I didn't expect it to be realized in this way. If it didn't really affect my life, I would have wanted to be pregnant all day long, hehe. "


Heiyang laughed and scolded: "Can't you have a little ambition? You are the leader of the Five Elements Saint Sect in the Aoyou Realm, and you are a great cultivator of the ninth level of the Nascent Soul Realm. Your ideal is to be pregnant every day so that your husband can serve you. If it gets out, people will laugh at you to death."

"It hasn't been spread out!"

Hongli kept a sweet smile on her face: "And I said I was just talking. Now we are worried about how to raise the second baby in the family after it is born. If you are still pregnant, you will die!

Besides, I will feel distressed if you keep ordering your husband around like this!"

"Just assume that I believe what you said, Xiaoli." Heiyang laughed.

"It's the truth!" Hongli pouted.

"Yes, yes, it's my attitude problem. Thank you for your concern, madam~"

"Hehe, this is more like it. ”


“Um, husband~~~~~~~”

Hongli said coquettishly.

“Tell me, honey, what do you want me to do this time?”

Heiyang stood up calmly. In recent months, when he heard this voice, he knew that it was time to do something.




Heiyang looked down at his wife’s red face. She was looking at him deeply, her misty eyes were full of mist, and she was whispering in ecstasy.

“Husband, it’s been a long time, um…”

Hongli’s voice was very aggrieved.

“Ah, Xiaoli, you are still pregnant!”

Heiyang was a little embarrassed. He was young and full of blood, and he might be full of blood for thousands of years. How could he withstand such a test!



Heiyang said with a stern face: “Persistence is victory! ”


The little wife stretched out her hands and asked for a hug: “Then give me a kiss, husband…”


Heiyang felt that with his wife’s healthy mental state, she would not suffer from prenatal anxiety or postpartum depression.

It should be him, Heiyang, who should be anxious!


The Wandering Realm was still moving slowly but actually fast in the universe.

In the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, there seemed to be thunder and lightning, which was also moving slowly…

Chapter 475 I like to be with you not only because I have endless things to say, but also because I won’t feel awkward if I don’t talk

Spring goes and autumn comes, but I am still in the world.

Speaking of which, Heiyang has always admired the predecessors who built the Aoyou World.

When he was just born in this world, he often sighed that the moon and the moon were not two different places when he looked at the strange but familiar sunset and moonrise and missed his former home. Although he came to a completely different world, maybe we are still bathed in the same sunshine?

Later, he integrated into this world and gradually came to his senses. He also told himself in his heart that there are thousands of shining stars in the universe, and the Aoyou World may just happen to be like in his previous life, maintaining a suitable distance from the surrounding stars for life to survive.

Even until a few years ago, his thoughts had not changed. He felt that the sun was the sun and the moon was the moon, and it was all normal.

But until he jumped out of the world shield and learned that the Aoyou World had always been in the universe, After floating around in the universe, he was confused.

If the Wandering World really operated like the galaxy system he imagined at the beginning, the world would have been rotten long ago.

Later, he learned that the "sun" and "moon" in the sky were just like the Wandering World at the beginning, and were also super-assembled by the predecessors at the beginning...

Come to think of it, after all, they are ready to run away with the world, so it is reasonable to prepare energy... It's weird that it's reasonable!

Although Heiyang was early in his previous life, he was educated after all. Let's not talk about the sun for now. The change of seasons alone requires not only the sunlight angle that changes over time, but also the climate, ocean currents, and crustal movement... How did the Wandering World do it at the beginning? !

At that time, Heiyang expressed his inner shock to Hongli, and after trying to think for a few seconds, Hongli grabbed his shoulders with both hands, looked him straight in the eyes and said: "Heiyang, don't bother yourself so much about the world of cultivation! I can only say that those who understand understand, and those who don’t understand don’t need to understand more…”

That girl didn’t know anything at all, but she pretended to be serious to coax him!

How can he fool around like this!

As a practitioner, on the road of seeking, shouldn’t they pursue exploring things they don’t understand and understand and master new mysteries!

What the predecessors of the Aoyou world were able to do, how can they, as the younger generation, be so unmotivated?

Hongli’s muddle-headed behavior really made aspiring young people like Heiyang feel sad!

So he criticized her in the bedroom that night!

Afterwards, cough cough, that, the sun, the moon, the four seasons, the fragrant and soft, hey Hehe, ahem… In short, it is a profound and serious exploration of the mysteries of the world!


The so-called romance in the world is that the scenery is different in four seasons, but the people who watch the scenery together remain the same.

And the most beautiful love words are to turn your head and look back inadvertently, and the eyes meet, and the other person's smile penetrates the heart...

Facts have proved that Hongli has no symptoms of anxiety and depression after pregnancy.

Because Heiyang is always by her side, she calmly waits for the due date to approach day by day.

Except that the naughty child in the belly is getting more and more dishonest and occasionally makes noises at night, everything is perfect.

But it's not a big problem. At her level of cultivation, sleeping is just like eating. It's just a hobby. In the worst case, she'll just go back to sleep.

However, the little guy is becoming more and more lively, which proves in disguise that the delivery day is coming soon, and the little guy wants to say hello to the world as soon as possible.

It's winter again, it's a dull afternoon, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and it's so dark that it makes people feel breathless.

In the Yangli family, the elders looked serious and even paced back and forth in the living room and yard a little uneasily. Tension shrouded everyone's minds like a dark cloud, making the surrounding atmosphere feel inexplicably heavy.

In Yangli's bedroom, Hongli was still lying on the bed with her stomach raised and her face calm, but Heiyang was sitting next to her with a nervous expression.

"Xiaoli, how do you feel?"

Hei Yang couldn't help but ask again: "Do you feel any discomfort or something, or do you have any other requests? If you have any, just tell me directly..."

"Oh, my good husband, look at my rosy face, do I look uncomfortable somewhere?"

Hong Li looked at Hei Yang's helpless look with emotion and helplessness, and couldn't help but laugh. She touched her belly and joked leisurely: "My request is to let this little guy come out as quickly as possible. No matter how much he loves home, You can’t cling to your mother all day long and have your father by your side all the time.”

"Hey, hey, it's coming soon."

Hei Yang held Hong Li's hand, looked at the bulging belly with some emotion and said: "Until now, I find it a bit incredible. A living little life, the two of us, have some indescribable feelings, inexplicable... move……"

"Ha, I have experienced this kind of emotion once when Xiaohuo broke out of his shell."

Hong Li chuckled softly and was about to continue saying something when she suddenly turned to look at the door and said happily: "I just said Xiao Huo, Xiao Huo is here."

"Xiaoyang Xiaoli, can you come in?"

"Well, it's okay."

The door was gently pushed open, a few figures squeezed in, and then quickly closed.

In addition to Xiao Huo, there were also Yang Li's two mothers, Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying. The two of them tiptoed like a crane, just like Hei Yang, which made Hong Li funny and heartwarming.

"How are you, Xiaoli?"

Lan Yuying smiled at Hei Yang, gently sat down next to Hong Li, and said warmly: "If you feel uncomfortable somewhere, or have any needs, just tell me, relax and don't be nervous."


Hong Li said helplessly: "Do you think I'm nervous? Hey Yang you mentioned has been mentioned tens of thousands of times just now!!!"

"How could it be tens of thousands of times..."

Hei Yang muttered something quietly on the side, and then his head was patted lightly by Qing Yiyi.

"Xiao Li said it must have been tens of thousands of times. What are you quibbling about!?"

Qing Yiyi looked at her son with a sneer on his face, snorted softly, and looked at Hongli with concern: "Is Xiaoli feeling uncomfortable in any way? Is there anything you need? Don't be nervous, everyone is here!

The Medicine King Sect also sent several very capable girls to help, saying it was just in case of emergencies..."

"Mom, those female cultivators were originally called here by me..."

Hongli smiled sheepishly and explained: "The main reason is that Yao Qingkong said that those people helped her when she got pregnant, so I borrowed some of them from her former head of the Yaowang Sect.

So don’t think that I don’t take it seriously because I am not nervous and relaxed. I am relaxed because I have made sufficient preparations, and I have some cultivation skills and confidence! Wouldn't being too nervous be counterproductive? "


After a pause, Hongli looked at the people around her who cared about her and those who also cared about her, and said happily: "Isn't there you guys too!"

"makes sense."

Everyone smiled, which was Xiaoli's extreme trust in her family.

"Mom, what will the new born baby look like?"

Xiaohuo came close to her mother, her eyes sparkling, and she was afraid of bumping into her but wanted to get closer to observe her. The elders couldn't help but smile.

"What else can it be like? Two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Well, it's very healthy!"

Hong Li smiled and said, "Didn't you see Aunt Yao's little Mu Qiu when she first went out?"

"Oh, just like Li Huohe and Li Huohe, although they both have wings, they don't look the same!"

Xiao Huo retorted: "Even if it's a baby, it must look different!"

"Then Xiao Huo will have to take a good look at the baby after it comes out."

Hong Li blinked at Xiao Huo and said, "Xiao Huo will be my sister by then. Are you ready?"

"little baby……"

Xiaohuo's eyes became brighter, and he was intoxicated in his own imagination: "Xiaohuo is my sister, hey hey..."

"Yes, it's my sister."

Hong Li smiled, patted Xiao Huo's head, and encouraged, "Xiao Huo will be a role model for the baby by then!"

"Xiao Huo will be the best example!"

Xiaohuo raised her head confidently: "No matter how many babies come, Xiaohuo will always be the best role model sister!"

"Mom believes in Xiaohuo."

Hong Li paused, as if cold sweat was dripping from her head, and said with a smile: "But there is only one baby for now, and there may not be one in the future. Ah, of course there may be one..."

How should I put it, even though I am pregnant these days, witnessing the birth of a little life in my belly is indeed a wonderful experience.

But there are many troubles to be aware of during pregnancy. It's not that she has a problem with the baby, but she thinks that such an experience once is enough, ahem...

Hongli admitted that she was not nervous at all, but when she heard Xiaohuo say "no matter how many babies there are", she was indeed nervous for a moment... huh? Wait!

"Well, that, Heiyang, mom..."

Hongli's expression suddenly became a little subtle, and she said: "I seem to have that feeling..."

She has been feeling that she is about to give birth these days, and at this time, Hongli can be sure that the big one is coming!


Everyone present was shocked.

"I'll go and ask those female cultivators of the Medicine King Sect!"

Heiyang stood up instantly, his mind was fully open, covering the whole house, his figure blurred and disappeared in the house, but Hongli could still feel that he was watching here.

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