in the yard...

To save trouble, the two of them rubbed and twisted these defective spaces together and regarded them as cleaning.

As a result, these defective products squeezed the surrounding space into pieces, accidentally forming a disordered space turbulence area...

However, these space turbulences are not very dangerous. As long as you don't jump into them intentionally, nothing will happen.

So the two simply reinforced the surface texture and didn't bother to care about the internal ones...

Firstly, this little space turbulence will not affect Heiyang Hongli who is marked in the house, and they can still easily perform space jumps.

Secondly, the internal turbulence will not affect ordinary passers-by passing by normally.

Rounding off means no impact, so there is no need to worry about it!

Of course, if this is what they did on the street or in a public place, Yang Li and the other three good young men would definitely clean it up responsibly.

After all, if a victim really came to find them, they would still feel a little guilty...

The premise is that the victim can run out! (bushi)

But the assumption is not true, they are not committing crimes on the street.

This piece of land originally belonged to Heiyang and Hongli, and the building they built was also a registered legal building.

You can't climb over my wall and fall down and get hurt, and then come to me for compensation, right?

I haven't asked you what you want to do by climbing over my wall!


This time, Heiyang and Hongli didn't go home with one click, because Xingyun had told Hongli before that she wanted to see the street scene of Five Colors City.

And Hongli could still satisfy the little fan girl's little wish.

So, she and Heiyang chose to walk home.

It happened that Xingyun could see the street scene of Five Colors City on the way.

"See it? Actually, it's nothing."

Hongli held Heiyang's hand with one hand, held the communication spirit stone with the other hand, and kept pointing the camera towards the street.

She said with a slightly helpless tone: "It's exactly the same as your place, nothing too new."

"Oh my, how can it be the same?"

Compared to Hongli's calmness, Xingyun stared with big eyes.

She said excitedly: "There are many places that are different, many of which I have never seen before!"


Hongli asked curiously: "What's different?"

"The people on the street are very different!"

Hongli: "..."


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